
Person Centered Care

Person centred care includes informing, listening and involving the patients in the health care setting. The present report explains about the concepts of person centred care in contemporary Australian health settings. Further discussion is being made on legal and ethical concepts. Duty of care for registered nurse is also explained further in the report.

Concepts of Person centred care in contemporary Australian health settings

Person centred care can be defined as a way of thinking and doing certain things which focus on seeing and treating people in such a way that it meet their needs (Ford and, 2018). This centred care settings are developed and maintained in such a way that nurses focuses on providing care services to the patients in respectful and responsive way. Needs, values, preferences of patient are respected and valued in contemporary Australian health settings. The patient centred care settings are emerging in the Australia as a primary approach for health care. According to the given scenario, Joan feels very tired, frail and she also has the extreme scoliosis that leads to affect her mobility and also increases the risk of falls (Coyne, Holmström and Söderbäck, 2018). She dose not wish to go to the nursing home but she is being admitted in for 8 days in a single room. The person centred care facilities can help effectively to the patient Joan.

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The concept of person centred care puts great emphasis on acknowledging and respecting the preferences and values of patient. This also promotes flexibility in provision for health care services and seeks for moving beyond of the traditional paternalistic way and approach of the health care settings (Patient-centred care as an approach to improving health care in Australia, 2018). Patients like Joan and many more can feel better and get treated effectively through the person centred care as in addition with various physical aspects of health care, it also acknowledges the values and beliefs of patient towards the well-being.

The main advantage of this contemporary Australian health care setting is that it puts great focus on enhancing satisfaction of the patient, thus lead to bring positive and effective outcomes. The main focus of this contemporary health care setting is on meeting the needs of person or patient rather than the services need. People now-a-days who need health care services do not want or happy with sitting back and letting health care staff to do what is best. People or patient have their person views for what is good for them and they also have their own priorities in life. Thus, contemporary Australian healthcare settings are focusing on being more flexible for meeting the needs of people. The care settings or systems are developed in a way that it suits the patient need rather than the way round. People are provided to be an equal partner for planning the health care and also their opinions are respected and treated important. Person centred care settings do not assume about what patient thinks or wants but they focus on identifying the same and then meeting their needs and wants. Joan can get good and effective health care treatment in the person centred care settings as the concept of these settings are focused on respecting the values and beliefs of patient and also provides satisfaction to them.

Legal and Ethical Concepts

Legal and ethical principles or concepts refers to description of what is expected and can be defined in terms of right or wrong. There are different ethical principles which the registered nurse must adhere to and comply with (Malmberg and, 2019). This may include non-maleficence, autonomy, beneficence and justice. For example, the registered nurses within healthcare settings or personal care settings are expected to perform their duties and role in accordance with various ethical principles. Ethical practices and ethics are integrated into various aspects of the nursing care.

Beneficence refers to doing right and also good things for the patient. Non-maleficence refers to that nurse focus on doing no harm as it is stated in the Hippocratic Oath. The harm may be classified into intentional or unintentional (Ethical Practice: NCLEX-RN, 2019). Autonomy refers to that nurse focuses on respecting the wishes of patient even when nurse do not agree with it.  Nurse accepts the patient as the unique person who have the innate right for having personal perspectives, opinions, beliefs and values. Justice refers to fairness. The registered nurse focus on being fair and treating patient in fair way while distributing the healthcare services. For example, the registered nurse is providing care services to group of patient and according to this ethical principle, care needs to be fair, justly and equitably distributed to different patients of the group.

Beneficence can be defined as ethical principle which is based on the idea that nurses should facilitate good practices. It is the concept which includes doing goods and right thing.  In simple words, nurse should conduct such practices which is good for patient.  For instance, in context of Joan, the best ethical practice which can be conducted by nurse is Resuscitating a drowning victim. In addition to this, nurses can assist Joan in performing routine activities. Beneficiaries is considered to be as an effective as well as valuable as it promotes superior standards of nursing performance.  It is the concept which focuses on compassionate care and advocates for continual striving toward excellence. But  nurses are required to be very careful while implementing  the beneficiaries ethical as well as legal concept as it could lead to paternalism when implemented in inappropriate manner.

Utilising an evidence based approach and analysing the way duty of care for registered nurse differs from enrolled nurse

Evidence based practices can be defined as conscientious utilization of beat practices available. It is an evidence practices which provides nurses with techniques which can be utilized for delivering quality care as well as services to patients. In context of clinical setting, evidence based practice is conscientious problem solving approach which assist nurses in delivering high valuer proposition to patients. It also helps nurses in making an appropriate decision related to patient care. In context of nursing, evidence based practices plays crucial role in the enhancing the patients outcomes (Care, 2018).  It has been analyzed from the given scenario, is that Joan is suffering from the me scoliosis which affects mobility and increases falls risk. Joan also feel afraid making  new friends, in such case nurse in nursing home is required to identify the best solution for solving the issue faced by Joan. In addition to this, as Joan is very much sensitive in such case nurse has to be very much careful while dealing with Joan. But by adopting the patient centered  evidence based approach nurse in the nursing home can assist Joan in improving her health. Person centered care approach to nursing is considered to be as an effective as it enables patients to determine their own requirements. It is the holistic patient centered approach which encourages professional to reflect as well as generate self-awareness . Holistic patient centered approach also supports medical professional or nurses in fulfilling the needs and meeting the expectation of patients. In context of given case study, Holistic patient centered approach will assist nurse in fulfilling the needs of Joan. By using the Holistic patient centered approach, nurse can engage Joan in planning, developing and monitoring care to make sure it meets their needs.

Difference between the duties of enrolled nurses and registered nurses.

Registered nurses are basically a fully trained nurses with an official state certificate as well as competencies. On the other hand, enrolled nurses are those who have acquired requisite qualification (Håkansson and, 2018).  Enrolled nurse works under the supervision as well as guidance of registered nurse.

Registered nurses as more duties and responsibilities as compared to enrolled nurses.  The duties of enroll nurse in Australian clinical setting is to help patient in performing daily activities. In context of given case scenario of Joan, it is the duty of registered nurse is to help Joan in performing daily activities. Whereas, the duty of registered nurse in Australian clinical setting is to monitor, record and symptoms or changes in patient health conditions. In context of Joan case, duty of registered nurse in nursing home is to monitor as well as report the changes in health conditions of Joan (Fazio and, 2018.). In addition to this it is the duty of registered nurse is to provide treatment to patients suffering from specific disease. Duty of registered nurse is to educate patients and their families on disease prevention and post-hospital treatment. On the other hand, duty of enrolled nurse is to administer the medicines and also to undertake other nursing care responsibility which is appropriate to their assessed competencies. In addition to this, role of registered nurse is to  assist registered nurse in providing treatment to patient.

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