
Working With Leading People


Organisation have need to maintain and engaged with the employees for achieving the goal and objective of the business. The company have also required the leadership and management style for motivating the employees in the firm. In this report present the different skill and quality for work in the employees and leader and managing the resources in the business. And also described the recruitment and selection process and creating the legal and ethical issues that affect the business.

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1.1 Documents for Recruitment and selection

Company can conduct this process to recruit and select the right employees in right place for fulfilling the vacant seat in the organisation. In the cited UPS company can select the different documents for selection.

  • Job description– This is the documents that give the details regarding the duty, responsibility, individual to full fill for that particular job post. It also presents these kills and quality and outline to managing the task in the business.
  • Person specification– It includes the individual skills, qualification, knowledge, experience that include the so that the candidate can know whether they can apply for job or not.

Job Description




Delivering the day to day activity in the business and excellent driving and expenses record during the travelling in another country.

Responsibility and duty

Collection of pick up point and address for the related department, planning the report and sorting the packages in order are delivered.

Person Specification



Minimum qualification

Minimum graduation


Ability to work in pressure and work load of the problem, and understand the route map and plan route of the company


More than 1-2 year

1.2 Impact of legal, ethical, regulatory consideration

While selecting the employees in the organisation the legal and regulatory are can affect the process of selecting the employees.

  • Equality act 2010- As per this act the company cannot discriminate between candidate in sex, age, race. It is required company must be considered the each and every candidate while recruiting and selecting the people in the business. They should only judget the employees skills, knowledge and experience.
  • Disability description act 1995- According to this act The company should not discriminate the candidate on the basis of disability. In the case company destroy the rule they also pay penalty from the government.
  • Minimum wages act – As per act minimum wages are described by the government authority must be offered the employees. When the company not follow the rules and act that the negative image of the company and may be in future less candidate attain the selection process. It is the process and discriminate the overtime, onduty payment and others information related to the payment in term of salary.
  • Sharing clear information– As per this act It is part of ethical consideration the company have responsibility to communicate the proper and right information between the employees

1.3 Part for conducting selection process

I am responsible for the managing the overall management process in the business for acquiring the talent candidate for helping in the achieving goal of the business. First I have appointed the HR executive director and invite they accept the CV and resume for the different post and qualification of the candidate. I have stated them and filter resume on the basis of specification and description this process also save the time. Further preliminary Hr conduct the interview and collect the basic information related to the candidate. From this level every candidate are assessed they passed to me for the final interview where I assessed the skill knowledge and other attribute or the person. I include the all department authority which candidate are applied. Future the selection decision taken and then I negotiated the salary and also briefing the policy and rules of company. And employees are selected and they are agreed to salary and satisfied the rules of the company. Then select the candidate for the vacant seat.

1.4 Own contribution for selection process

I have played a significant part in the process of recruitment and selection process. I have select the HR executive who help me in filtering the unwanted and unqualified candidate related to the job description. That provide the effort for saving the money and time and also reduce the cost of UPS company. After this process help in identifying most skilled person in the company so that the company can gain the talented and better employees in the business. Additional I have negotiated them to help for saving the resource of the company and also appoint the right person with in the budget amount of the business. Through this process probability of the company is going high in long term. Through the interview to help my company to choose the right employees with effective skill and knowledge in the increasing the profit in the business. The candidate are also aided the creativity and innovative way to compete the situation This will rise to overall performance of the UPS company.


2.1 Leadership skills and attributes

In Order to achieve goal and lead the people in the business it is required follow the certain specific skill attributes few are them below-

  • Personal attributes– It is the quality that required to the leader that they create the positive moral and environment between the followers. It is the good quality that the person are dealing the suppliers and retailer and other professional interact stakeholder of UPS company. It is the essential that leader must follow the ethical value in the development of the relation between the individual. They follow the optimistic approch.
  • Visionary – The leader have required the visionary they do not thought present, and also select the way for forecast the future in the business. In the company the leader are create the goal between the followers and work are also going the continuously at the time. Vision aid is also helped to company for generate the profit and efficiently work in the business.
  • Conceptual skill – It is the skill that require the leader to according the route way and knowledge about the work that they can work accordingly. This also aid in giving to training and development to subordinate from which increase the productivity in the business. This help to attaining the objective of the business.
  • Motivation– It is the essential skill that require the leader to motivate and influence the employees for achieving the goal of business and also increase the productivity and efficiency of the workers. Leader is the person who direct the way to his subordinator for completing the task and motivate to employees in the achieving the same.
  • Decision making– This is also essential ability of leader to take the decision in different situation that also affect the business. The leader have ability to take the sound decision in every condition.
  • Passion– The leader have strong passionate level for dealing with the different desire condition. In the case some time the follower are not listened them and no trust at that time thy have capability to ensure and attract the followers during the situation.
  • Time management – In the UPS company they deal in the parcel skill of the people that they deal with the suppliers and retailers and also time to overall the business. It is required the decision that help to motivate the employees in the making the sense in the organisation.

2.3 leadership style

Leadership style is determining by the leader and it is the different for the situation while that the time leader lead the subordinate. In this context there are the major type of leadership style these are as follows Autocratic, participative, laissez faire, democratic. It is required that the leader in UPS company can create the effective and positive environment.

  • Autocratic style- It is the style that allow making decision alone with the interaction and participation of the subordinate in decision making process. It is control over the follower and manager in the taking decision. This style help to UPS company for using the effective and optimum utilisation of resources in the business. It is applied by the lower and middle level manager and control the subordinate. It requires the close supervision in the company for the leading the people. Hitler is the autocratic leader conduct the  business.
  • Participative style– In this style leader invite the view and ideas of subordinate and they also involve while taking the decision. This help the company can boost the employees morel in the business and the employees are self motivated for that the participation in the business. This style are adopted by the middle level manager for the acquring and boosting the knowledge.
  • Laissez faire – This style of leader they give the full control and authority to employees to taking the decision and implementation. In this case the leader are not involved the decision they have trust of this subordinator in the business. It is the hand off activity and tend to minimizing the amount of direction and face them to required. This type of employees are highly motivated and trained and skilled person that they give the direct report.

2.4 Motivation of staff

As part of motivation of staff UPS company can take the decision and follow the herzberg theory for using the factors that affect and motivate the employees for accomplishing the goal of the business.  herzberg that have a two motivation factor Hygiene and motivational factor in this context the employees increase the salary, bonus, commission and salary incentives  scheme in order to achieve the job description. In this factor that employees are motivated when they make the good relation ship between the subordinate of the business and also communicated the policy and rule and also decision may be in the term of transparency about the company and also determined by the manager. Other some factors that include the security plan and safety plan and scheme for the employees and all these factors that affected and order to achieving the goal of business. UPS can involve the service that relate to the help the recognised and give the same sense of achievement and all help the employees for retaining the employees in business. The employees are motivated when the manager give the more opportunity for develop the skill and knowledge in the business. UPS can motivate the employees for create the interesting and meaningful and challenging for the employees to perform well in the business. Company also give the monetary and non monetary reward to its employees. In the monetary reward it includes the incentives, bonus, compensations, holiday amount, sharing the profit etc. on the other hand non monetary term may include the promotion, transfer, challenging work and sense of humour and also motivated the employees.


3.1 Benefits of team working

Team working is the key aspect that the company can achieve the goal effective way in different people and different ideas that create the situation in the business. In this UPS company can work in effective way because there are the many people they are responsible and also take the action accordingly for the conceptual logical manner. Following are the benefits of team work of the :-

  • Foster creativity and learning- In this situation the employees are working together for there brain storming is play vital role and they create the innovative ideas in his mind as compare to individual work. Team work also maximize the share the knowledge and ideas between the employees and they also share the experience so that the employees are doing well in the result for enhancing the knowledge of the business. This will help to creating the knowledge and efficient manner in achieving the goal in effective manner.
  • Innovation– Benefits of team working is the innovative ideas are created and team work is the group of different people and they are the different background they have more different knowledge related to another field and also considered. The UPS can used innovation techniques for the goods are easily received by the different customers.
  • Delegation of work – In this team members are distributed the work in small number so that are responsible for this work and doing the work effectively in the business.

3.2 Working in a team

For the purpose attaining the goal of the business to boost the effectiveness of the team for achieving the goal and that relate to the

  • Goal oriented approach – In this approach team need to goal oriented and focus on the achieving the goal of business. In these employees are well versed and also known about the responsibility and duty of the business for acquiring the task and relation with  motivate the employees in the business. They thought the short term and long term approach that followed by the company in the achieving also known the employees so that the all employees are received the support in this context.
  • Free flow of communication– It is the beneficial of company as well as employees the manager have duty to take the responsibility and they have a sound communication between the team members. In the UPS they can share the ideas and suggestion can be shared in the term of flow that maintained by the company. Through this the company can take the decision effectively and efficiently in the business for generating the profit. They can implement the effectively in the business for ensuring the distribution of the work.
  • Coordination – In the team this is essential element that take the d3ecision and mak8ing the policy and rule that are affect the business as well as in completing the sharing approach. It is the process where employees are co ordinate with each other and alos implemented by the employees in the business for ensuring the effective process that they are communicated and also interact with each other and also solved the business problem. In the team they are interacted and relate the goal of business and they also ensure the time which are able to conduct the business in different situation and manner with the result are definitely be achieved. In the team one task are relate to different task and they also give the solution in the problem.

3.3 Effectiveness of the team in achieving the goals

  • It is identified that the time that is taken by individual to perform a task is more when compared with same take when it is performed by a team. In a team there are many opportunities that individuals get as there are diverse set of skills and capabilities that people possess. This provides the opportunity to learn and develop understanding with the skills that are possessed by other. As per the present case of UPS, there are different type of issues that are being faced by them. With team will be developed with different skills of people, then they will be able to achieve their desired goals and problems can be solved. Below given are the effectiveness of working in a team:
  • Builds understanding and coordination:When individuals work as a team, then it enables to develop understanding towards the type of skills and capabilities that are possessed by others. When employees get to know each other, then it helpful enough to develop coordination. Work can be management in effective manner as each one within the team gets to know the type of skills and capabilities that are possessed by others.
  • Extracting innovations:Different people have diverse set of understanding towards the situation and their perception enable them to solve issues in different ways. In a team, with the ideas that individual shave is helpful to make sure that innovations caade with the help of which better services can be delivered to customers.


4.1 Factors involved in planning the monitoring and assessment of work performance at UPS Company

Employees are he face of organization, as they have direct interaction with customers. They are the one who deliver the products and services to customers. It is essential that management understand their employees and identify the areas in which they require improvement. This way they will be able to deliver them training with the help of which workers can improve their performance level. There are different set of way that are helpful to monitor and assess the work performance at UPS company. Some strategies are as follows:

  • Punctuality: Workers who are dedicated and encouraged will always get to work on time. Further, the individuals who get to work on time will finish it quick. This can be determined as an effective way to determined that the performance of workers are effective or not.
  • Observation: Managers have close interaction with their employees. With the help of observation, management can understand their performance level. Further, it also enables to determine the areas in which they lack. Accordingly, they can deliver them with training through which the areas in which they lack can be improved.
  • Quality of work: For the work that is provided to them have certain set of quality that has to be considered. Monitoring is possible when the quality for which the employees has worked is helpful enough to know the performance level of workers.

4.2 Plan and assessment of the development needs of individuals at UPS Company

UPS company can follow different type of ways through which development and assessment is possible and they are as follows:

  • Areas for improvement: In order to perform any type of tasks it requires certain skills and capabilities. This is effective enough to make sure that employees understand the type of skills that they are in need of so that the work provide to them can be performed effectively and efficiently. With this respect, it is the duty of senior managers to understand that areas in which improvement is required. Accordingly, they should be supported so that develop their areas.
  • Require assessment instrument: When the areas in which improvement is required, then they with the help of HR managers, training and development programs can be develop. This will enable to make sure that the areas in which improvement is required can be developed. Different ways can be suggested with the help of which management can make employees perform their roles and responsibilities with their full efficiency.
  • Reviewing assessment instruments: All the skills that are developed will surly enable to improve the performance level. Further, it will also important for the management to make sure that the training that was provided was effective or not. This can be done with the help of monitoring the type of performance that is made by employees over the type of tasks or activities that are delivered to them to be performed.

4.3 Evaluating success of the assessment process so that the UPS Company is back on track with high standard of management and leadership performance

So as to make analysis of the success, there are different type of steps that can be performed by the firm and they are as follows:

  • Performance appraisals: Each and every month, appraisals should made filled up by employees. This will enable to make sure that workers are performing with their full potential. As per the findings, the performance of employees that is outstanding should be rewarded. This will enable to boost up their moral and in encouraging them to perform more effectively. This way workers will make use of their full potential.
  • Conducting meetings: This is a type of open session that needs to be conducted by management. Employees work closely with customers so they know about the issues or problems that are faced by them. Accordingly, steps should be taken with the help of which improvement can be made in the type of services that are delivered by firm. Further, meetings will also enable to make each others know closely.
  • Indicators: In order to provide qualitative and quantitative measures, management can set out various Indicators, this way they will be able to meet the objectives of cited firm. This can be determined as the effective way through which quality of work can be improved. Customers prefer to get services that are of high quality and of low price. This way strong customers base can be developed.


Summing up this report the company can ensured that the leadership style and management skill are the part of the business. The company are generated the profit with the help of employees and they are assets of the company for achieving the goal of business. The company cannot be work better with the help of employees and motivation of employees not only increase the satisfaction they are also ensured the profit of the

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