A-Z Satire Essay Topics: Choose the Best One for an Impressive Essay
29 Jun 2022 16668
Essays are short pieces of writing that are written to represent the author’s arguments or experiences. There are various types of essay writing, such as persuasive, expository, narrative, descriptive, etc., which all depends on what the author is trying to convey to his readers. Satire can be used when writing a persuasive or argumentative essay. The purpose of writing a satire essay is to subtly make fun of a person, a concept, societal attitudes, and other things by using humor, irony, and hyperbole. This form of essay allows you to present your personal spin and perspective on a subject. Thus, providing your readers with a humorous, sarcastic, and ironic read, while sticking to the facts.
A well-thought-out satire essay can launch a great debate. But, it can sometimes spark controversies and hurt people’s beliefs and emotions. So, it’s vital that you choose a good topic for your satire essay that can be well-received by your readers. However, getting a great idea for a satirical essay is not easy since it aims at making fun or criticizing a person or an object. But, when you have Assignment Prime by your side, you need not worry about the topic for your satire essay.
Below our essay help writing experts have listed some trending topics for satire essays that have a good sense of irony and sarcasm. These topics are listed under specific categories like politics, art, music, movies, environment, sports, and more. So, let’s get started.
Satire Essay Topics on Art, Music, and Film
1. Share your views on the recently released Hollywood movie ‘Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.’
2. Who do you think is the best rock band in recent times?
3. Is television one of the best child-babysitting tools?
4. Which Hollywood actor had the best 2018?
5. How long can you wait for the final season of Game of Thrones?
6. Would you stay married to Kanye West if you wake up like Kim Kardashian?
7. Whom would you invite for performing a song at your wedding– Ed Sheeran or Passenger?
8. Why listening to music is considered the best form of relaxation?
9. Superhero characters have a strong impact on Marvel. Share your views on this.
10. Is the world of music really transforming due to ‘Naija’ beats and tunes?
If you want to write an interesting satire essay on art, music, or film, then you can pick any of these trending topics of 2019.
Satire Essay Topics on Environment and Nature
11. Do you think recycling is an ideal approach to improve our environment?
12. Should environmental policies be compromised for housing projects?
13. How cutting down trees is damaging the ozone layer?
14. Which are the most threatened species in the world?
15. What are the simple ways to prevent soil erosion?
16. Do you know Global Warming can be prevented if you refuse to brush your gums and teeth?
17. How are crops for food grown in Middle East countries?
18. The functions and impacts of the United Nations Environmental Program.
19. Are Polythene bags the significant factors behind destroying our surroundings?
20. What happens if oil becomes essential than water?
You can choose any of these topics listed above to write about the environment and nature in a funny and humorous way.
Satire Essay Topics on Religion and Morality
21. What is the importance of praying on a daily basis?
22. In this coming Easter season, what message are you expecting from the Pope?
23. Divorce cases are increasing in today’s world! – Can you track it?
24. Even the strongest marriages break abruptly these days. Can you specify a reason?
25. What challenges did the Jews face during the II World War?
26. Is plastic surgery morally acceptable?
27. How has Social Media changed the worshiping of Christianity?
28. How do new findings in science affect our religion?
29. What is the impact of war on the lives of Christians and Muslims living in the Middle East?
30. Why should Muslims respect the Holy City of Mecca?
Religion and morality are the genres that are not meant to poke fun at. We know it well, and that’s why we have given you these topics on which you can write a satire essay without sparking controversy and hurting anyone’s sentiment.
Satire Essay Topics on Literature and Language
31. According to you, what are the best works of Shakespeare?
32. What is the difference between Greek and Roman forms of literature?
33. How does literature change with religion?
34. What did you learn from the story of Romeo and Juliet?
35. Can literature be used to draw an ending line to racism?
36. What is the impact of art and music on our current literature?
37. How can literature help us promote our culture and beliefs?
38. Can you track the use of language in “The Kite Runner” by Khaled Hosseini?
39. How traditional methods of language helped modern ones evolve?
40. Social media and its strong impact on grammar and language in today’s world.
Literature has contributed a lot to the world we live in today. Writing a satire essay on these topics will give you a chance to present your funny perception of literature and language.
Satire Essay Topics on Politics, Governance, and History
41. What sets Donald Trump apart from the previous presidents?
42. Is freedom of speech a necessity?
43. Why should we believe our politicians?
44. Is communism the direct opposite of capitalism?
45. Reasons why Russia is America’s top ally.
46. How can interracial marriages help in discouraging racism?
47. Is Brexit good for Britain?
48. Is the Great Wall of China built by the aliens?
49. What are the reasons behind Kenneth Bone becoming a sensation at the presidential debate?
50. Why should North Korea get press freedom?
Politics and history are the genres that always become the subject of good puns. Opting for these topics on politics, governance, and history for your satire essay is a good move as they can be humorously explored to a great extent.
Satire Essay Topics on Science and Medicine
51. Is there any cure for HIV AIDS or is it just a myth?
52. Why should women not be encouraged to breastfeeding?
53. Why should you opt for plastic surgery if your id gets stolen?
54. Which type of cancer is better?
55. Is the bodyweight of a person really determinant of what he eats?
56. Why should we do away with vitamins and minerals?
57. Why moving to space should be on our mind?
58. How has music cured diseases?
59. Reasons for getting a cold during winter.
60. What is traveling beneficial for pregnant women?
Science has made the lives of humans simpler than ever. But yes, there are a variety of topics on science and medicines that can be chosen to write a funny satire essay. You can take ideas for your satire essay from this list of topics.
Satire Essay Topics on Social Issues
61. Why should a person be a cat to win the rat race?
62. Why are teen moms on the rise these days?
63. Can comic books promote certain careers?
64. Why the upper-class experience more stress than the lower-class?
65. Why ignoring strangers is not a good idea?
66. Reasons to follow a stranger’s advice.
67. Reasons to become an annoying human being.
68. Why being homeless is not as bad as it seems?
69. Why should you master the art of being right even when you're wrong?
70. How to lie perfectly and get away with it in a convincing manner?
The society that we live in has a lot of issues. However, adding a bit of fun while talking about such problems can make it easier for us to realize what’s happening. Any of these topics on social issues can make your satire essay worth reading.
Satire Essay Topics on Sports and Leisure
71. Reasons why athletes who use steroids should be in the hall of fame.
72. Why should college athletes get paid?
73. As soccer matches lead to fights, should they be closed events?
74. Why should violent people be made to attend sporting events in their innerwear?
75. Why are women better athletes than men?
76. Should boxers wear jerseys when boxing?
77. Reason why practice jerseys of sportspeople should have ads.
78. Reasons why women bench heavier than men in the gym.
79. How can video games help in developing valuable professional skills?
80. How will steroids help athletes if legalized?
If you need a topic to write a satire essay on sports and leisure, then you can take ideas from the list mentioned above. You can choose to write a satire essay on any sport and take a dig at it.
Satire Essay Topics on Technology and Equipment
81. Why are electric cars a better choice than petrol vehicles?
82. Do you think robots can conquer human beings?
83. How is Google changing the lives of humans?
84. The influence of computers and technology on learning in a recent date.
85. How has plastic surgery become easier than before?
86. Do you think that artificial intelligence will replace human labor one day?
87. The impact of co-browsing on the world of education.
88. How does technological advancement help in fighting cancer?
89. How has technological development made communication more convenient?
90. How are drones utilized to enhance security?
These were a few captivating topics that you can pick for your satire essay. Since technology is a vast area, you may have endless topics, but the ones listed here are the best to write a satire essay on.
Other Trending Satire Essay Topics Among College Students
91. Skype – A medium of communication among the students during the summer holidays.
92. Social Media and US! – Coupling all the time.
93. What is your take on, “Study ensures better grades?”
94. What are the funny methods of flunking in your exams?
95. High school bullying and office harassment – Are they similar?
96. Why has college pregnancy become a prominent topic for discussion these days?
97. Do you know the best time management skills while you are in school?
98. How to get good grades in school without studying?
99. Do you think Facebook is the best place to find friends?
100. Artificial Intelligence will replace the stereotypical college professors one day. Share your views on this.
101. What is the main reason behind anxiety and stress among students?
If you are thinking about what some good satire topics to write an essay on are, then consider these enlisted here. Writing your next satire essay on any one of these topics will surely help you catch the attention of your readers. Whichever topic you choose, make sure you do in-depth research on it so that you don’t face any issues while sharing knowledge and presenting your arguments.
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However, there are a few things that you should keep in mind while selecting a funny and creative satire essay topic.
- The first thing you should know before choosing a topic for a satire essay is to know your readers. Understand whether they will be comfortable reading a satirical essay on the topics without getting offended.
- You should always go for the topic that resonates with your interest. If you choose a topic that seems uninteresting to you, then you would never be able to take a dig on it or present it in a hilarious way.
- Also, you should pick a topic that is relevant to the current trend. Readers find it quite captivating when they have something amusing to read about the topic that is trending in recent times.
Whatever topic you choose for your satire essay, make sure it lets you explore its hilarious side. So, go ahead with your essay and draft it using sarcasm, exaggeration, humor, irony, proficient language, and evidence.
In case writing a satire essay seems difficult to you, then we are always there to assist you. Don’t hesitate in reaching to us because we can write such a satirical essay for you that would leave your readers with a delighted cackle! Our team of experts will help with assignment writing guides for you.
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