
GAMSAT Section 2 Essay Writing Tips: A Step-by-Step Guide for Success

18 Nov 2019 1867
How to write a good GAMSAT essay

GAMSAT essay has the power to change your future. Sounds dramatic, right? But, yes, this essay has the ability to change your future. It is because a mediocre essay can cost you your grades. So, better be well-prepared for it than be sorry.

What Is a GAMSAT Essay?

This is not a question a medical aspirant would ask but still for clarification, here’s the answer. GAMSAT is an examination held to narrow down the number of graduate applicants in a medical school. The GAMSAT essay writing from section 2 plays a vital role in deciding your score.

How to Write a Good GAMSAT Essay?

1. Read the Topic

Here, the first step is reading the topic. One should not just read but understand what the theme is for the topic.

2. Note Down All the Ideas

Now, its time to brainstorm. Think about the topic, brainstorm, and note down all the ideas whichever you feel are relevant to your topic.

3. Come Up with a Proper Plan

After you understand the topic well and have all the ideas, you should make a proper plan to know how to proceed with the work. By having an appropriate plan, it would be easy for you to manage your time and write the essay effectively.

4. Decide the Structure

Now, based on your theme, decide the structure for your essay. Every essay type like fictional, informative, narrative, exploratory, etc. has a specified structure. So, choose one accordingly.

5. Use Clear Language

Do not use jargon or ambiguous words. Always be clear and deliver to the point content.

6. Add Support to Your Content

Always support what you write. Add facts, or data or other such things that can act as a support to your content.

7. Revise and Proofread

Once, you have completed your essay, go back to the starting and read again. Proofread everything and rewrite or correct wherever needed.

Are you having trouble finding GAMSAT essay topics? We have a long list.

GAMSAT Essay Topics

There are two types of essay- Task A and Task B. The topics for each type are given below.

Task A

Task A essays are usually contentious, argumentative, and critical. Here you need to write either for or against the topic. You need to prepare from current global events for this.

Here we have a list of essay topics from Task A:

  • Freedom
  • Crime
  • Poverty
  • Wealth
  • Punishment
  • Science
  • Technology
  • War

Task B

The task B essays are abstract, reflective, expressive and poetic. Here you need to write in a proposed contemplation and response. You need to prepare from aesthetics and literature for this.

Here we have a list of essay topics from Task A:

  • Love
  • Humour
  • Suffering
  • Youth
  • Beauty
  • Conformity
  • Originality
  • Ageing
  • Friendship
  • Wisdom

Here is a list of few GAMSAT essay questions that can help you prepare for the best.

1. How are computers alienating people?

2. Should students be more interested in learning than the facts?

3. Are laws changing social values?

4. How is the truth made irrelevant in advertising?

5. Is it mandatory to sacrifice our privacy to a level to enter public life?

6. Can enforcing a law make it effective?

7. What is the main purpose of a business- to make a profit?

8. Power of music- to entertain or educate?

9. Can caution be the best guide for the government?

10. How is technology playing a role in affecting human values than improving human life?

11. How youth and innovation can be more beneficial to politics than their age and experience?

12. What should be the object of education- skills or values?

13. Should we prioritize environmental concerns over economic concerns?

14. How true is "Education comes from experience and not books?"

15. How is the technology designed to make our lives simpler, making it complex?

16. How is development in technology, making us less creative?

17. Can one in business succeed from the mistakes of others?

18. Does restricting an individual’s freedom help in the social order?

19. What is the essential function of law, to protect individual rights?

20. Is it necessary that in education, the newest way is the best way?

This list of 20 sample GAMSAT essay questions can help you understand the pattern of essays in GAMSAT. However, you can also refer to GAMSAT essay examples available online to get a better idea on writing a perfect GAMSAT essay.

Still unsure how well you have prepared for your GAMSAT exam? Why not take a GAMSAT practice test? It will help you know where you stand and how your preparation is going. Apart from GAMSAT essay, you can get tips for writing IELTS essay or CAE essay from our experts.

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