
Leadership And Change Management


Within the organisation, it is very important to dealing with different aspects of leadership and change management. It determines separate elements that are interrelated and face many challenges (Cummings, Bridgman and Brown, 2016). Manager of the organisation try to remove this obstacle to develop their culture at workplace. Hence, leadership and change management is priorities in different types of organisation to accomplish goals and objectives. However, leaders also take part to motivate people to ascertain positive results and performances. In this context, present report is based on Tesco which is the largest retail business in UK and providing different types of products at workplace. It is the multinational company who serve products and services in different areas of the world. Present study is based on financial problems within the Tesco which the company face and it creates many problems and issues at workplace.

In order to solve issues of company, present report cover best practices model for leadership and change management from the perspective of an enterprise within the chosen organisation. Furthermore, it includes key theories to consider suitable model within the business unit. Moreover, it reviews the current leadership and change management practices which can be identify through SWOT analysis.

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Assessment part 1

Best practices model for leadership and change management

As per the view of Carter, Armenakis and Mossholder, (2013), leadership is not about the personality, it is only based on behaviour. It demonstrates observable set of skills and abilities which discover great leaders who are performs very well functions. Experiences which collected through various stories from ordinary people, assist to enhance performance of leadership development. In order to conduct differences as per the culture, gender, age and other basis, leader can reveal better pattern of behaviour (Carter, Armenakis and Mossholder, 2013). However, Efferin, Efferin and Hartanto, (2016) argued that leaders are best in Tesco when they are discovered five core practices common for all. It includes inspire a share vision, challenges the process, enable other to act within the organisation and last but not certainly because they are encourages the heart. After some times, five practices are exemplary leadership model which describes to improve continuously improvements (Efferin, Efferin and Hartanto, 2016). In this way, they have requires effectiveness in vision, evidence and achievement path to analysis business operations and outcomes.

According to Haslam, van Knippenberg and Ellemers, (2014), measurement and validate the program assist to used leadership assessment instrument within the world. Consistency confirms that there are five practices which assist to assess tools that are related positively in respect to considers effectiveness of leaders (Haslam, van Knippenberg and Ellemers, 2014). There are different level in which includes commitment, engagement and satisfaction level of followers. On the other hand Cummings, Bridgman and Brown, (2016) argued that following are such model which determines best practices model at workplace of Tesco:

Model the way:

Leaders of the organisation establish principles which concerned a way for various people such as constitutes, peers, colleagues and customers, etc. Every person is treated in same way to ascertain goals and objectives (Cummings, Bridgman and Brown, 2016). Leaders are also performs with effective standard of excellence and determines example for other people who follow them.

Inspire a share vision:

As per the point of Binci, Cerruti and Braganza, (2016), leaders are also passionately believe that they can also make differences. In this way, Tesco can envision the future that create ideal and unique image for that whatever they want. Hence, they are stand to create vision and get people for future expansion (Binci, Cerruti and Braganza, 2016).

Challenges the process:

Beside this, leaders are also searched for such opportunities to make changes within the cited firm. This is because, leaders are only person within the organisation who know how to take risk which involves mistakes and failure. In this way, disappointment as learning opportunities is take place (Huber, 2013).

Enable others to act:

Leaders are also collaborates to build spirited teams. However, Fischer, Dopson and McGivern, (2016), stated that leaders take actively part to create an atmosphere of trust and human dignity. This is because, they are strengthen others to make each person feel as capable and powerful (Fischer, Dopson and McGivern, 2016).

Encourages the heart:

In order to accomplish extraordinary things within the organisation, hard work is requires perform functions and operations. It determines alive determination and leaders are also recognises to contribute every individual participation to accomplish desire results.

As per the view of Liou, Daly and del Fresno, (2015), change management within the chosen firm is develops through Lewin's model. This is because, change is common thread which runs through various businesses according to size, industry and age. Within the challenging world, organisation are growing very fast and quickly so that it is essential to handle changes within Tesco to make successful operations. In order to understand organisational change, Lewin consider three elements that are necessary to begin effective results and performances (Liou,  Daly and del Fresno, 2015). It includes following elements which describes to attain effective results and performances:

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It is the first stage which involves preparing the enterprise in term of changes that are very necessary to demonstrate effective results and performances. It includes break down the existing status before building any way for operating functions and operations. As per the view of Cummings, Bridgman and Brown, (2016), it is the key element which developing compelling message that shows positive aspects within Tesco. Due to poor financial performances of the organisation, they have to implement changes which make successful customer satisfaction. It shows changes in such things which assist to every person for understand outcomes. For preparing successful organisation, the cited firm need to concentrate on challenges the beliefs, values, attitude and behaviour which demonstrate changes within the business environment. First part which collaborate change process, face various difficulties and stress which start cutting down to put every one for assure balance to make strong relationship (Cummings, Bridgman and Brown, 2016).


Apart from this, Fernandez, Noble and Steffen, (2015) stated that after creating uncertainty, unfreeze stage take place in which people begin to resolve their problems to look towards new ways and outcomes. In this way, people are start to believe and act as new direction which support to new way for developing ideas and operations. New direction and participative proactive within the changes determines curve within the Tesco. In this way, they have to focusses on specific issues of personal transitions within the changing environment and useful understanding of more details (Fernandez, Noble and Steffen, 2015).

In respect to make changes, Komives and Wagner, (2016) said that this element contribute to make successful results and performance according to each person need. As results, it assists to understand that how it would be beneficial to conduct research program at workplace. As results, goals and objectives need to be taken for developing results and performances. In this aspect, time and communication are very important tool which describes to accomplish desire outcomes and performances at workplace (Komives and Wagner, 2016).


Beside this, Efferin, Efferin and Hartanto, (2016) stated that when changes are taking shape, people are embrace due to new way of doing work. In this aspect, Tesco is ready to refreeze at their workplace which demonstrate outcomes and performances for developing ideas. Refreeze stage need to help people to internalize and institutionalize for conducting changes at workplace. In this aspect, changes are used to demonstrate effective results and performances for deliver qualitative performances (Efferin, Efferin and Hartanto, 2016). This means, the company is making sure to incorporate changes within the business environment. As results, it can be stated that changes are always using to incorporate business operations. In addition to this, Haslam, van Knippenberg and Ellemers, (2014) said that with new sense of stability, employee are feel confident and comfortable at workplace to determines effective results and performances. As results, goals and objectives are ascertains for developing ideas and operations within the business environment (Haslam, van Knippenberg and Ellemers, 2014).

However, Cummings and Worley, (2014), conceptual model is a representation of a system that determines made of composition to know about concept of people, understand to them and simulate the subject model representation. In this aspect, model is describes to understand about work of like the project for representation of outcomes and performances. Conceptual model within Tesco is describing about ethnographic, qualitative approach and key stakeholders which assist to view about adaptive clinical trial development process within the business environment (Cummings and Worley, 2014). As compare to this, Carter, Armenakis and Mossholder, (2013) stated that during analysis of stakeholders participation series of multidisciplinary meetings are describes to completing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats within the enterprise. In this type of analysis, overarching themes are develops which assist to gain conceptual model. As results, goals and objectives are ascertains at workplace for developing careful management concept within the business environment. In addition to this, trial development also assist to make effective results and performance to understand complexity at workplace of development process (Carter, Armenakis and Mossholder, 2013).

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  • Carter, M. Z., Armenakis, A. A. & Mossholder, K. W., (2013). Transformational leadership, relationship quality, and employee performance during continuous incremental organizational change. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 34(7). pp.942-958.
  • Cummings, S., Bridgman, T. & Brown, K. G., (2016). Unfreezing change as three steps: Rethinking Kurt Lewin’s legacy for change management. human relations. 69(1). pp.33-60.
  • Cummings, T. G. & Worley, C. G., (2014). Organization development and change. Cengage learning.
  • Efferin, S., Efferin, S. & Hartanto, M., (2016). Management control system, leadership and gender ideology: A study of an Indonesian construction company. Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies. 6(4). pp.314-339.
  • Fernandez, C. S., Noble, C. C. & Steffen, D., (2015). Moving the needle: A retrospective pre-and post-analysis of improving perceived abilities across 20 leadership skills. Maternal and child health journal. 19(2). pp.343-352.
  • Haslam, S. A., van Knippenberg, D., Platow, M. J., & Ellemers, N. (Eds.). (2014). Social identity at work: Developing theory for organizational practice. Psychology Press.
  • Liou, Y. H., Daly, A. J. & del Fresno, M., (2015). Foregrounding the role of relationships in reform: A social network perspective on leadership and change. International Journal of Educational Management. 29(7). pp.819-837.

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