
Health System Reform In Australia



Health system reform is a process which consists the discussion about the health system which is already exist in a country. The primary health care is the need in case of any kind of health issues as there are two possibilities under the health system reform process, either the existing system will have some changes in it or the whole system will be replaced by the new one. In Australia the motivation to reform the health system came after the evaluation of a particular area, the people are suffering from the various dangerous health disease. For providing the health care services to those people the health system reform has to be done with the support of government and some health experts. In this context the Australian health department have taken the initiative as they are providing so much health care services in which the obesity is also included which is a major problem with the people of Australia.

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The health issues can impact on a human body as the metabolism of the body works so slowly and it does not support, in so many cases it leads to some other hazardous disease like cancer, heart problems, diabetes etc. The heath issues may come from the unsophisticated food and no physical workout. This health issues should be degraded from the people so Australia health department have decided to implement some programs which can be favorable for the patients who are suffering from some unconditional disease. To came over from these things the health care system should get reform with the new possibilities.

Causes of health issues

There are so many factors observed by the medical experts which can make impact on a human body as a health issue. These factors can be seen as causes of this disease in which the energy intake is the main cause, it implies that the amount of food depends on the age on a person. Also, the size of body and the physical activities done by that person does matter in consuming the food also the type of food is also so important. If there is a lady and she is pregnant so her body will convert the all the protein, carbohydrate and fact into the energy which she wants to bear that pain. The energy intake is decided already by the experts as children intake is about 6000 kilojoules, 9000 kilojoules for the adolescents and 10000 kilojoules for the adults aged 19 and above. The reason behind the such health issues also can be seen as if someone’s body consumes more calories and ultimately it burns. Some people believe that health issue is a result of eating more unhygienic food and less exercising. There are some factors which are also responsible for the various health issues in the human body, such as it can be genetic, the environmental change can make a person unhealthy, the behavioral factors are considerable and so many social factors like at some places the person cannot for any physical exercise due to its busy schedule.

The genetic impact on a person which forces him to be with an unhealthy schedule which increases the risk of health issues. The person who is totally inactive and his lifestyle and schedule have not physical activity resulting he is so unhealthy, in such situation the risk % may increases. There are some conditions like inappropriate daily life, junk food, lazy working environment and also the unawareness of a person regarding his health issues. Some health issues are quite complicated to be analyzed. The symptoms can be seen as problems in breathing, the various disorders associated with the breathing like sleep apnea, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease etc. In some other case's health issues can be the seen in form of cancers like in men, prostate and bowel cancer and in women breast and uterine cancer. Depression, diabetes, gallbladder and liver problems and the GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease) are also some major health issue which may be seen with the people of Australia. After evaluating these causes of health issues the primary health care should be upgraded with the new facilities and latest technology. The various changes should be done in the primary health care system.


Australia health department have started so many programs and events under the primary health care system in which people have known about the various prevention strategies which can be used for decreasing the chances of health issues. If the lifestyle of a person will have changes then it can be prevented. The person should do start some physical activities in its daily routine like yoga, meditation and so on. People may go for the physical counseling for getting out of any physical disorder. The primary health care have the catalog for the patients by which they can see the instructions to be healthy. The drug therapy is also an option to come over those health issues provided in the primary health care system. For example people with 27 of BMI are suffering with the disease like obesity.


The health system reform in Australia is done under the supervision of Australia health department. In this process the discussion is done on the various modification and replacement of the existing health system. From last few years the risk % and the number of people have so many health problems are decreased with a big difference. Due to the health system reform the overweight people are decreased as there are very few numbers of people who are suffering from any kind of health issues.

But in the children of age of 2-4, many of them are having major health issues so primary health-care should reform their function for avoiding the health issues in children of Australia(Davis and Rayburn, (2016). This health system reform have given a big relief to the people of Australia from being a patient. For example obesity have added in the list of national health priorities by the Australian federal government and they have generated so many health care programs for those people.


In this summary the discussion is all about health system reform. To provide primary health care services this process has been initiated by the Australia health department. They have done survey of people who are so unhealthy and generally suffering with any kind of health issue. Then for the regular patients in hospital the organization have conducted so many operations and primary health care services as if people will go through all those programs than they will have the prevention strategies and also the treatment has been provided to them.


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