
Role and Responsibilities of Leader in Waitrose


  • Unit No: 4
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 17 / Words 4319
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: D/508/0488
  • Downloads: 2126
Organization Selected : Waitrose


Business is activity which is run by person to make profits. It is essential that managers’ has to keep in mind business factors and run it in effective way. There are possibilities that due to change in business environment organization has to make changes in business activities. There are various activities which are required to achieve targets of company (Botton, Cavalletto and Marmeggi, 2013). There are factors which have to be done with the help of employee and employer. There are factors which managers has to kept in mind and this help[s to know what has to be done, in what way. This report is based on Waitrose which is a supermarket chain in UK. While making policies managers has to keep every factor in mind. In this report there is discussion about difference between managers and leaders, role and responsibilities of leader. This also enhances knowledge about relationship between various departments of association.


P1 Define and compare different roles and characteristics of a leader and a manager

LEADER: Leader is the person which is talking about use of factors which are effective for achieving business objectives. There are factors which have to be kept in mind by manager so business objectives can be achieved in effective and efficient managers. While there is change in plans and policies manager has to select alternatives.


There are many roles which are played by managers to know what has to be done through which they can perform business activities in effective and efficient way. Due to change in business changes operations managers has to motivate workers to give their best.

HONEST- This is the most important feature which has to be present in manager while performing business activities. it is essential that company has to be make policies which has to followed properly otherwise this affects growth rate of association (Expósito and et. al., 2016). In Waitrose there are factors which has to be done in effective and efficient way.

PUNCTIUAL- Punctual means to perform business operations which help association to work as per time. If activities are not done in time, then this affects business operations. In Waitrose there are various departments having operations which helps to achieve goals on time.

FLEXIBLE- In business changes are taking place very frequently, so it is essential that organization has to work as change in business factors. It is essential that company do not give chance to make policies which are rigid (Eyal and Haim, Clarizen Ltd., 2014). This affect business operations, but at the same time there is requirement of flexible nature through which company has to alter their policies.

MANAGER: Manager is the person who controls the business. In business factors association ahs to alter their policies which had to be performed by employees under the supervisory support of managers. Manager has to plan, operate, execute activities in efficient way. Manager has to keep balance between all activities which are important for growth of business enterprise.


There are many activities which have to be considered in market while making business competent to other factors. There is requirement of policies which are important to perform business activities, so e of the functions which are required to be performed by managers of Waitrose are as follows-

Organizing activities- There are various functions which has to be performed by managers to know what has to be done through which they can achieve business operations. It is effective with use of managerial policies and proper actions must be taken by managers of Waitrose.

Controlling- Activities are required to be controlled by mangers. it is effective for performing business operations in efficient way. Sometimes results are not positive in this case manager has to evaluate actions and then this helps business to run in effective and efficient way (Handschin and Petroianu, 2012).

Positive attitude- There is requirement of positive attitude to make actions true. It is essential that manager has to alter policies and motivate them to give their best. In this case managers have to make efforts to come with positive outcomes and in case of positive outcomes there must be provision of reward.

Difference between managers and leader



Manager analyse market and then take action.

Leader leads a team and motivate them to attain goals.

They tries to attain achieve goals which are pre- determined.

In case of leader they make benchmarks and then take actions to accomplish them.

Manager works o existing standards.

While marks new path to know what can be done through which goals can be effectively achieved.

Managers can’t be leader.

Leader can be mangers.


P2 Role of leader in various situation of business

There are many roles and responsibilities which have to be considered in marketing department (Johnstone, 2016). There are many departments in Waitrose, which tries to achieve business objectives in effective and efficient way. There are possibilities that due to change in factors association has to make changes in operations. So manager has to perform business activities in effective and positive way. It is essential to analyse resources available in market and then use policies through which goals can achieved. Manager and leader are the persons who do not perform activities but at the same time they have to keep eyes on actions of employees. In case they are not up to the mark then this affects overall perform of organization. Some actions performed by managers of Waitrose are as follows-

Effective decision making- There are some actions which are required to be taken after proper use so manager has important role in decision making. There are policies which have to be taken by managers after knowing elements of business environment. There are changes in business policies which are required to be taken by mangers frequently, so there will no flaws in activities.

Conflict Resolution- There is many conflicts which may arise in organization which affects business activities (Liu, Yin and Fu, 2011). As there are numerous workers working in association, so it is essential that company has to make strategies through which company can achieve targets. It is effecti8ve with use of factors by which employees feel comfortable to work in company. This helps in creating good relations within organization.

Motivation- There is requirement of motivation to workers which help to perform business operations in effective way. It is effective when manager make strategies as per change in policies which are efficient way (Mendis, Muttaqi. and Perera, 2014). Motivation is pone factor which assist employees and provides chance to alter factors which are efficient in making targets achievable on time.

Planning- Planning is the main of the most important component which has to be performed by association. It is effective to make changes in working styles so actions can be done employees. There are many activities which are efficient for achieving business plans. As planning is the basic activity sp it must be performed by managers.

P3 Theories and models of leadership

Leadership is the activity which is most effective which is effective for growth of company. There are many workers in Waitrose which are performing actions to know what has to be done and how it can be achieved. In this case, manager has to lead company and then provide assistance. After training there is use of leadership models through which positive outcome can be generated. When workers are performing business actions, then they have to know what has to be dome through which managers can perform activities in efficient way. There is a chance of use of different factors which helps to know what make workers satisfied with use of factors. Some leadership approaches are as under-

Situational leadership Theory- There are possibilities that as per change in situation manager has to change leadership techniques. There is requirement of changes in approaches which is efficient for making policies efficient in achieving business objectives. Was there is change in perception of workers so manager ahs to use various techniques to motivate them. Under this theory some following points are included- Directing, Coaching, Supporting, Delegating (Moghaddam, Seifi and Niknam, 2012). These factors make employees motivated and they are ready to work with full energy. To motivate employees there must be delegation of authority, which makes them feel responsible for performing business activities. Coaching means to train personnel with the use of external and internal factors. This motivates workers to give best. When workers are not ready to learn new ideas then manger has to analyse problem and take corrective actions.

System leadership theory- System leadership means to work as per use of specific technique which is pre- determined (Moghaddam and et. al., 2011). It is important that manager has to use some specific factors which help them to communicate to correct person and duties can be delegated in efficient way. It is essential that organization do not have to make factors which are rigid but at the same time they must use factors which are compatible to external environment. While using this theory everyone is aware of their role and responsibilities, so they have to work according to change in business factors. Waitrose is the company which is effective for performing business operations. There is use of various techniques through which they can make use of different assisai8ng techniques. Waitrose has various outlets, so it is important that there must be proper coordination among activities through which they can achieve targets properly. Through this leadership activities are performed on time.

Contingency leadership theory- Contingency means dangers. There is requirement of various factors which has to be considered by manager while running business. it is important to know what improvement can be done through which association can analyze market and this helps company to achieve business objectives. In case of Waitrose, they have many competitors, so it is effective for company to know what can be done through which company can make changes in their actions and according to which company can approach to effective personality. There are various changes which has to be taken in association through which they can motivate workers to give best and this has positive impact on operations of employee’s Waitrose. As demand of customer is very dynamic these days so managers of Waitrose must focus on this through which they can provide satisfaction to consumers.


P4 Key approaches to operational management and role of leaders and managers

Operational management are management of all activities and operations in firm. Thus as a result they can easily enhance their activities (Mohammadi and et. al., 2013). Their role and responsibility is to manage all activities in a better and effective manner. Thus manager through operational management helps in managing all resources in a better and effective manner. Thus they can easily increase the satisfaction of all users. There are various approaches which are used by Waitrose. They are:

Total quality management: In this there is improvement in quality of all products in better manner. This results in effective and efficient management of all things in better manner. In this company tries to make improvement in their products and services so that they can easily make products and services in better manner (Nakamura and et. al., 2015). This can be possible only if production process runs smoothly and successfully. This helps the firm in making of all activities and operations in smooth manner. Through this all tasks in an efficient manner. Thus Waitrose can earn more revenues. This helps the organization to produce the goods on an efficient way. Thus firm can easily increase the market share. Hence as a result they can easily expand their operations.

Lean manufacturing: It is the process which directly reduces the wastage. So hence it is the process which helps in enhancing of all activities effectively and efficiently. Thus as a result they can directly leads to less wastage of resources. Hence as a result it directly leads to increasing the value of all products and services which are delivered. Thus as a result it can directly leads to increasing the efficiency in production process as well as in products . Hence it leads to increase in satisfaction of all customers. Thus it can directly create a network. Thus they can increase the loyalty and this also helps in expanding their business. Hence as a result this can leads to effective management of all activities.

Six Sigma: It is a technique which directly leads to reduce the wastage. It also helps in minimizing of the errors so hence it can increase the efficiency in all processes and technologies. Thus as a result they can create superior quality of products. Hence it can directly leads to increase in production process. Through this technique company can easily improves the quality of product as well as of different processes. Hence it can deliver the superior quality of products in less time. Thus as a result they can directly enhance satisfaction of all individuals. Hence they can easily enhance their products and services. Hence it can easily increase the reputation level of all persons (Ruiz-Alvarez and et. al., 2012).

Just in time approach: Waitrose can buy products from different warehouses and tries to reduce their wastage of all products. Company tries to deliver the good quality of food to all users. This helps in increasing the satisfaction of all users. This is possible only through delivering of fresh quality of products in minimum time. Hence as a result they can directly enhance the activities and operations in all countries. Thus as a result they can easily enhance their process and products. This helps in fulfilling of all demand and requirements of people. Thus Waitrose can earn more profits and thus they can easily enhance the market share (Shuxin, 2011).

P5 Significance and value of operation management in accomplishing business objectives

Operational management is the process which includes planning, organizing and controlling of all activities and tasks. Thus they can easily handle all tasks in a better and effective manner. Through this company can create products according to preference of all users and they can also enhance the services, process and other technologies which are used this process. Thus they can easily deliver the superior good quality of products in a better manner. Hence they can directly leads to improve the processes and thus it can fulfill requirements of all people. Thus this process is very crucial for every company. Operational management is very crucial in accomplishing business objectives. Importance in Waitrose are:

Customer satisfaction: It delivers the superior quality of products in a better and efficient manner. Thus they can directly leads to enhancing the customer satisfaction. Through proper operational management they can directly leads to increase in the production process and the delivery of products to various customers in less time. Through delivery of superior quality of products in less time they can directly leads to increase in operational activities and tasks. Hence as a result it can directly leads to enhancing the customer satisfaction. Hence Waitrose can maintain good and positive relationship among all users and in front of all customers.

Enhance quality standards: In this company true to improve the quality of production process. Thus as a result they can directly leads to increase in the quality of products. Through operational management company can directly improves quality of products as it reduces the wastage of products (Strande and Brdjanovic, 2014). It uses different techniques and methods through which company can easily reduce the wastage and can improve the prediction process. Hence as a result they can directly enhance their standards. Through this it can fulfill all needs and requirements of all users. Thus as a result it can directly increase the satisfaction of all users also.

Enhancing profits: It directly leads to enhancing of profits as it delivers the superior quality of products to all users. Thus it can directly leads to enhancing of profits. Company applies different methods and techniques through which it can easily produce good quality of products and thus they can directly deliver it to all users in less time (White, 2016). Thus they can directly fulfill m all needs and requirements of all customers. Hence firm can earn more profits and Waitrose can enhance market share. Thus company can easily maintain unique and distinct position in minds of all users and in market. Thus as a result they can directly leads to increasing of profits.

Increases the goodwill: It leads to enhancing of goodwill and thus it can directly leads to maintaining of good image in front of all users. Thus as a result they can easily enhance the goodwill among all nations. Waitrose delivers the good quality of products to all users. Thus as a result they can directly satisfy all needs and requirements of all people. Hence it can increase their revenues. Thus they can easily enhance the services. Hence as a result they can directly leads to enhance the market share. Through this they can easily enhance their status in front of all people.


P6 Impact of business factors on operational management and decision making

Various factors of business impact operations and decision making of leaders and managers. Through this they can affect in a positive or negative manner. This includes various internal as well as external factors which directly leads to enhancing of goodwill and they can maintain unique position in the market as well in the market. This also helps the company in taking various decisions. Hence manager and leader tries to take effective and efficient decisions for the leader. Impact of business factors on operations of Waitrose are:

INTERNAL FACTORS: These are the factors which are present in the company and they are not from outside the organization (Botton, Cavalletto and Marmeggi, 2013). This includes:

Employees: Employees play a crucail in affecting the organizational activities. Thus as a result they can directly leads to enhancing of operational activities. Company has to take care if employees interest so that they can manage all activities and tasks in effective and efficient manner. Company have to provide extra monetary incentives to them. Manager create plans and take decisions to motivate employees. While leaders take decision to provide monetary incentives and non monetary incentives so that they can easily produce good quality of products in superior manner.

Suppliers: Waitrose can easily enhance their services through providing of the good quality of products to all users (Expósito and et. al., 2016). Thus as a result company can take bulk quantities of goods from the suppliers. Firm pays them huge amount of money which helps in increasing the satisfaction level of all suppliers. Through this they can directly maintain good and strong relationship with the suppliers. Managers take decision to take bulk goods from suppliers while leaders take decision to motivate suppliers by giving them extra incentives so that they can deliver products in better manner.

EXTERNAL FACTORS: These are the factors which lies outside the company. This directly helps in improving the company image. This includes:

Political: Company has to fulfill the rules and regulations so that they can easily operate their business. For example if Govt has banned some products of Waitiose that it has to follow this rules otherwise it cannot earn profits and can survives in the market.

Economic: If there is recession company has to sell products at cheaper rates. So firm can easily sell products in less costs. Manager and leaders both have taken decision to sell goods at lower rates and thus they can attract many customers.

Social: In this firm creates all products according to needs of all people. Manager and leader take decision to create goods according to choice of people which leads to increasing of satisfaction.

Technological: Waitrose can adopt the latest technologies so that they can easily increase their sales. Managers and leaders have taken a decision to apply recent tools and technologies in an effective and efficient manner (Eyal and Haim, Clarizen Ltd., 2014).

Legal factors: These are the factors which are legal roles and the regulations which a company has to follow. If firm do not follow the regulations then it cannot run their operations in better manner. Thus Manger and leader have taken a decisions to follow all rules and regulations.


From above report it has been concluded that Management and operations are very important for every company. Through this company can manage all tasks in a unique manner. Leaders and leader’s have different role and responsibilities. Various approaches are used for management of tasks. Different key approaches such as Six SIgma, total quality management are user so that company can operate in good manner. This also helps firm to increase the satisfaction of all users. Operational management is very crucial and thus they can solve all problems and issues . Internet and external factor are to affect operations of business. This Includes suppliers who are internal and thus the many have continuously operate the focus outside the firm. Through this it can maintain unique position the market as well as in front of market.

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Books and Journals

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