
Principles in HSC

Introduction to Principles in Health and Social Care

Principles of support are applied in Health and Social Care (HSC) entities for the assurance that proper standards are maintained for the care of individuals. For this purpose, several legislation are introduced by the Parliament of UK. Entities operating in this sector are obliged to follow this regulations else they will be liable to provide damages (Makrides and et. al., 2007). Present project report is focused on the implications of principles of support in HSC to provide effective services. Report will include description of implementation of policies and principles to ensure that appropriate care of individuals has been taken. For this purpose, different theories will be discussed to evaluate the effectiveness of inter- professional working. In the last part of the report, recommendation will be provided for the improvement and development of services provided by the entity.

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1.1 Implication of principles of support to ensure that individuals are cared for in health and social care practice

Principles of the support are implemented in the HSC entities to provide better services and to operate on fair basis. These principles are based on the values and rights of the individual to make appropriate decisions (Entwistle and Quick, 2006). Through these principles, independence and well being of individual (service users) is promoted so they can achieve their full potential. Following principles are implemented for the assurance that individuals are cared for in HSC practice-

Communication- Effective communication is essential for the success of all practices. Through this, entities are able to transfer messages and delegate work to subordinates in an appropriate manner. Further, flow of information will be in systematic way by which unauthorized access of information will be prevented.

Confidentiality- Information of the user and colleagues will not be used for the unethical purpose or earning unjust benefits. Confidentiality factor will be maintained in assessment of information (Boorman, 2010). For this purpose, data base will be managed by authorized party.

Rights- These are general provisions for which each person is entitled. These rights are usually explained through the legislative norms. For example, each person has right to equality and get cared at fair prices. HSC entities are obliged to follow these norms to prevent payment of statutory penalties.

Prevent of discrimination practices- Discrimination will not be done by HSC entities on the basis of protected characteristics. Management will not deny or prioritize to serve to the users due to their caste, race, color or gender. Moreover in employment, biased behavior with employees will not be tolerated.

Individual beliefs and values- Values and beliefs of the individual can be defined as perception of judgment that what is right or wrong on the basis of morality. HSC entities will respect the values of other parties and they will try their best to avoid such act which cause harm to their values (McMurray, 2006).

1.2 Procedure for the protection of clients, patients, and colleagues from harm

For the protection of clients, patients, and colleagues from harm, proper measure will be taken by HSC. They will provide safe and secure environment to the users and colleagues to prevent possibility of harm. For the emergency situation, prior arrangements will be made. For example fire extinguishers, emergency exits and medical facility will be maintained for uncertain situation. These facilities will be inspected in regular time intervals that these are properly operating or not. Further, hygiene factors will be considered in providing services to the users. For this purpose clean and sterilized equipment will be used. Proper training and guidance will be provided to employees they can operate with efficiency (Liveng, 2010). Supervisor will be appointed to monitor the activities of subordinates to prevent act of negligence. Practices of unfair discrimination will be prevented to provide protection to colleagues. Quality services will be provided to the users at affordable prices. For the better procedures, budgets will be prepared by allocating available resources. On the basis of these budgets, procedures for the protection will be executed to make optimum utilization of resources.

1.3 Analysis of the benefit of person centered approach with users of health and social care services

Person centered approach is basically focused on to enable individuals with their disabilities by enhancing their self determination (Pollard, Thomas and Miers, 2009). It is evidence based practice by which services are provided to the children, people with physical disabilities and mental health issues and to the older people. This approach was adopted by the parliament of UK through the policy of “Valuing people” White paper in 2001.

Through the practices of person centered approach, HSC are able to identify the needs, wants, desires and goals of individual so they can serve them accordingly. In this approach, practitioners are being more responsive and providing care that is more meaningful. They are respecting the values and beliefs of the service users to cure them in better manner. In addition to this, entities are more focused on the emphasizing freedom of choice (Phillips and et. al., 2002). For this purpose, they are promoting physical and emotional comfort. For the better delivery of services, now family and friends of the service users are also involved in the treatment process.

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1.4 Explanation of ethical dilemmas and conflict which may arise while providing care, support and protection to users

Usually workers of the health care entities face contradictory situation where organizational policies and rules work as hurdle for the well being of client. In such situations, ethical dilemmas are created. Primary conflicts arises in opinion, culture and belied between service users and service providers. Due to these dilemmas, quality of the services is hampered. Another dilemma is of right of decision making, being an adult individual has right to take their own decisions but sometime users take worthless decisions such as denial for the medication but for the better health medication are essential for them (Rummery and et. al., 2003). Care worker are obliged to follow the instructions of the service users thus as a result dilemma for safety and rules is faced by them. Further, sometimes conflicts arises due to service provider and client relationship by which workers are not able to identify core of the issue and they are not entitled to force users to tell their personal problems. Due to this dilemma, service workers face difficulty in effective treatment. Another dilemmas are stigma, illness, allocation of scarce resources, privacy and confidentiality.


2.1 Explanation of implementation of relevant policies, legislation, regulations and codes of practice

Policies, legislation, regulations and codes of practice are introduced by parliament of UK for the assurance that best quality care is provided to the service users. Due to sensitivity of the health and service profession, entities are obliged to comply these norms in their operational policies. Management of the HSC entities are obliged to ensure that quality and standards of the entity are in accordance with the relevant policies, legislation, regulations and codes of practices. In addition to this, service workers should follow the provisions of Data protection Act, for the purpose of permission of assessment of information. Similar to this, another regulation is Control Of Substance Hazardous to Health Regulation (COSSH) (Scott, 2011). As per the provisions of this regulation, entity should ensure that hazardous chemical and equipment are used only in situation of necessity with proper guidance and supervision. For this purpose cupboard containers,bleaching agents, detergents and other chemical ingredients should be kept in lock. Such kind of substances should only be used by authorized persons. Medication and kept in secure places. Safety policies should be formed and documented by the management (Collins and McCray, 2012). Where there is possibility of injury, warning should be provided. Proper arrangements should be made for the emergency. Exit pathways should be always be clean and free from blockage. Regarding policies of the entities, employers should provide training and guidance to new employees.

2.2 Development of local policies and procedures in accordance with the national and policy requirements

Policies and procedures are developed to provide guidance to the institutes and professionals operating in health and social sector. Local policies are comparatively more certain and specific because it is prepared by considering situation of particular area. National policies are prepared in general for the implementation of mandatory rules. These are rigid in nature. For the better operations, coordination and correlation between national and local policies is very essential. For this purpose, formed policies should be understandable and specific. In the interpretation of policies, there should be less chances of misguide (Duffy, 2011). For the improvisation of health and care services, polices must be flexible so it can be adjusted according to the situation. Further, policies should be developed by taking suggestion from the employees to prevent contradiction in future. Base of the policies and health and care entities should be national policies but it should be designed with reference to local policies. It should not be rigid in nature. Entities should monitor all the policies and laws on regular basis. In addition to this, it is duty of employer and law makers to review these policies to identify the scope of modifications and then should make necessary alterations (Bringing the NHS and local government together, 2005).

2.3 Evaluation of impact of implemented policies

Policies, legislation, regulations and codes of practice have crucial contribution in the development of policies of HSC entities. Through these, guidelines and structure is provided to follow. Further, rights of individuals are not violated in organizational policies. By following these policies, HSC entities are able to create organized, appropriate and ethical working environment for the service users and workers (Wilkinson, 2009). In addition to this, with the help of these legislation, entities can conduct operational activities very smoothly without facing contradictions and conflicts. These policies will also help in resolve dilemmas and reduce the possibility of payment of statutory penalties. Entities will be able to provide better services to the users to cure disease and they will behave in more ethical manner.


3.1 Explanation of theories which underpin health and social care practice

For effective operations, certain theories are developed for HSC practices. These theories help in development of plans to promote healthy life style and achieving high level of fitness. Description of these theories is as follows-

Maslow’s hierarchy- As per this theory, needs of individual is classified in certain levels and further these needs are prioritized on the basis of necessity. On the basis of this theory, without fulfillment of needs of bottom level, men cannot move to next level. In this theory physiological and physical needs are considered as most fundamentals needs. HSC entities can use this model for the motivation of the employees (Hadad and, 2013). By applying the hierarchy model of Maslow they can inspire staff members to provide better performance. For this purpose, they can announce monetary and non-monetary awards as per the needs of workers/

Theory of human growth and development- Through this theory, it is discussed that different help and care needed by different stages of patients. HSC can use this theory for the effective treatment of clients and patients. As per this theory, service and care will be altered by age, growth and development (Health Committee, 2011).

Other theories are implemented regarding stress management, behavior and social processes in health and social care sector. These theories play an important role because care workers has to deal with different people. Through these theories, workers are able to understand behavior and attitude of workers. Moreover, it will help in quick recovery of patients.

3.2 Analysis of impact of social processes on users

Social processes directly influence the behavior of users. Reaction of the service users is affected by the circumstances and procedures of adaption in different situations. Thus, strategic planning of entity should consider social processes for the effective intervention, planning and development of health and social care services. Even the perception of the person is affected by these processes. For example, due to peer pressure youth is engaged in unethical or unhealthy practices like smoking, drinking, gambling or drug addiction. They do not want to do this activities but they are forced by surroundings to commit such acts which are good for their health. As per the trend and fashion tattooing and piercing is introduced by which infection of blood borne and needle borne is increased (Local Government Association, 2010). People are aware of such risks, still they are involved in these practices. Individuals are bounded by the culture so it is difficult to alter this risk or hazardous practices. Imagination of superiority of culture work as the root of discrimination in work place. Due to these culture practices, some service users avail undue advantage of preference.

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3.3 Evaluation of the effectiveness of inter- professional working

Effective collaboration and interaction have direct ramifications for patient care in HSC entities. Thus, in recent era inter- professional working is introduced by health and care entities to provide effective services. In the various researches, it is identified that poor teamwork lead to negative incidents in patient care. For the efficient inter- professional working coordination and concerted effort are required from individuals through appropriate disciplines and a system of delivery. Team work will contribute in job satisfaction as quality and standard of performance will be increased. inter- professional working will assist in development and promotion of better communication. For the delivery of quality services all professionals (such as psychologists, doctors, nurses, physical therapists, respiratory therapists, health care assistants, midwives or others) should be involved. Work should be done with proper planning to prevent confusion and contradictions. Expertise of one professional will cover up mistake of other person.


4.1 Role, responsibilities, accountability and duties regarding health and social workplace

Role of service users and providers is equally crucial in HSC. Primary responsibility of the service provider is to provide a conducive and therapeutic environment to the service user. They should create a relationship based on trust and faith. Both the parties should disclose all the material information to each other. As a health care worker, individual should not engaged in activities of discrimination with users on the basis of protected characteristics. Further, health and safety of client or patient should be priority of the service provider (Collins and McCray, 2012). They should act in accordance with health and safety policies of the entity. In addition to this, they should respect rights, beliefs and values of service users. Further they should avoid act of negligence or omissions which can cause injury to the other parties. They should act in right and powers provided to them. They should not get engaged in such activities which are not in the interest of the entity or public. Responsibility of carer is to provide assurance that all the needs of the service users are being met and proper care is taken.

4.2 Contribution for the development and implementation of health and social care organizational policy

For the smooth operations all staff members and employees are obliged to follow norms of organizational policies. For this purpose, clear and certain polices should be implemented. These policies will be in accordance with the legislation and statutory provisions. Good working force will be developed by using model of motivation and theory of team working. Information and instructions will be flowed through appropriate system to prevent unauthorized assessment of data. For the improvisation of health and care services, polices will be flexible so it can be adjusted according to the situation (Makrides, and et. al., 2007). Further, policies should be developed by taking suggestion from the employees to prevent contradiction in future. With the help of these legislation,entities can conduct operational activities very smoothly without facing negation and conflicts. These policies will also help in resolving dilemmas and reduce the possibility of payment of statutory penalties.

4.3 Recommendations for the development

For the development of the good practices, proper training and guidance should be provided to subordinates. Moreover, their acts should be supervised by senior managers to prevent act of negligence and possibility of injury. Necessary arrangements should be made for the emergency situation to reduce the risk. Policies of the HSC entities should be in accordance with national and local policies (Bringing the NHS and local government together, 2005). Further, rights and values of individuals should not be ignored. For the effective team working activities should be done in leisure time. Base of the policies of health and care entities will be national policies but it should be designed with reference to local policies. Further, entities should monitor all the policies and laws on regular basis. In addition to this, it is duty of employer and law makers to review this policies to identify the scope of modifications and then should make necessary alterations. By the implementation of these recommendations, entity will be able to provide better performance by improving their quality and standards (Collins and McCray, 2012). For the better performance and to keep up with the fast paced and dynamic changes in this field, staff members should keep themselves updated with the current information regarding HSC practice.


From the present project report, it can be concluded that principles of support are applied in HSC entities for the assurance that proper standards are maintained for the care of individuals. These principles are based on the values and rights of the individual to make appropriate decisions. Through these principles, independence and well being of individual (service users) is promoted so they can achieve their full potential. Through the practices of person centered approach, HSC are able to identify the needs, wants, desires and goals of individual so they can serve patients accordingly. Management of these entities are obliged to ensure that quality and standards of the entity are in accordance with the relevant policies, legislation, regulations and codes of practices.


  • Makrides, L. and et. al., 2007. Perceptions of workplace health: building community partnerships. Clinical Governance: An International Journal.
  • Entwistle, V. A. and Quick, O., 2006. Trust in the context of patient safety problems. Journal of Health Organization and Management.
  • Boorman, S., 2010. Health and well-being of the NHS workforce. Journal of Public Mental Health.
  • McMurray, R., 2006. From partition to partnership: Managing collaboration within a curative framework for NHS care. International Journal of Public Sector Management.(Makrides, and et. al., 2007)
  • Liveng, A., 2010. Learning and recognition in health and care work: an inter-subjective perspective. Journal of Workplace Learning.
  • Phillips and et. al., 2002. Professional development: Assuring growth of RN-to-BSN students. Journal of Nursing Education.
  • Pollard, K., Thomas, J.and Miers, M., 2009. Understanding Interprofessional Working in Health and Social Care: Theory and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Rummery and et. al., 2003. Primary health and social care services in the UK: progress towards partnership. Social Science & Medicine Journal.
  • Scott, R., 2011. Interprofessional Teamwork for Health and Social Care. John Wiley and Sons.
  • Collins, F. and McCray, J., 2012. Relationships, learning and team working in UK services for children.Journal of Integrated Care.
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