
Understand The Principles And Practices Related With Management Behavior


  • Unit No: 3
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 18 / Words 4376
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: D/601/1743
  • Downloads: 2830
Question :

Manager is an important part of an organization who plays a role for their growth and development This unit aims to provide knowledge about the behavior of management principles and practices to the learner. It helps in understanding the managerial potentiality and roles and responsibilities to develop a career development plan. For this, following learning outcomes needs to be addressed:

  • To understand the principles and practices related with management behavior.
  • Evaluate own potential by assuming itself as a manager of Hilton Hotel.
  • Apply management skills to achieve pre-determined goals of Hilton Hotel.
  • Develop career development plan by undertaking job opportunities at Hilton Hotel.
Answer :


The development manager is a person who is managing project planning, relationship and project scoping as well as controlling process in the organization (ABASSI, 2016. The role of developing manager is to assuring of quality, making project strategies of the company. In this report, different management styles within two organizations will be compared, and leadership characteristics will be discussed. evaluate communication process and analysis organizational cultures and changes within organization. It will assess management skills performance, analysis personal strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats, set and priorities objectives and targets to developing potential as a prospective manager. It will lead and motivate a team to achieving goals or objectives in company.


1.1 Comparing different management styles and theories

The managers are using different styles and theories for managing and handling employees and company. Therefore, in the hotel business, managers are adopting different styles for working and managing the business. They are using different theories for managing the people and organization.

Classical Theory: This theory is based on values of employees and needs. The managers should use classical theories in their hotel for determining the employee belief and their needs (Bosworth and, 2016). The Hilton hotel manager is using different classical theory such as administrative theory. This theory is improving overall function like planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling in the workplace. In contrast, Marriott hotel’s manager is using this theory for improving human and behavioural factors in the management.

System Theory: In this theory, managers are focusing on complexity and mutuality of relationship. Hilton hotel's manager is to use system theory for understanding the complexity of structures of system. In contrast, Marriott hotel's manager should use this theory for focusing on inter-relationship between structure and human behaviour within organization.

Contingency Theory: This theory focuses on adopting structure of the organization from number of variables or contingencies which influence both needs and ways of working. The Hilton hotel's manager should use this theory for adopting structures of successful organization. In contrast, Marriott hotel's manager should use contingency theory for adopting appropriate technology, tasks, people and environment for development of organization (Bryman and Bell, 2015).

Autocratic style: In this style, managers are making decisions individually without any discussion from their subordinates. Hilton hotel's manager used this type of style for managing the business and taking all decisions at workplace. In contrast, Marriott hotel's manager uses this style for making decision relating to hierarchical structure and in crisis time and serious time constraints.

Democratic Style: This style includes managers are making decision with discussion from their subordinates. Hilton hotel's manager should use this style for increasing motivation and productivity at workplace. In contrast, manager of Marriott hotel should use democratic style for solving the conflicts by using ideas of employees.

1.2 Discussing leadership characteristics

Leadership is an activity for leading and giving guidance of team or group for achieving specific goals and objectives of company. In Hilton and Marriott hotels, leaders are adopting different styles of leadership management for motivation and performance of their subordinates.

Autocratic leadership: These type of leaders make decision individually without having discussion with the subordinates (Burke, 2017). The leaders of Hilton hotel should not adopt this leadership style. It effects negative impact on subordinates behaviour and attitude in the workplace. In contrast, leaders of Marriott hotel should adopt this style for making all decisions at the workplace.

Laissez- Faire leadership: In this style, leaders are giving all the rights and duties for making decision to the employees. Therefore, Hilton hotel's leaders should adopt this style while employees are fully skilled an experienced in the present and past. In contrast, Marriott hotel's leaders should not adopt this style while they are not giving the regular feedback to employees (Cardy and Leonard, 2014).

Democratic leadership: In this style, leaders are sharing decision making ability and promoting interests with the team members. Through this style, Hilton hotel's employees are improving and developing their interests and ability for better performance. In contrast, Marriott hotel's leaders should adopt this style for motivation and performance of employees.

Action Oriented: It is the characteristic of leaders for improving performance and motivation of employees. Leaders should be action oriented for facing any conflicts and situations at the workplace. Hilton hotel's leaders adopting various theories, methods and techniques for resolving conflicts, overcoming of factors which affects employees motivation and performance. In contrast, leaders in Marriott should adopt many techniques and methods for improving the performance and motivation.

Motivation Theories: It is responsibility of leaders to leading and motivating of their followers in the workplace (Carnall, 2018). Therefore, they are adopting various motivation theories such as Maslow's needs hierarchy, Vroom's expectancy, etc. Hilton hotel's leaders are adopting Maslow's needs hierarchy theory for completing all requirements of employees. Their needs include physiological, safety and security, social, self-esteem and self-actualization. In contrast, Marriott hotel's leaders should adopt Maslow's needs hierarchy theory for completing employee’s expectations and improving performance at the workplace.

1.3 Evaluating communication process

Communication is the act for exchanging the information by oral, written and suing other ways. In the communication process, one person who is sending information is called sender and another person who is receiving information is called receiver.

Communication Process:

There are seven components included in the process of communication such as sender, encoding, message, channel, receiver, decoding and feedback.

Sender: It is the person who is exchanging and sharing information and ideas with other people called as sender.

Encoding: The sender is starting encoding process where uses nor verbal methods such as sign, body movement etc. to exchanging information into message (Chan, Sit and Lau, 2014).

Message: Once encoding process is ended, sender gets message that intends to conveying. The message must be written, oral or non-verbal methods.

Channel: Sender is selects channel through which he or she wants to communicate his or her message to the receivers. It is must be selected carefully to make message correctly and effectively understood by the receiver.

Receiver: The person who is receiving and targeting message is called as receiver. It must that receiver is decodes the message depending on trust and experience with sender.

Decoding: The receiver is to understanding message in the best possible mode is called decoding.

Feedback: It is final step of process that ensures receivers are accepted message and understood accurately as it was intended by sender.

Types of Communication:

There are four types of communication that is formal, informal, verbal and non-verbal.

Verbal Communication: It is form of communication in which message and information is verbally exchanged. There are two types of verbally communicate such as oral and written. In the Hilton hotel's manager should make efforts on oral communication with employees. Therefore, employees are better communicating with the guests. In the contrast, Marriott hotel's manager is adopting oral and written communication in the workplace (Elsmore, 2017).

Non verbal Communication: It is form of communication in which message and information are exchanged by gesture, posture. It includes appearance, body language and sound. Hilton hotel's manager is not using this type of communication in the workplace. In contrast, Marriott hotel's manager should not use non-verbal communication.

Formal and Informal Communication: In the formal communication, followed the rules, principles while convey message. It includes corporate meetings, conferences etc. In the informal communication, face to face discussion and casual talk.

Barriers of Effective Communication:

Language : There are different region and generation, so that there are different languages. It is difficult for understanding of all languages. It is barrier which effects communication (Hollenbeck, Noe and Gerhart, 2018).

Physical Barriers: It includes background noise, poor lighting and other reason during communication.

Information overload : It is another barrier to communicate while information are overloaded and it is impossible for exchanging with other.

1.4 Analysing organizational changes and cultures

There are different types of cultures and structures of organization. Such as functional, divisional, project, matrix structures of organization. The divisional structures is formed in different department like finance, marketing, operation, information technology etc. In the matrix structures includes functional and projects structures.

Factors affecting Changes in cultures:

There are various factors which relates different changes like demographic, economic and legislative. These elements influence of structures of organization.

Types of Changes: The structure of organization which affects from different changes that is demographic, economic and legislative. The company affects different changes such as policies and procedures, laws and regulation are involved in legislative changes. In the economic changes involved social changes, economic policies, population etc.

Managing the effective changes:

For managing effective changes, company should adopt various sources and power in the workplace. Therefore, company is adopting and following the changes in laws and regulation, modified polices and procedures. It is also necessary to adopting changes in economic policies, social changes and technological changes (Jauhari and Bharwani, 2017). The company is adopting various laws and regulation relating health and safety act, discrimination act, wages act etc. By managing and measuring the effective changes are helping for developing organization cultures, growth and development.


2.1 Assessing management skills performance

The assistant manager is having different skills such as interpersonal, communication, motivation, decision making and mentoring in the workplace. Through these skills, manager is to developing and improving performance in the company.

Interpersonal Skills: It is essential for building up relationship with employees and other peoples in the workplace. The manager is to maintaining the relationship between employees or workers. The Clayton Hotel is the brand of Dalata Hotel Group in London, so that the manager should make efforts to developing their interpersonal skills for employee relation and customer services.

Communication Skills: The manager is to trying to improving their communication skills in the workplace. It is necessary to well communicating with own employees and other workers in the company. It is also necessary to developing and maintaining their employees' communication skills in the organization (Katzenbach and Smith, 2015).

Motivation Skills: It is necessary skills for motivating employees in the workplaces. The manager should ensured that all the employees are better working in the company. For motivating employees, manager is to using various theories and techniques of motivation in the company.

Decision Making Skills: It is essential for making decision relating policies, strategies, rules and regulation of the company. Therefore, manager is to ensuring for making all the decision in the workplace. For the decision making, using creative ideas and discussing all employees in the company.

Mentoring Skills: The manger is focusing on mentoring of all strategies and policies which are used in work based activity in company. Manager needs to knowledge and skills, experiences for mentoring the strategies and policies of organization. It is necessary to giving the training of staff for developing confidence, skills and knowledge for better performance in the workplace.

2.2 Analysing personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats

In the company, manager is to having their own strengths and weaknesses of working in the organization. They are creating opportunities and overcoming threats by developing their own skills and knowledge, abilities and capacities to better performing in the company.

Strengths: It is considered resources and capacities for using competitive advantage within the organization (Liang and, 2017). The strength of manager is to good reputation, good communication skills, perfect time management and decision making skills. These elements are helping positive attitudes and abilities for better performance in the company. It helps to being a manager who is responsible for managing whole organization. The strengths are to helping own present and future growth and development in the company. These elements are helping for own personal growth.

Weaknesses: The weaknesses of manager involves lack of confidence, poor team building skills, inability to making decisions and poor planning skills. These elements are negatives effects on the manager's personal growth and development. Through weaknesses, manager is decreased own productivity, morale in the workplace. For improving weakness, manager should followed and consulted from their senior level authorities in the company. These elements are barriers for achieving the goals and objectives of company.

Opportunities: For creating and developing of opportunities, manager is trying to resolving conflicts and problems. Manager is improving their weaknesses and using different techniques and methods for resolving conflicts and problems, it helps to developing their personality development and future growth. It also helps for achieving the goals and objectives of organization. For creating opportunities, manager should make efforts for improving their skills and knowledge, abilities and capacities to better performance in the workplace.

Threats: The threats of manager involving improving employees performance, developing their own skills and abilities, inability to managing performance, poor training skills for working in company. These elements are barriers in future growth and development. It is also barrier for achieving goals and objectives of the organization (Ling, Liu and Wu, 2017). It involves incapability to dealing with customers, high competition, uncertainty, technological issues facing by the manager in the workplace.

2.3 Set and priorities objectives and targets to develop your own potential as a prospective manager

Working as the prospective manager at Clayton Crown Hotel, London, I will tray to showcase my knowledge and skills to carry out different business operations and activities in an effective manner. In order to work effectively, I will confidently manage a wide range of business operations and activities that will help in suitable management of different situations. Some important factors and measures that are been taken in effective thought process by me to meet my aims and objectives are as follows:

To build my own personal potential within the business organisation.

  • I will keep myself updated and will learn about the latest technologies and business measures that are been taken within organization which will help in not only improving my skill set and knowledge, but will also prove beneficial in executing different business operations and activities.
  • Working as the prospective manager within the hospitality firm, I will look after the proper handling and management of various cases and business activities that are been related to business and thus will help in carrying out of business operations in a significant way.
  • I would attain various seminars, workshops and conferences to improve my knowledge and skills and get a better insight about the roles and responsibilities that are been followed by me. Besides this, I would try to organize such activities at workplace to get my sub ordinates and fellow workers, benefit of different business activities and operations.

The execution of roles and responsibilities with proper management of different hospitality activities. Certain objectives that will be fulfilled by me are:

  • Improving the working efficiency of subordinates and other employees within firm.
  • Meeting the deadlines that are been set in an effective way.
  • Work for building a strong relation with clients and stake holders of cited hospitality entity (Obersteiner and, 2016).


3.1 Motivate and lead team to achieve objective

To lead a new restaurant in Stratford, London many qualities are required in a manager to lead a team so that goals and objectives of the company could be achieved quickly:

  • Objectives of the company should be transparent among the team members and proper sessions and training must be provided so that employees could find better opportunities for their career and improve their personality (Amanchukwu,, 2015). Clearance of goals guide them work on same path and unity is created.
  • Useless meetings must be avoided and encouragement of particular employees; performance should be there whenever required. Employees answers should be properly listened and considered. Their suggestions must be converted into some useful decisions. This results in perfection in decision making process in the company through which employees think that their opinions worth in a team.
  • It is necessary to boost staff members' morale and they should be motivated timely. Reward system should be there for their appraisal. Various types of needs must be fulfilled which includes safety measures, social and physiological. There should be no discrimination and they should be treated with equality. This leads to healthy and friendly environment.
  • Open communication should be maintained among employees and feedbacks must be provided because it shows that all employees are actively participating in the project work. If any employee remains unavailable then messaging could be done from the side of upper department.
  • Activities should be planned and resources must be managed so that there should be proper delivery of resources whenever required by the organisation (Anitha, 2016). For better performance sessions and meetings must be organised on monthly basis. This results in knowing weak and strong points of employees. Manager must ne loyal and confident towards its team and lead in adverse situation too. He/she should know take all alternative options with him so that he/she can tackle the bad situation too with his/her employees properly. Punctuality and discipline must be maintained so that tough conditions can be handled by the manager easily. In order to motivate team, it can be stated that there are different ways that can be used by Frankie & Benny's restaurant. It assists to make growth and systematic work performance in business environment. On the basis of customers needs and requirements, it is essential to performance objectives it reflects on team performances (Cook, 2014). There are several powerful ways that assists to motivate team and giving the best outcomes, several people will be attracted in creative manner. Pleasant place to work is important consideration that stimulating and feel very good. Lot of money spend to create several opportunities. Self-development program also generated to attain more business growth. As per career development and latest technologies, it can be stated that advance results will be develop successfully.

3.2 Verify managerial decisions to support achievement of objectives

In order to attain objectives of Frankie & Benny's restaurant some managerial decisions are as follows:

  • Strategic Planning: It is essential to apply developed plan for some operational activities so that responsibilities and plans can be simply assigned to respected employees. There are some issues that affect practices of organisation. Changes in monitoring, communication and various other services should be considered through different factors. Further changes can be implemented by taking review's of the customers (Friemel, 2015). Therefore, strategic planning is important to know exact roles and responsibilities of each and every employee.
  • Relationship building: Management and staff should effectively comply with each. There should be strong bonding between them. Manager must understand behaviour and value his/her team so that team retains for longer time. This helps in attaining desired tasks and satisfied results within time limit. Customers relationship is very important in restaurants in order to increase business and profitability. Strong relation with customers lead to increase in arrival of customers which would result in maintaining its position in the market.
  • Organizational Decisions: These are the decisions that affect functions of the company. These decisions are taken by the top level management and had long term impact (Kavanaugh and Lang, 2016). Whenever the condition of the department is not good then these decisions are taken promptly and independently. Top level colleagues and managers are involved in these activities.


In order to bring necessary improvement in the practices and activities of the organisation it is essential that company must take regular sessions for customers and workers. Company must gather real time feedbacks and consider them accordingly so that no disputes get raised in future. These suggestions should be analysed and proper planning and guidance must be provided. Having a meeting leads to sharing of vision among team members and personal engagement must be there so that each employees' strength get recognized. Employees should understand the power of gratitude by saying 'Thank You' or 'Sorry' in restaurants. This is the main feature of hospitality. Managers should know how to handle their co-workers during bad times by arranging one-to-one meeting in a room which reshapes relationship and if required should change their roles and responsibilities. Possibilities should be linked to desired and sometimes parties should be organised for any success in the company.


4.1 Own managerial and personal skills that support for career development

Managerial and personal skills helps to support with career development plan. It assists to focus on roles that played in an enterprise to make desired work performances. In Frankie & Benny's restaurant I have to perform several roles with personal skills that support to take desired results (Hickson and Pugh, 2014). Effective decisions and actions has been taken to increase skills and ability. There are several tasks has been performed in the chosen business which increases my learning. Along with this, interpersonal skills also assists to me to attain aims and objectives. On the basis of operating several activities, it can be stated that actions are also managed with enhance personal skills and ability towards the enterprise. Furthermore, it also assists to take effective decisions regarding enterprise objectives. Considering planning in the firm also make my understanding development in systematic manner.

On the basis of skills and performance, it can be stated that conflicts will be solved to attain more systematic work performances (Elsmore, 2017). With this regard, my objectives is to increase my career opportunities with solve queries. As per effective work performances, it can be stated that problems and issues will be handle successfully. Along with this, for career development, I need to focus on customers' requirement and needs. Therefore, I will perform accordingly to attain more significant results. Within Frankie & Benny's restaurant, there are several staff members work with me so that it is useful to focus on understanding level as well. As per their performances, objectives will be accomplish to attain proper growth. It would be beneficial to produce products and services in systematic manner.

With the help of interpersonal skills, it can be stated that different activities has been performed that focus on management functions and operations (Burgoon, Guerrero and Floyd, 2016). Communication and motivation skills assists to develop more profitability and performances to focus on creativity. It helps to encourage me to motivate different people towards our enterprise. As per aims and objectives of the business, it will develop significant advantages and awareness. As results, I can perform very effectively in the several areas of the world.

4.2 Review career and personal development needs, current performance and future needs to produce development plan




Team- building skills

3 months

There is requirement of interaction between peers and subordinates

Good communication skill

1.5 month

There should be active participants.

Stress free session

5 months

Staff members should provide support (Anitha, 2016).

Leadership traits.

Continuous Learning

Review from earlier activities

Time management

Continuous learning

Employees learn from all around

 From above table it can be understood that there should be perfect utilization of resources so that objectives and goals can be properly achieved within time limit. Various types of skills are required in manager to handle any team (Collins, 2014). To produce future development plan there should be actions taken on each and every ability of the employee. Employees must have good communication skill. For this 1.5 months training should be provided because this improves environment and increase loyal customer baseline. It helps in dealing with other partner too. Various leadership traits must be adopted by the firm so that managers can built up morale and coordination among employees. Subordinates must be provided proper guidance and should be motivated all the time. Stress free sessions for 5 months should be taken in which there should be complete support of other members (Giles, 2016). Most importantly, manager should know how to arrange work accordingly so that all activities and work gets completed on time. 


In order to achieve success in Frankie & Benny's restaurant manager has to adopt some leadership and managerial traits and skills. Some features has to adopted by the department and activities should be assessed in order to attract customers. At the end development plan has been discussed in order to improve working power of employees. Strategical planning, tactical and organizational decision making is very important.

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