
Team Work for a Project Teenage Cancer Trust

University: University of Chester

  • Unit No: 3
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 12 / Words 2984
  • Paper Type: Assignment
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  • Downloads: 3097


A team needs to put a lot of efforts to make project successful with working in collaboration, time management, research, planning and problem solving approach and so on. The report is based on a team which worked on a project that is 'Teenage Cancer Trust' which supports to the teenagers who are suffering from deadly disease. The trust do everything for them from the moment when they hear it for the first time till they cured from the therapy sessions. There are 28 units of this trust to support the survives across the UK with a large team. The also provides educational presentations in schools, colleges and universities to make the teenagers aware about cancer across the United Kingdom.


2.1 Evaluate the key skills through Team work, communication, research, planning, decision making and problem solving.

Every person has some key skills which can be define as their strength and weaknesses that can be over come or improved. While working in a team project 'Teenage Cancer Trust' I have came through to know my strengths and weaknesses that I need to improve more in order to work efficiently in future and overcome my weaknesses that I can utilize better manner. My key skills are mentioned below -

  • Research– The first and foremost task to make a project successful is to conduct a research in an effective way because the entire activities and operations are based on it. That's why I conducted a deep research to gather information about trust that would help in next stages of the project. In the beginning, I collected quantitative data from the research which was used to generate qualitative output in order to produce a refined information.This qualitative information is required to assist in future activities to conduct a project in impressive manner.
  • Planning – To present the 'Teenage Cancer Trust' project in a effectual way, I need to put efforts for research and then it will support me to make strategies to construct planning. Planning is the second skill that is required to execute each activity with cooperation and in sequence so that each step is followed by the next step.In order to make a strong planning, I need to consider all the required things which can make the project successful. For an example, there is a need to divide the task to every individual person who is working on the team and they all should work independently and their work can be interrelated. Planning is about giving a presentation in a school in front of the teenage students. The presentation make them aware about the disease through stating the symptoms and motivate them to overcome their fears to losing a life. The planning is about to work in co-ordination like the 48 nurses and youth supports to treat the young people. The project is about to spread the awareness in young population and that is approximately 118, 000 across the country.
  • Communications – A tacit communication is necessary to communicate information that can be understood by others. Because an effective communication run a organization successfully with a definite structured communication method that is top to down. While working in Teenager Cancer Trust, I need to establish my communication skills that I need to contact with others in effective manner. My communication should be soft that can help me to connect with the people easily.
  • Team work – Team work makes work easy because entire team guided by one person and all subordinates works to accomplish same goal with cooperation. It is easy to be in a team because everyone supports to complete a task so that it can be accomplish within a time. For an example, Teenager Cancer Trust is working for the cancer teenagers and they supplies all the stuff which they need like the original hair wig. It is not easy to provide the original hair wig but they had done this because of the team as they collaborated with the some institution which supports them for the noble cause. Working in a team is very helpful for me because I have a large team which has the same objective that needed to finished in time.
  • Decision making – Decision making is the most crucial phase while working with a team because the team members point of view matters. All the members should be satisfied at one point so that there is no conflicts arise in future or in present condition because that can affect the working process. Decision making is one of the most complex task for me because every member of the team should be agree to conduct the activities effectively.
  • Problem Solving – I can deal with problems whenever the problem arise in the Teenager Cancer Trust project at that time I came to know that I have the ability to reduce the problems and give them a solutions to resolve the issues.
  • Time Management – Time management is essential to accomplish the task within a fixed time. There should be time duration allocated to each task so that it can be completed within duration but there can be some tasks which can take more time but that can be adjusted with team. I can manage the time for my tasks so that I can finish it on time.

Audit of skills

Auditing of the key skills is important to realise the facts where an individual needs for to improve and that are as follows -

Key skills

Current proficiency

Future proficiency

Time duration


In present time I on average to conduct research because it needs to takes a long time to collect the data and evidences.

By keep practising and focused on the research theory I would be able to conduct an effective research that can give valuable outcome.

I will be complete this task within 3 – 6 months.


Currently I don't have a good command over my communication skills.

I am trying to putting up efforts in order get connected with people in effective manner.

I will take 2 – 3 months to overcome my weaknesses.


I am good in planning to make strategies.

In near future I would get more opportunities to lead a team with strategic planning.

6 months

Decision making

Decision making is my weaknesses. Because I cannot express the reason behind the action.

I would be able to make effective decision .

4 – 8 months

Problem solving

Problem solving is becomes tough for sometimes.

I will be more confident to provide problem solutions.

5 months.

Team work

Team work is effective way to accomplish the task for me.

I will be strong member to work in team.

2 months

Time management

Managing time is my strength in present time.

I will be more efficient for time management

15 days

2.2 Assess your individual contribution and overall performance

While working on the project of 'Teenager Cancer Trust' I came to know that there are almost twenty eight units across the United Kingdom. They are working for various tasks in order to provide things to cancer survivors and they are also taking care all the requirements. There are so many things which was needed to be done by the team like providing the hair wigs and raising the funds to accommodate all facilities.

I put my efforts to raise the funds and providing them original hair wigs which can give happiness to the teenagers who are suffering from the disease. The trust is running a campaigns under the title “Hair 4 U” from the UK's top saloons with a main aim to provide an option to the young people to get the hair wigs after their therapy sessions.

Fundraising is the most crucial task to perform because it aid to run all the activities in an effective way. Funds are always required to run all the activities smoothly without the funds nothing can be done. Teenager Cancer Trust wanted to run entire operations smoothly then it needed to increase its finance because there are so many tasks which can only attain by the money. So the first and foremost plan is to raise the funds and as being a team member I put my entire efforts to raise the funds. The target was to earn 60£ and for that the team members decided to sale home made cupcakes. I was there with my other team members and all the members bought fifteen cupcakes from their home and then the team head to the places where we can sale these cupcakes but after an hour there was a slight change in the plan then the team went to the schools, colleges and universities where we can sale cupcakes among the students. This is the one thing to sale the cupcakes and there was another plan for the fundraising is to give ruffle tickets to people and inform them through e – mail to let them know about the prizes which was sponsored by the team members on their personal level. That was not easy to raise the funds by being among the people but somehow the team performed well in fund raising. I was there to raise the fund anyhow through the cupcakes and ruffle tickets. Even I was sponsoring the ruffle tickets gifts with my team so that people can come forward for the charity cause.

2.2 Demonstrate your development with specific examples and evidence

As being a part of team I came to know that there are few things which should need an improvement like communication skills. I need to improve my communication skills to connect with people as communication is the should be so soft to interact with people. As words of mouth impacts on the people in most impressive way and that is the only way which influences the people and establishes a bond between them. I need to work on my communication along with decision making. I am weak in decision making but I can improve it by working in team because there may be some people who are not agree but they would not create any issues as the decision can be good for someone. Decisions should take on time so that the problems can resolved at the same time for an illustration, when the team went on to sale the cupcakes but there was no buyers in the canteen at that time I need to take decision to change the strategy to sale the cupcakes in schools. Because that is the place where students can buy the cupcakes in huge amount and as a result funds was just double than expectation.

2.3 Honey & Mumford model for reflection

Honey and Mumford is a model was developed by Peter Honey and Alan Mumford which divides the groups according to the learning styles of individuals natural approach and receiving knowledge (Kondryn, Edmondson and Hill, 2011). There are four learning styles which are based on kolb focused on the learning pattern. These learning styles can be anything like activist, theorist, pragmatist, or reflector.

Activist– Activists are those who learn by doing. Because there are so many incidents which teaches the people. For an instance, a person can be weak in communication but they can amend communication skill by putting effort in communicate with others. They need to put some efforts to overcome the weaknesses then only they would be able to communicate in effective manner (Bhuller and et. al., 2016).

Theorist– There are some people who like to read the facts behind the theory. They love to be engage in learning process from stories and quotes.

Pragmatist– Pragmatists are those people who have the desire to put their learning into real world. They experiments, ideas and techniques and try to find out the facts which can relate with reality.

Reflector– If the person is reflector then they can learn from observations on environment and happening. They collects the data from the surrounding and they put efforts to perceived the experience. For an instance, there are so many things which can be improved by the observations like one can experience the communication of other because in world there are so many persons who can impress with their skill to communicate with others just like an orator. Because an orator has an immersive skill to influence people.

The another example of reflection to learn is that when a person assists to superior person then they can learn to find out the problem solving approach. They can learn the skills to solve the problems in effective manner (Taylor, Pearce and Gibson, 2013).

2.4 Qualitative and quantitative evidence to support feedback from peers and team targets.

When the project of Teenagers Cancer Trust was started there was so many things to do as the project is based upon the charity to provide the facilities to them. Initially there was a research is conducted on the quantitative basis to collect the information about the teenagers and then they give some outputs to the generate quality results that are essential to take the actions. The team get the feedbacks in quantitative which was majorly concerned with positive experience, putting effort out of comfort zone, meeting new people, working in group also dealing with stress and pressure. These all feedback was necessary to get because this how a team performs well. These positive feedbacks are the motivation for a team to accomplish its in better way (LyonJacobs, 2014).

The qualitative result was top accomplish team targets. These are given below -







Team targets




The above report is about the evaluation of key development skills of individuals which needs to improved during conducting a project by a team. There are various key skills are incorporated in the report along with the individual and overall performance, Honey and Mumford reflection model and qualitative and quantitative evidence.

Visit the sample section of our website and enjoy more such informative write-ups written by our case study help professionals.


  • Kondryn, H.J., Edmondson, C.L., Hill, J. and, 2011. Treatment non-adherence in teenage and young adult patients with cancer. The lancet oncology.12(1).pp.100-108.
  • Bhuller, K.S., and et. al., 2016. Late mortality, secondary malignancy and hospitalisation in teenage and young adult survivors of Hodgkin lymphoma: report of the Childhood/Adolescent/Young Adult Cancer Survivors Research Program and the BC Cancer Agency Centre for Lymphoid Cancer. British journal of haematology. 172(5). pp.757-768.
  • Taylor, R.M., Pearce, S., Gibson, and, 2013. Developing a conceptual model of teenage and young adult experiences of cancer through meta-synthesis. International journal of nursing studies.50(6).pp.832-846.
  • Lyon, M.E., Jacobs, S., Briggs, L., and et. al., 2014. A longitudinal, randomized, controlled trial of advance care planning for teens with cancer: anxiety, depression, quality of life, advance directives, spirituality. Journal of adolescent health.54(6). pp.710-717.
  • Fern, L.A., Taylor, R.M., Whelan, J., and et. al., 2013. The art of age-appropriate care: reflecting on a conceptual model of the cancer experience for teenagers and young adults. Cancer nursing. 36(5). pp.E27-E38.
  • Zebrack, B., 2014. Patientcentered research to inform patientcentered care for adolescents and young adults (AYAs) with cancer. Cancer.120(15). pp.2227-2229.
  • Morgan, S. and Soanes, L., 2016. Nursing young people with cancer: What is “different” about it?.Bulletin du cancer.103(12). pp.999-1010.

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