
Ensure a Safe Workplace


WHS is an act which is been made for the health and safety of the people in the workplace so that they can be able to work in an safe environment. It is important to have the safe place so that there will be no problems will create while working over the workplace. And many safety programs has to be done in the place to prevent from the issues related to health and safety(Closs Speierand Meacham, 2011). All the organisation should follow it to make there employees more motivate so that they can able to work safely. This is good keep safety to prevent risk.

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1). Current commonwealth WHS act and codes and practices and regulation of business.

Code and practices is been conducted by the consulting with the industry, employees, etc. the code of act is been made under the applicable act and it must be with the acceptance by the relevant minister. The code of practice is not comes under the law, but is necessary to follow this until the same or better course will not come in the action. Regulation is an law all the people of the company will come under this and follow the duty(Bahr., 2014). It is been written in an legal way and it is difficult to understand the people who does not have the legal background.

2). Responsibility of the duty holder.

Responsibility of the duty holder are as under:-

  • PCBU:- personal conducting business or undertaking(PCBU). In this the principle duty holder and they has the responsibility of a broader duty care.
  • Officers:- officer has the responsibility to make the decision which will affect the organisation.
  • Work:- this is the person who's duty is to do the work for the PCBU.

3). Planning stages for developing a WHSMS

Planning stages

To developing the any thing then there should be an proper plan to make it develop. There are some stages of planning are:-

  • Information gathering.
  • Issues paper.
  • Draft plan.
  • Independent Examination.
  • The adopted plan.

Before making any plan the information should be gathered, the plan then has to be issued in the paper and then the plan has to be done in draft, all should then exam it independently and if it is good then it should be adopted(Closs., Speie and Meacham, N., 2011).

4).Benefits of consultation process.

  • Consultation process is important in the workplace which makes many things good and that can also provide the benefits to the organisation like:-
  • It can create an safer workplace.
  • The organisation get the positive working relations in between all(Friendand Kohn., 2014).
  • That will increase the employees motivation to do the work more safely.

5)How the Communication done with those who are been involved in the outcome of consultation process.

It is important to communicate with the peoples which are been involved in the process so that they can be able to get and know the points which they are wanting to tell to others, it makes the people understand what they have to do, communicating with the people which are been involved in the process is important so that they can motivate the employees more and they can do there work properly(FurlanReardon and Weppler., 2010).

6)Safety of all staff members during the changes over.

In an organisation there are many things which are been used there to do the work. While bring the new products in an organisation then it should be carefully bought because if it is not good then it can create problems. So while changing also there should be many things which has to be kept in care that no one can get harmed by the product and it is been changed so that they can be able use the proper products. There should be proper safety for the staff members while changing the equipments and the materials(Jiangand,20105).

7)Control measure in hierarchy of control.

Control measure

The hierarchy of hazard control is used in an organisation to make the minimization of hazards or the any kind of problems. The hierarchy control are:-

8).Elements of hierarchy used in the situations.

Hierarchy is been used to minimize the risk of health and safety in the organisation. As an organisation is having the table which is cracked and the wire is cut the use of hierarchy in it:

  • Eliminate: The table and the wire should be removed form the organisation.
  • Substitution: The things which are making problem for the health and safety of the people should be replaced(Kines and
  • Engineering: in the organisation there should be the things which are been made to prevent the exposure risk.
  • Administrative: there should be an proper control to the human to make it well.
  • PPE: it is compulsory to use the respiratory protective equipments in the organisation to prevent risk.

9). Methods can be used to identify the hazard in the workplace.

It is good to check the work place while doing the work so that can be able to prevent the hazards:

  • Look back to own accident and ill health records: it is important to firstly know about themselves so that they can able to make records that can help to be far away from the things one is having problem.
  • Check manufacturers instructions: It can be beneficial to see the instructions about the chemicals or the equipments which are using because it also can make problems(Weaveand, 2012).
  • Take account of the non. Routine: there should be an proper use of all the things and they has to be checked in the daily bases to make it better.
  • Remember to think about the long- term problems to the health: all should take care of the problems which they contains so that they can be able to make distance from it.

10). Factors that may lead to the purchase of the new equipment and PPE.

If the equipments are been used for a long time then it can be create problems, it is good to know about the equipments and it should be in care that when to change the equipments, if it is not been changed then it can make problems to the people working over there or it can create an major issues. So it is good to change the old equipments when ever it make any trouble to prevent from the problems(Wheeler., 2010).

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11).Expert WHS advice help in the ongoing process of managing a WHSMS

WHS advice can be beneficial for the managing a WHSMS it can make them do the work more properly and they can be able to do the things effectively and they will not have to face any problems. They should advice many things, there duty is not transferable, they can have more then duty to do. It can be motivate them to do there work.

12)5 steps in developing an effective WHSMS.

If WHSMS developed in the organisation then it can make the health and safety good in the it. It can be developed effectively by:

  • Identify problems: they should identify the problems which are been created in the organisation so that they can make changes in it.
  • Collect relevant data: the proper data should be collected(Bahr., 2014).
  • Data Analysis: the data should be analysed after collecting the data so that the problems can be find.
  • Implementation and review: the analysed data then has to be implemented in the developed to make it better.

13)Process to resolve an issue which is been identified through consultation process.

The problems which are been come to know after the consultation process in this it has to be identified and has to make clear. The identified issues should be made clear by the appropriate methods, it is necessary to make the appropriate changes after doing the consultant process to make the issues clear(Closs, Speieand Meacham.,2011).

14)Importance of documenting all the incidents.

In organisation there can be many incidents occur by any of the things, and it is important to make the documenting record so that it can be remind the incident so that the things can be make correct and they can be able know what to not do(Friendand Kohn,., 2014).

15)Benefits of having a WHS training program.

It good have the training program in the organisation about the WHS so that the employees and the other people in the organisation can get knowledge about the health and safety and they can get to know about what to do in the case of any risk. It will make the employees to make precaution before anything occurs and they can be able to take the proper steps before or after any problem comes((Kines and

16).Use of WHS induction training and things which the induction training covers.

It helps employees in understanding the what roles and duties they have to perform. It helps in knowing the rules and regulation of the organisation which make effective and efficient results.

17).How the good record keeping help to maintain compliance with current legislation.

if the organisation keep the record of the each and everything then it will able to make the proper record which will make the things in knowledge that what and when the things is been occurred in the organisation((Weaveand, 2012).


1).Maintaining the duty of care

Dave is the owner of the general store he is fully liable for any of the things which is happening in the organisation so is responsible for the issue, has an owner he should take care of the things because by the issue of the leakage of the fridge it can make any issue regarding health and safety of any people. He should take care of health and safety issues it can make any kind of problem to the people in the organisation. He should provide the safe environment to the employees as well as the customers(Bahr., 2014).

2).How could the consultation process been conduct and who all should involved in it 

The consultation process is been conducted in the organisation to make the employees do there work better and they can get motivation so that they can be ale to work properly. And it should be conducted in a proper way. And in the consultant process all the people should be involved in that which all are working over there so that they can be able to understand the things(Closs Speierand Meacham., 2011).

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3)Risk assessment

Risk Assessment are the fundamental requirement for the business. It is important to know the factors which are making risk increase and it is important to make it clear before appears. The owners should look at all the activities which is going in the organisation and they have the responsibility to make it clear. The hazard should be deducted before it arise. And it has to be identified and manage that from which the risk is occurred and how to solve it in present and in future(Friendand Kohn, 2014).

4)Induction program must be done.

The induction program should be conducted to the new staff so that they can be able to know more about the organisation and they can be able to do there work properly if they will know the things which are been provided to them. Some the things which is important to them to know about is: they should know about the legislation in the organisation. With what all equipments they have to work with and how, and how to use the things which are been provided to them and they should know the rules and regulation, they should be given an training to hand the manual risks. All these things are necessary for the people to do(Furlan Reardon and Weppler., 2010).



The manager,
Charlene Grey

            This is to request to allot the financial help to the organisation for purchasing the new fridge because the old fridge is having the problem it is leaking all over so please kindly provide the financial help so that it can be solve so that there will be no issues create in health and safety process.

Thank giving
staff member


1.over view: the policy are important part of the organisation to know about because it can make the things go better. It is important to follow the each and everything so that there will be no issues regarding the regulation.
2.background: the policy is important because it can make the changes in the companies working conditions.
3.consultation process: consultation is necessary for the organisation so that they can be able to make the people know better and they can be able to do the work properly and they make clear there issues, all the members of the organisation should be in that process so that all can get the knowledge.
4. consultation reporting and monitoring processes: it is been monstered by the employer to make the employees do there work properly and to make sure that they do not face any problems.


From the above data it is been concluded that WHS is important in the organisation to make the environment safe for working the employees and the people which are there can be safe. So it is important to have the WHSMS in the organisation to minimize the risk.


  • Bahr, N.J., 2014. System safety engineering and risk assessment: a practical approach. CRC Press.Jay, O and Kenny, G.P., 2010. Heat exposure in the Canadian workplace. American journal of industrial medicine. 53(8). pp.842-853.
  • Closs, D.J, Speier, C and Meacham, N., 2011. Sustainability to support end-to-end value chains: the role of supply chain management. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 39(1). pp.101-116.
  • Closs, D.J., Speier, C and Meacham, N., 2011. Sustainability to support end-to-end value chains: the role of supply chain management. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 39(1). pp.101-116.
  • Friend, M.A. and Kohn, J.P., 2014. Fundamentals of occupational safety and health. Bernan Press.
  • Furlan, A.D, Reardon, R and Weppler, C., 2010. Opioids for chronic noncancer pain: a new Canadian practice guideline. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 182(9). pp.923-930.
  • Jiang, L and, 2010. Perceived colleagues’ safety knowledge/behavior and safety performance: Safety climate as a moderator in a multilevel study. Accident Analysis & Prevention. 42(5). pp.1468-1476.
  • Kines, P and, 2010. Improving construction site safety through leader-based verbal safety communication. Journal of safety research. 41(5). pp.399-406.
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