
CHCECE002 Assessment Answers - Ensure Health and Safety of Children

14 Sep 2022 2328
CHCECE002 Assessment Answers for Students


Students of nursing must clear assessments based on units related to health care. One such unit is ‘Ensure Health and Safety of Children,’ which is also known as CHCECE002. Its final assessment is detailed and tough to clear. This is the reason why nursing students look for CHCECE002 assessment answers online. As the subject is related to the health of children, the topics covered are needed to be studied with care.

Here is a detailed breakdown of this type of assessment to help nursing students get familiar with the fine points of the unit.

What Is CHCECE002 Assessment?

This unit is covered with the focus of training young nursing students in the health care of children. The unit covers in detail the most simple practices like washing hands to using Asthma inhalers. Students are tasked with teaching children these practices and provide support to parents by daycare. The subject is meant to provide certification to work as a nurse in homes or a creche.

Before the assessment, students have to learn basic health and safety practices related to children. They must be comfortable around children and should be able to engage with them. Students must learn to understand the basic needs of the children and the signs and actions that they show when they are in discomfort and require attention.

This course is basic training in child health care. There are certain elements of the assessment that need to be practically implemented to qualify as a nurse for children.

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Elements of CHCECE002 Assessment

One must study these with the aim of ensuring the safety and health of children by practical implementation. The goal of these is to make a student capable of handling a situation that doesn’t require medical attention but can be dangerous for children.

  • Support Each Child’s Health Needs: All children are not the same, and some need special attention. A nursing student must identify these needs and make proper arrangements for students based on their needs. They must convey the same to the parents so that a child can be taken care of in a nurse’s absence.
  • Need for Sleep, Rest & Relaxation: They should be able to develop healthy sleeping conditions and schedule for the children. They should be able to develop activities that streamline the sleeping pattern of children. The comfort of a child should be kept in mind when they are being provided with clothes. Ensure that you provide full privacy to children when they are changing. One should be able to convey to the parents about the clothing preferences and healthy sleeping habits of a child.
  • Effective Hygiene and Health Practices: One should be capable enough to help children learn hygiene and healthy living. These are simple ways by which clean surroundings and body can be maintained to protect kids from getting sick. They must talk to parents about the benefits of hygienic practices and prevention from infections.
  • Supervision: They should be able to manage multiple children and keep a note of their activities, and hear them at all times. They should ensure safety by conducting the activities in an area where they can easily address each child’s needs and converse with them. There should be a strict demonstration of off-limit parts and blind spots.
  • Minimize Risk: The accessible areas in a particular building should be checked for dangerous items that can hurt children. The storage of things that can cause harm should also be kept hidden and should be off-limits from the children. One must ensure that the place of drop off and pick up should be safe for children and set procedures should be followed to enable authorized pick up only. Monitoring should be done by the people who enter the area that is meant for children. Make sure that the toys provided to children are safe to play with.
  • Allergy Management: Keep note of all types of allergies to which a child is vulnerable. One must make sure that they have all the equipment which they will need in case of an emergency situation. They should also be aware of things that may trigger such reactions in children and keep such things away from them. One should also be aware of the guidelines that are prescribed in cases by the authorities and should follow them.
  • Asthma Management: They should be able to protect children against such attacks. They must identify signs, symptoms, and triggers of such cases and should have ample training in helping such children. Make a plan for children to manage the condition and make sure that the plan is followed properly by both child and parents.

This training should be enough for a student to manage the health and safety needs of a child. The assessment is done on the basis of these elements as they are essential to ensure the protection of children against infections, allergies, and safety hazards. Now, it is required to understand the performance criteria that will help you in achieving this qualification.

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Performance Criteria for CHCECE002 Assessment

These are directly related to the elements of the assessment. Each element has several performance criteria attached to it to evaluate the performance of the educator. These should be fulfilled to get a certificate in the course and joining the practice.

  • Health Need Communication: The parents must be informed about the health needs of a child, while the information should be properly recorded and kept confidential. The organization should have policies that promote the secrecy of the records of every child. Both verbal and written information should be treated only in this way. This data includes medication, phone number, address, family beliefs, issues, preferences, financial, and social situation. The only exception is, in severe allergic cases, the information should be communicated to all that may come in contact with the child.
  • Medicine Administration: One should have proper training in administering medication or physical therapy to address any ailment. One should know what information should be collected and how it should be recorded in the forms. One can use a whiteboard to write down a medicine plan but it should not be in public view (except for allergies).
  • Well-being and Comfort: One should have records of the ages of all the children who are in their care. The sleep and resting patterns depend upon the age and developmental stages of the child. National Quality Standard recognizes the need of taking sleep and the rest of a child seriously. As the age progresses, one can convert day sleep into quiet sitting activities to help the child relax.
  • Clothing Comfort: Monitor how seriously do the family takes the clothing of the child. One can do this by asking them about it and comparing it with the actual clothes. The decision of clothes should be partly or fully with the child. This showcases their identity development. Children should never be made to undress unless the clothes are too soiled.
  • Understand Infection: The educator should be informed about the process of infection spread. There are four stages of infection spread. An infected person leaves the infection in its surroundings in the form of droplets on the surface or air. Most common bacteria and viruses survive in the atmosphere. A healthy child comes into infectious surroundings and is unprotected. The child catches the infection and it starts to multiply inside the body which makes them sick.
  • Infection Prevention Techniques: One should be aware of such techniques to protect children from getting sick. There are many ways for disinfecting surfaces like solutions of Eucalyptus Oil or Hydrogen Peroxide into water. A chemical disinfectant should not be used in a child’s playing area. Things should be identified that are to be disinfected like toys and equipment, changing and toileting areas, bed and bedding, food handling, and storage areas.
  • Reporting Illness: The educator should be able to identify common sicknesses that can contract a child. Parents should be informed immediately. They should record all the noticed symptoms in the child. It should be mentioned that what actions are needed to address a particular symptom. There should be an approximation of how long the child will need to recover and join the care again.
  • Hazards and Risks: There should be a proper record of the risk to a child when they are moving from one place to another. This assessment must contain things that are of risk with the level of risk determined based on its intensity. Control methods should be suggested to prevent this from happening.

One should be aware of the safety practices involved to safeguard children from physical and mental harm. This requires them to successfully clear an assessment. Here are some sample questions & answers to help you understand this test better.

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Sample CHCECE002 Assessment Answers for Students

(a) What Are Allergies? What Are the Different Types of Allergens?

An allergy occurs when a usually harmless substance causes an immune reaction in someone’s body. The body thinks the substance is dangerous, so it produces antibodies, which try to fight and remove the substance.

Some common allergens (causes of allergy) are:

  • Certain types of food
  • Pollen
  • Dust mites
  • Mould
  • Pet hair
  • Bee and wasp stings
  • Chemicals
  • Medicines
  • Certain materials, such as latex and nylon

(b) What Are the Common Symptoms of Allergy?

  • Hives
  • Cramps/Vomiting
  • Distress
  • Sneezing/Runny nose
  • Itchy eyes and ears, and itchy skin at the site of contact
  • Wheezing/asthma
  • Eczema
  • Headache
  • Lethargy
  • Loss of concentration
  • Coughing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Shock
  • Rash
  • swelling (edema)
  • Anaphylaxis

(c) What Are the Responsibility of a Nurse Towards the Parents According to a Child’s Needs?

They must be able to properly understand and provide information regarding the health needs of children. They have to ensure that the information doesn’t become public and each child should be taken into confidence regarding privacy. They must be able to train parents in the administration of medication in their absence.

These were sample CHCECE002 assessment answers that are commonly asked in the test. Students sometimes find it difficult to answer them and fail the assessment. This requires them to look for online services that can help them out. Here is one such service which is trusted by many students in the country and they hold in high regard.

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Why Is Assignment Prime the Leading CHCECE002 Assessment Answers Provider Among Students?

Students of nursing are engaged in a course that is directly related to the well-being of children. It is an important matter for both parents and society. The responsibility increases in such cases, and they are required to stay alert and well informed in the practices of prevention. This requires them to clear very difficult assessments to be able to join the practices and perform as good health care personal.

They understand the importance of practice and study hard for it. But writing CHCECE002 assessment answers require more than just subject and practical knowledge. It requires writing skills which all students don’t have. This may reduce their chances of getting cleared in the assessment, not because of a lack of study but writing quality. That is why Assignment Prime is providing help to such students with their assessment answers for a decade now. It has become the favorite destination for students for coursework help. Some of its features that attract students are:

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