
A Brief Guide to Writing a Flawless MBA Essay Using 4W's and 1H

10 Jun 2019 3395
A Brief Guide to Writing a Flawless MBA Essay

If you are trying to get into an MBA school or undergoing any MBA selection process or you are already pursuing it, then the gateway of your dreams is an MBA essay. This is not a simple essay that any student has to write and submit in class. MBA essay has its own identity. Thus, MBA essay writing is always in demand and popular for making students go sleepless or struggle with anxiety. If you are one of those students struggling with your MBA essay writing task, then BINGO! You arrived at the right place. 

This blog on a brief guide to writing a flawless MBA essay includes all a student should know about this essay. The below-mentioned points are carefully observed, analyzed, collected, and put together by experts of Assignment Prime, the best MBA essay writing service provider in the world. Now, you might be wondering why is MBA essay in such hype and how we can help you with it.

So, to solve all your queries and to make it easy for you to understand, we segmented this blog into five sections as per the 4Ws and H pattern:

  • WHAT is an MBA essay?
  • HOW to write an MBA essay?
  • WHICH are the trending MBA essay topics?
  • WHO can help in making your MBA essay perfect?
  • WHY should you take help for your MBA essay writing? 

These are the five sections that can help you with your MBA essay writing. So, let’s get started.

WHAT is an MBA essay?

Basically, this is a 3-layered essay that showcases your worth to your targeted school if you are applying to get admission in it. In case you are writing this essay for your assignment or college work, it is a medium to put forward your views in a strong and detailed manner. If you do not have enough subject knowledge or skills for essay writing on MBA, you can avail help from us. 

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HOW to write an MBA essay?

Now, that you know what an MBA essay is, let’s look into how to write one.

1. Choose a type

There are five types of MBA essays, and if you are not told to write a particular one, then you can choose any one of these listed below:

A. Goals Essay

This essay is where you are expected to discuss your goals in a way that the reader gets to know your purpose of joining that school. If you are writing this for admission purpose, then reflect your goals for the benefit of the school as well.

B. Self-reflection Essay

This is a type of essay writing for an MBA where you discuss yourself as the name defines already. Here, you introduce yourself or explain your habits, interests, or such. This kind of essay is usually used to make the person discover a bit more of himself.

C. Contribution Essay

In this type of essay, you put forward your contributions. This can include what you have already contributed and what you are planning to do in the future.

D. Leadership Essay

In this essay, you have an opportunity to include your past achievements and merits that can help in your future developments.

E. Video Essay

This is the latest innovation in which you have an opportunity to submit your essay in video format. This showcases your communication skills and presence of mind. You also have a chance of retake or do it in one go for such MBA essays.


Choose any one of the above types of essays. And then you are all good to go for the next stage.

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2. Design a structure

MBA essays are usually 3-layered structures. Here you have three main segments in your essay.

A. Introduction

This is the first segment of your MBA essay. Here you include a brief of your essay, an intriguing opening, and state a thesis statement.

B. Body

This is the main part of your essay. This is where you include your views, a description of your topic, an explanation of the thesis statement, etc. 

C. Conclusion

This is the last section of your essay. Here you summarize your essay, restate the thesis statement, and wind up your views.

3. Note these tips

Here are some MBA essay writing tips to create a perfect and professional essay.

A. Learn different MBA essay types

When you are preparing for an essay writing for MBA, you should be aware of the different types of MBA essays. If you are not aware of them, you can take a look at the top section of this blog where we discussed them.

B. Practise the MBA essay structure

Start early, so you have enough time to practice writing an essay for MBA in a structure as per the guidelines.

C. Choose an interesting topic

Your essay topic plays a very crucial role in your grades when it is about an MBA essay. If you are looking for some good suggestions on interesting topics, then you can go to the next section of this blog.

D. Get it reviewed

Once you complete your essay, get it reviewed and take the feedback seriously to improve. This way, you can develop a flawless essay.

E. Finalize it as per the guidelines

Now, finalize your essay after assuring that all the guidelines and checklist are followed. 

So, these were the 5 MBA essay writing tips that can help you tailor a perfect document. Now, let’s take a look at some interesting topics as we promised before.

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WHICH are the trending MBA essay topics?

  • Opportunity knocks once for all.
  • Social media is a waste of time.
  • You may delay, but time will not.
  • Is it not easy to say no.
  • Dreaming big is the first step to success.

For more interesting MBA essay topics, you can contact our experts. They choose the best topic for your MBA essay. 

WHO can help in making your MBA essay a piece of perfection?

Wondering who can help with your MBA essay? We know it's a complex task for a student to balance his study and life and bring out the best essay. So, we provide the best MBA essay writing service for such students. If you are wondering about our writer's work, you can take a look at these MBA essay examples written by them. 

WHY should you take help for your MBA essay writing?

If you are thinking about why you should take MBA essay writing help from us, then read along...

  • We know a student has poor writing skills as compared to a professional. So, take help from our quality-certified writers to get a fool-proof document.
  • Being a student, it gets tough to keep your expenses within limits, and this is why we deliver the best work at affordable prices along with 365 days round-the-year discounts for both new and existing customers.
  • Getting a good grade is not easy; you need to deliver work on time. And this is where our lightning-fast delivery comes into the picture.

This is how we provide the best essay writing service to students. Now, that if you are wondering what the right time to reach us is, then it is now! Yes, we are available 24*7 via call, message and mail. So, contact us now!

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