
Travelodge Hotels Limited: Increase Employability skills

University: UKCBC College

  • Unit No: 24
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 21 / Words 5288
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: A/601/0992
  • Downloads: 4200
Organization Selected : Travelodge Hotels Limited
Question :

Employ-ability skills are referred to as those which are needed to be possessed by the individual in order to apply for a job. This project provides the learners with an opportunity to acquire the employ ability skills for the effective employment.

  • Be capable to determine the own responsibilities and performance
  • Be able to evolve interpersonal and transferable skills
  • Understanding  the dynamics of working with other people
  • Be competent to develop the strategies for the problem solving
Answer :


Employability skills are those which are required to be possessed by an individual in order apply for the job. Employability skills can be sometimes called as foundational skills and mostly it includes soft skills which help a person in working with others in a better manner (Andrews and Russell, 2012). Basically there are different mediums through which employability skills can be increased for example: communication, teamwork, critical thinking, ethics and information technology knowledge etc., Company which is taken in this assignment is Travelodge Hotels Limited, which is a private organisation and have around 500 hotel throughout United Kingdom. It is considered as second largest in hotel sector in terms of budget. Present report will focus on determining own responsibilities and performance of a manager. In addition to this factors through which interpersonal and transferable skills can be developed is mentioned in this assignment. Lastly, tools and methods are discussed through which company can be able to develop strategies of problem solving is mentioned in this report.

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1.1 Set of own responsibilities and performance objectives

Manager can be stated as the person who makes planning, directs, coordinate along with that organise the whole operations related to a company. On the other hand, it is being analysed that managers within an organisation carries many roles and responsibilities so that they can manage all the operations of a business firm in appropriate way. (Rasul and Mansor, 2013).

Own responsibilities: Being as a manager in Travelodge Hotel, I have became familiar with various responsibilities that I need to do on daily basis and these are given below:

  • Direct and indirect relationships: I saw that managers have to deal with employees with different perspectives. As an HR manager of Travelodge Hotel, if I make direct or indirect relation with the staff than I can only deal with company's staff or can manage them,. In this context, direct relationship is like If I become familiar with one individual and sharing a good bond. On the other hand, indirect relation is like carrying a professional relation with staff.
  • Decision-making processes and skills: Another responsibility in Travelodge Hotel, is that I have to take initiatives through which I can enhance skills of my own and of employees as well of this Hotel. I saw that this responsibility which I am having plays a crucial role when it comes to attain desired goals and objectives of business organisations.
  • Employment legislations: Another responsibility of mine being as a manager of Travelodge Hotel is to look into employment legislations and to see all the changes which has been made by the parliament of United Kingdom. This may help me in delivering appropriate information and updates to employees so that they can stay familiar with all the changes.
  • Ethics: One more responsibility of own is that to bring equality among employees and give them equal chances or opportunities without discrimination which is a part of business ethics. Being as an HR manager of Travelodge Hotel, it is required for me to follow all the rules and regulations that has been set by government of United Kingdom so that to run business in a successful manner.
  • Ability to learn and develop within the work role: This is being taken as another responsibility which can enhance my own performance and of subordinates as well. I need to carry an attitude of learning things from outsiders or from employees in which they are best. This can help me in improving my own skills and knowledgable. As an HR manager of Travelodge Hotel, it is pretty necessary for me to learn about different skills that is being carried by my seniors to become more effective at workstation.

Performance objectives: In order to set the objective it is required for me to look into my own strengths and weaknesses and then fix it so that I can perform well as a manager in Travelodge Hotel. Objectives that has been set by me are:

  • Application of different systems through which performances can be raised of employees: Individual appraisal systems, can be helpful for me in enhancing performance of employees (Riebe and et. al., 2010). Increasing salary levels, bonus payments, promotion according to strengths and weaknesses of staff members are some major examples that can be used by me in order to raise up performance. Being as a manager of Travelodge Hotel, I have found that employees needs motivation so that their performance can be increased. Applying different systems like unique appraising system can aid in hitting company in making employees more effective.
  • Time management: In order to raise up my own performance and of employees. It is required for me to fix time for every single activity like allocating tasks to individuals, provide training and do other duties. It is being analysed that by me as an HR manager of Travelodge Hotel that, using time management will help employees in hitting their targets.

1.2 Own effectiveness against defined objectives

After setting the objectives, I have analysed that if I adopt Individual appraisal systems at Travelodge Hotel. Then it can easily help me out in reducing retaining rate of staff members. I saw that it can help them in getting motivated and loyal towards their work and for the company as well.

Enhancing salary levels along with providing bonus to staff members can help me hitting companies targets in much effective and efficient manner. On the other hand, looking at training needs, making effective communications, could be helpful in developing effective relations among staff of this hotel. Hospitality sector has given high number of chances to citizens of United Kingdom in getting employed. Therefore, it can be said that this sector is continuously helped this nation in growing in much faster ways (Verran, 2010).

I can also use some of appraisal criteria with the help of production, personnel and judgemental data. Apart from this, rating methods like ranking, paired comparison, checklist, management looking at objectives may aid me in giving rating to employees as per the performances that has been given by subordinates of mine.

With taking in help of Individual appraisal systems, I will become able to motivate staff members of Travelodge Hotel. Extra monitory can be helpful for staff members and this will help them in become loyal toward this hotel. On the other hand, with the help of appraisal criteria, it will help me out in looking into performance of staff members. Than lastly, rating methods if I take in use than it can be said that I will become able to assign task to individuals as per the ratings.

1.3 Recommendations for improvement

Under the investigation which has been done by me it has been recommended that there are many changes which needs to be made under Travelodge Hotel and these are given beneath:

  • Effective use of Individual appraisal systems will help in motivating the employees. Extra money every individual likes to make. Therefore, staff members of Travelodge Hotel feel motivated and become loyal in context with the company. With the help of this, company can start hitting their targets. This may also put positive impact on their performances and can bring competition as well among staff member which will help them in hitting their targets.
  • I as a manager found that using appraisal criteria in every quarter of an year should be helpful for Travelodge Hotel through which they can analyse performance and according to this I can deliver training to staff members on their weak points in order to bring confidence in them and improve performance in much effective and efficient manner.
  • In order to improve sales of Travelodge Hotel, rating method should also be used by me as a manager in order to rate staff members as per their performance and through this I can inform them that what things are lacking in them through which they can gain many competitive advantages at marketplace of United Kingdom.

1.4 Motivational techniques for improving quality performance

Motivation is considered as a factor which is required by an individual for performing the task in a better manner and it includes both external and internal factors that can hamper the a person's activity. Therefore, by providing appropriate training and activities Travelodge Hotel can boost the morale of employees and motivate them for giving their best for the organisation. In context with Travelodge Hotel, they have incorporated two of the techniques i.e. financial and non-financial both of them are explained below for having better understanding:

Financial motivational techniques: This is determined as one of the techniques that provides additional benefits like allowance, bonuses etc., it assist manager in motivating employees as it will encourage them for executing task in a better manner (Chalamwong and et. al., 2012). Incentive pay, gain sharing and retirement benefits are some of the example of financial motivational technique.

Non-Financial motivational techniques: This technique is used for appreciating and pushing me and other employees to work in an effective manner in speculated time frame. Further it is can be given in two forms that are explained below:

Appraisal of motivational theories and techniques: This is considered as an important element for motivating employees and appraisal is given according to the activities performed by a person. As a result it will increase my performance level (Cunningham and Hillier, 2013).

Reward and incentives: It has been analysed that if employees are given reward and incentives appropriately than performance and company's sales and productivity is increasing and assisting them in getting into a better position at market area.

Manager role: Apart from the rest of the points that are mentioned above managers plays a crucial role. As for giving appraisal and reward it will require manager's approval. Monitoring the performance will make this procedure easier.


P2.1 Solutions related to work based issues

In an organisation like Travelodge Hotel, there can be many issues which can arise and create problem in operating business in an effective manner. Differences between thoughts amongst individual can be one of the reason. Further managers of Hotel industry can look out for solutions through which they can resolve issues and problems (de Guzman and Choi, 2013) . Therefore, there are certain steps which can be followed for evaluating an appropriate solutions to a work based issues and these are as follows:


  • Travelodge Hotel is facing issues in retaining their employees due to the working environment that are provided to them.
  • Difference in culture can be seen because of which clashes in the thoughts can be seen and communication gap is increasing.
  • Employees are lacking behind in technological skills because of which executing plan is becoming difficult for workers.

Problem analysis: It is considered as the first step in this issues are being analysed which can arise at workplace. This can be related to communication gap, politics and environment that is provided to employees at workplace (Deeley, 2014).

Researching changes at workplace: Above mentioned points are creating problem in creating disturbance in the working environment because of which sales and profitability is decreasing and Hotel is going through crises. As a result company's position is deteriorating and clients are moving towards different Hotels.

Generating and choosing Solutions: As a manager I will conduct meeting on a regular basis inviting all the departments. This can be done by evaluating the performance of employees who are working in Hotel. I can introduce some activities through which mutual understanding can be improved. As an HR manager I will chosen Six Hats Strategy that was introduced by Edward De Bono's for resolving issues and these are given below:

White Hat rule: With the help of this past data are being analysed so as to evaluate what have been learned (Dhar, 2012).

Red Hat rule: This rule assist managers in resolving problems with the help of intuitions and gut reaction. As a result it help an individual in knowing how other will react emotionally. While resolving issues related to cultural difference red hat rule can be used.

Black Hat rule: It is a rule that is incorporated in order to determine what is the source of problem whether it is because of an individual or a group than after analysing an appropriate solutions are taken out.

Green Hat rule: This majorly focus on people who are creative in nature and can use their minds for creating and generating innovative ideas which can be implemented for future business operations.

Yellow Hat rule: This rule indicates brightness and optimism. There is positive light spread in order to resolve the problems thus firms will achieve value in their business operations.

Blue Hat rule: This process is also known as Process control. If the ideas which are implemented in order to resolve the issues are dry then the activities are directly transferred into green Hat thinking. If there is any contingency plans then there the issues are addressed to Black Hat thinking (Dhiman, 2012).

Therefore, all the above mentioned points will be very helpful in resolving issues and problem that are creating problem in operating business in an effective manner. For example: for solving the problems that are related to cultural differences manager can use Green Hat rule for the same.

P2.2 Communicate in a variety of styles and appropriate manner at various levels

Effective communication skills are very important for employees who are working in the sector of travel and tourism. For them it is necessary that workers be humble with their clients in whatever way guest are replying to them. There are different styles of communication which can be used by a person for interacting with others (Durrani and Tariq, 2012). According to Travelodge Hotel, employees who are working there can use different communicating techniques for different level. Size and structure of an organisation also plays an important role in having an effective communication.

Travelodge Hotel in order to communicating with individual is using certain methods that are explained below:

Verbal: Managers for communicating and explaining with employees and staff members uses this medium. Basically it includes face-to-face interaction and it is done between two or more individual. So, it is necessary that superiors for conveying the message use figure of speech that can be easily understood by other individuals.

Non-verbal: It is considered as an important and most effective mode of communication which is done through bodily gestures and body language (Gamble, Patrick and Peach, 2010) .

Formal and informal feedbacks: Travelodge Hotel can use this procedure in order to take feedbacks from their employees with the help of formal and informal way. This will assist Hotel in resolving issues which is hindering the performance of employees and other staff members.

Team Meeting: Gatherings can be conducted by managers of Travelodge Hotel in order to know the problems and issues which are facing by workers. In addition to this, it also assist employees in interacting with superiors and maintaining a good relation with them.

Interpersonal Skills: These are considered as those skills that are required for communicating with one another in an effective manner. Thus, employees who are working in Travelodge Hotel are required to have these skills and some of them are stated below:

Personal effectiveness: It is define as the skills that are related to an individual in relation with strengths, knowledge and utilisation of resources (Gbadamosi and et. al., 2015). This shows the characteristic of a person how much he/she is effective in performing the task in a better manner for Travelodge Hotel.

Working with others: In hospitality sector it is essential that workers are working together for achieving a common goals and objective. For this, Hotel industry can use valuable techniques through which best outcomes can be delivered.

Use of Initiative: For achieving set targets it is crucial that workers takes initiative while performing the task. This will assist employees in accomplishing the work in a speculated time frame.

Negotiation skills: It is one of the essential skills that is required while maintaining a positive relation (Gravells, 2010). Moreover it helps in resolving issues that are related to salary, working hours etc.,



Senior Manager

Travelodge Hotel, London

18th July, 2018

Respected Sir,

As per my knowledge, Travelodge Hotel is going through three of the major issues that are low technical skilled employees, problem with workers retention and cultural differences. This is having an effect on the performance of Hotel and its reputation is also getting hampered. Therefore, to improve this, it is important that a proper training must be provided to all employees and meeting should be conducted on a regular basis. In addition to this, effective communication process can be used for maintaining a better relationship. In addition to this, technical related problem can be resolved by hiring eligible candidates who are skilled and perform their task in a better manner. Furthermore managers can use the given process while communicating with different levels. Higher authorities while communicating with their board members or high level managers through formal meetings as a result it assist them in maintaining professionalism and the outcomes which is evaluated are done in a better manner. Whereas for middle level managers company can conduct seminars and conferences which is considered as one of the best techniques for establishing a better communication methods between individuals. In addition to this, superiors can use cost effective methods like verbal and non-verbal communication. Lastly, for communicating with lower level staff, managers can focus on displaying information in notice board or big conferences through which message can be delivered in an effective manner.


Travelodge Hotel

To: All Staff members

From: Manager

Date: 15th July, 2018

Subject: Issues facing by Hotel

As it has been evaluated that Hotel is going through a lot of problems because of which productivity and sales has been decreased. Thus, this memo is regarding the issues as there are some of the employees who are less skilled and required special training for improving their skills and knowledge. It will help an individual in coping up with difficult situations, in addition to this, I will try by best to provide appropriate monetary benefits, bonuses and other beneficial activities.

P2.3 Effective time-management strategies

Time management is very crucial while performing daily based task, it assist company in making appropriate plan and strategies which can be executed in a given period of time. Therefore, it is prime responsibility of manager to set an appropriate time management schedule for entire task which is to be performed. With the help of this, employees will be able to make strategies and plan of action (Haasler, 2013).

Prioritising Workload: It is considered as a first step, in which task that are to be performed on a prior basis are noted down and a list is prepared. Thus, this will assist Travelodge Hotel in accomplishing the work in time.

Setting objectives: In order to perform the task in a better manner it is crucial that objectives are set this will work as a guidance for managers so as to do the work in a systematic way. Basically, objectives are set by considering future growth.

Making and keeping appointments: Keeping a record of daily activities and upcoming appointments are important as it guides an individual about the activities that are to be done on prior basis (Jones, Torezani and Luca, 2012).

Work steadily rather than erradically: While doing an activity chaos must be avoided and task should be done steadily with clam mind set for gaining better outcomes.

Time for learning: In order to learn a particular skill it takes specific time period, for example: as employees of Travelodge Hotels are less efficient in technical skills so for developing this, it can take around 3 to 4 months.

Reliable estimate of task time: This stage, helps a person in evaluating if the given duration for improving skills and knowledge was appropriate or not and whether it has provided with the effective outcomes.


P3.1 Roles played by people in a team and process through which they can work together for attaining shared goals

In order to understand the roles and responsibilities within the company, Travlodge Hotel can focus on Belbin team theory as it will provide better guidelines about the task which is to be performed by an individual (Ju, Zhang and Pacha, 2012). Further Belbin team theory can be segregated into three categories i.e. action-oriented, people oriented and thought oriented role and these are stated below for better understanding:

Action-oriented roles: People who comes under this are the one who tend to shape goals and accept challenging task so as to become a role model and motivate others for performing well for their organisation. Another role which is performed is of Implementer they take initiative in taking one step forward towards achieving goals in a systematic manner. Lastly, in order to achieve shared goals finisher plays a crucial role and helps team in eliminating errors and mistakes within the activities.

People oriented roles: It consist of three factors coordinator: who maintains a healthy environment at workplace and helps team in establishing coordination, team worker: they give support to entire team and they are the one who are wholly responsible for performing the task, and team leaders are the one who assign roles and responsibilities. Lastly, resource investigator: they tend to give basic needs that are crucial for accomplishing the work (Kong and Yan, 2014) . For this, they try to maintain a good relationship with external stakeholders. Resource investigator must have negotiation skills so that best deals can be cracked.

Thought oriented roles: If an organisation wants to remain in the market for a longer period of time than it is crucial that new and innovative ideas are being implemented. Thus, thought oriented roles includes Plant: they are considered as the one who generate new and innovative ideas for accomplishing the task. Specialists: these are the one who are skilled in a particular field for example: technicians, no other can perform their work if they have not enough knowledge related to this field.

P3.2 Team Dynamics

In order to know team dynamics, Tuckman's model theory will be more applicable. It consist of four steps forming, norming, storming and performing all these are explained below in a better manner:

Forming: Under this step, teammates come in contact with other individuals and introduce themselves. Moreover they tend to understanding the behaviour of other staff members (Kulkarni and Chachadi, 2014).

Storming: By coming onto this stage, team members share their opinions about the ways through which goals can be accomplished. Thus, it is consider as a crucial phase where employees have an opportunity of understanding potential of others.

Norming: Under this stage, confusion and conflict increases as now every individual working in a team are clear about roles and responsibilities which are assigned to them.

Performing: This is considered as the last stage in which activities are being performed that are allocated to them.

Therefore, the above mentioned theory gives a proper and precise scenario of team dynamics that are being followed according to every stage.

P3.3 Alternative ways for completing task and achieve team goals

There are various procedures through which goals and objectives can be achieved but if these are not giving appropriate results than they can use alternative methods by the managers of Travelodge Hotel. Some of the alternative ways are given below:

Setting Standard: It is a prime role of HR Manager, to set up a standard before starting off their plan or activities (Mishra, 2014). This will work as a guidance and employees will be able to know what activities are to be performed for achieving goals and objectives.

Innovation: HR department can hire new candidates it will not only increase number of employees but will also provide a wider perspective implementing innovative ideas. As fresh workers can use their brain for resolving any kinds of issues and problems.

Effective Communication: This is considered as a basic element for interacting with others. So, managers while communicating with other subordinates must use simple but effective vocabulary which can be understood by others as well.


P4.1 Tools and methods for developing solutions to problem

Travelodge Hotel is going with lot of complications and issues and for them small level of employee retention is creating problems because of which their performance is getting down and along with this, sales and productivity is also decreasing. In order to cope up this problem Hotel can implement best suitable strategies and policies. For example: Travelodge Hotel can provide salary, bonuses and compensation according to the performance of an individual. Other than this, senior managers and superiors can use Brainstorming method as it will provide with a clear overview about the problem and what kind of solutions can be evaluated (Muhamad, 2012). It will assist them in having proper knowledge about internal as well as external environment. Apart from this, one more methods can be adopted which is

Trail and error method: It is a fundamental tool for resolving problem, this is a repeated and verified attempts that is performed on a continuous basis unless success is not achieved.

Therefore, all the above mentioned management theories and policies if applied suitably Travelodge Hotel can gain maximum benefits. Moreover if employees are given appropriate knowledge related to logical and analytical than it will provide appropriate results and outcomes.

P4.2 Developing appropriate strategy for resolving problem of labour turnover

Labour turnover can be define as the rate at which workers leave employment, thus, it is identified as number of employees who are leaving the job in a period of time. Reason for this is Lower wages, bad working conditions and unsympathetic attitude of management etc., Each organisation faces some or the other issues which hampers the working and business operations (Panagiotakopoulos, 2012). What important is to make proper strategies and plan of action in order to overcome with the problems. Furthermore Travelodge Hotel can use critical path analysis and time scale strategies for resolving their issues and these are explained briefly beneath:

Critical Path Analysis: This is a technique that is used by firms for accomplishing the task by identifying the means and time which is required to complete the task in a better manner (Critical Path Analysis, 2018). It helps in analysing and recognising the project, for instance knowing what outcomes and results is needed before initialising the activities. In context with Travelodge Hotel, as company is facing with issues like employment retention, cultural differences and technological skills. For this, managers can use this approach for evaluating how much time it will take in providing training to employees so as to improve skills related to technology. As Critical Path Analysis is a a form of sequential activities so, it is important that managers provide basic training programmes before giving technological training.

Time Scale: It is define as an specification that helps manager in providing a particular task in a particular time frame. Thus, it is considered as a duration and quality of time which is provided by a person or an individual. This can be one of the reason of employees leaving the job. For example: if hard task is given to fresh candidates without providing them much time than employees will feel pressurise and it will leads to leaving the job (Pârvu, Ipate and Mitran, 2014) (Rao, 2014). Therefore, for improving all these issues and problems Travelodge Hotel can opt these strategies that are stated below:

Monitoring and providing training: To run a business in an effective manner it is crucial that appropriate training is provided. Here role of managers are crucial as they are the one who will monitor the performance of individuals who are working in an organisation. As a result it will assist them in implementing appropriate training programmes. For example: to resolve clashes between employees because of cultural differences can be done with the help of conducting meetings and discussing about issues respectively.

P4.3 Potential impact on business of implementing strategies

Implementing strategies can provide positive outcomes to Travelodge Hotel, what crucial is that policies are applied and implemented in a better manner. With the help of applying appropriate strategies labour turnover and employee retention can be reduced. As a result it will assist companies in improving their sales and profitability (Wilton, 2012). Reason will be because of experienced employees who are working for a longer period of time it will reduce cost as well as time within Hotel. Moreover, old workers will not required to given any kind of training as they are familiar with the roles and responsibilities they have to perform.

Lastly, in term of Travelodge Hotel, it is providing advantages in providing better services and facilities to its clients.

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From the above mentioned report, it can be concluded that it is important for every individual improve their skills and knowledge in order to perform entire activities of company in effective manner. Skilled workers are the vital assets for business organization as they help in attaining set goals and objectives in appropriate time frame. In this context, training and development programs can be conducted by employer to enhance workers productivity level at workplace. With the help of this individuals get motivated towards their work and at the same time also improve their performance. Along with this, team leader also play important role in leading workers at workplace and resolve their issues as well. This will contribute in making positive work environment at

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