
Nursing Education System


A critical thinking is refereed to be one of the most important aspect of almost all individuals who are equally concerned about both their personal and professional development. Wherein, it is also considered to be a pivotal tool for a large set of professionals in their factual life. It is along with a special consent of development in the field of nursing where this profession is largely dependent on an altered formulation that can be depicted by a reflection (Brulhart and Wermeille, 2011). This is also in lieu of a fact where there exists many such practices in nursing that has continually changed the behaviours of nursing professionals from the past and have bought them to some more encompassing practices. It is hereby on referring to the a reflective model of Gibbs’s, the current essay will reflect upon the nursing education of Pakistan by together comparing it with the educational approaches of nursing undertaken in United Kingdom (UK). It will however begin with the educational criteria of both the nations by ascertaining the requirements that are needed to be fulfilled by the individuals opting for this profession. It is with a fundamental context of getting enrolled as a nurse where there together exists certain formulations for re-validation in the health care settings of both these nations.

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In addition to it, this reflective essay will indicate on methodologies used in the educational settings of both Pakistan and UK with a special consent of assessing their adopted curriculum of nursing. This is to carry out both pre and post studies of nursing. Beside this, the current essay will together discourse upon the perspective of continual professional evolution by together scrutinizing any future possibility of higher education. Comparatively, it will ascertain the engagement of governmental bodies in the tact of sponsorship for nursing education (Ekebergh, 2011). Apart from which, it has also outlined the impact of fees paid for the recruitment of individuals for developing a strong workforce for the entire nation in this particular field of nursing. It is mainly due to a crucial role of health care setting in almost all the countries where it is not only known to enhance the economic status of the countries but is together saving the life of individuals. Due to which, this is important for the health care practitioners to effectively adhere to their accountabilities with a defined outlook towards serving the users. This in turn postulates the nursing educational systems to abide by some consistent policies with pertinent regulatory norms.

1. Description

This is in context to the above encountered facts of nursing educational system where it is a fact where a scholarly foundation of teaching in the field of nursing is evident to result into the production of a prompt nursing force. It is thereby referred to be an important consideration where reflecting onto some of these areas which are duly included in the deliverance of an effectual nursing education has been carried out here (Benomir, Nicolson and Beail, 2016). A foremost area required to be mentioned over here is in context to the registration done in nursing by referring to proper eligibility criteria. It is however a prompt responsibility of a responsible corporate governance. In Pakistan, there existed a Pakistan Nursing Council along with some other council bodies like Midwifery are required to manage the process of nursing registration. It is thus in accordance to the nurses appointed in Pakistan, they are qualified to participate in the tact of registration only after completing a three-year diploma course in general nursing from a well recognised institute of nursing situated in Pakistan.

Wherein, a bachelor programme of graduation done from a national or international university together permits them to get registered. It is hereby with an analogous context of UK where they are together establishing their workforces in nursing with such correspondent standards of registration. The only difference that have been encountered till now is in their undertaken policies of recruitment (Hogg and et. al., 2015). It is where UK's nursing and midwifery council tends to employ their nursing staff in accordance to their leading subjects in which they have completed their studies in the school of nursing. This is for instance, referring to the nursing of psychiatric and paediatrics where all Pakistani nursing graduates into the position of general nurses are provided an opportunity of treating individuals with a medical degree in hand. It is after the completion of minimal three year's period of probation in a hospital where they have been placed. Herein, almost all the field's of nursing are being covered in the nursing institutes and universities of Pakistan during their period of study.

Another pivotal arena of concern in context to it involves the programs of nursing that are being provided to the scholars who are still learning the tact of nursing as general nurses in the schools. This has entailed certain adopted measures in Pakistani curriculum of nursing that is still requiring more progressive and practical methodologies for educating individuals (Dulock and Holzemer, 1991). One such feasible method is a prompt arrangement of drama classes where it is separately involved in the module list of the program configured for third-year students by not considering it a part of teaching aids. It is surely essential to assure that the appointed nurses are duly providing the best possible care to the patients approaching the healthcare settings and for which, they are required to be monitored on continual basis.

Apart from which, they are also required to be evaluated from time to time. Also, governmental aids to provision such educational system of nursing in Pakistan is being considered to a great extent. However, on comparing the system of UK, unlike the governmental aids produced in Pakistan for the purpose of nursing education, sponsorship to support higher education is being dealt with a distinct formulation (Ofori and Charlton, 2002). Herein, the nursing students are more acquainted to pursue their advanced studies by utilizing their own funds. Whereas, once a student nurse is bring registered with NMC, they are hereby granted a loan as a way of expending it to pay their educational fees. Once after the students are employed with a feasible occupation, then the payments are being delivered on monthly basis after the students are getting their salaries.

2. Feeling

There occurred numerous changes in the nursing education in the entire world with a special context of their educational system and the process of registration. My country is however comprising with an affirmative outlook towards the same from the very beginning where many other countries like Pakistan have faced a very reversed situation (Ousey, Stephenson, Brown and Garside, 2014). It is where, long back during the year's 1947-1954, Pakistan was not even in favour of a standardised curriculum for educating nursing to the individuals. It was however due to a major opposition of the Muslim families where for them, nursing never depicted to be a reputable occupation.

Whereas, in accordance to my own perception, a higher degree programme in nursing with a minimal requirement of bachelor’s degree instead should be certainly done by the nurses. Also on considering the present curriculum of nursing where the Pakistani educational system in the field of nursing after going thorough enormous challenges have came to a definite level (Li, Y.S. And et. al., 2016). It is however appreciated to involve the program of drama in the nursing module as a way of utilizing it for greater benefits. This is basically to get a supreme reflection of a factual health practice with a specific concern of processing the change of an international personnel to national. Where it is perhaps the actual cause of poor feedbacks that are often obtained after employing fresh individuals.

3. Analysis and Evaluation

International comparisons in education and training holds greater importance and this also aids in comprehending the recent innovations and developments that exist in the countries. Pakistan is a federal territory which has sufficient provincial autonomy and on the other hand UK is a union of four countries (such as England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland). It has been analysed that in Pakistan, there exists several provinces in the formulation of national education policies and plans (Education System in Pakistan. 2012). These provinces are also useful to develop their own plans and execute according to their situations. This also requires suitable resources to be implemented for national education policies. However, in UK, education is the prime responsibility of each and every country and there is also a separate institution which deals with all such affairs of education.

For instance – in England there is a Department for Education and Skills; in Wales - Welsh Office is there; in Scotland – Scottish Executive Education Department and in Northern Ireland- there exists separate Department of Education. However, there are some bodies in each state like Training and Development Agency and General Teaching Council which are accountable in managing all such functions in different areas (Education System of Pakistan and the UK: Comparisons in Context to Inter-provincial and Inter-countries Reflections. 2007). Whereas, on the other hand in Pakistan, the nursing education system consists of three tier such as elementary, secondary and higher education. It is analysed that nursing is a major component of Pakistan’s health-care system and in the year 2009, Pakistan’s government stated its intent to improve the country’s nursing care. Pakistan has also established professional nursing organizations and the chief one (Pakistan Nursing Council) has been established in the year 1948 which formally includes several acts that also certifies nurses, midwives, licensed practical nurses and nursing auxiliary practice.

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The council is useful since it approves education programs and at the same time, it can also examine and register enrol nurses. Further, it is also identified that the council provides licenses to the nursing agencies and it also monitors employers working in nursing sector. At the same time, the General Nursing Council of England and Wales works as a statutory body which is responsible in controlling and financing a larger portion of post registration courses that is offered by schools of nursing in these countries (Bulman, Lathlean and Gobbi, 2014). These institution get money from the government and then it allocates the money to the Regional Nurses Training Committee. This is actually part of the regional level and it distributes money to different school areas. The General Nursing Council prescribes curricula in broad outline which approves of and inspects nurse training centres, conducts examinations and keeps registers and rolls for learners.

Similarly, in Pakistan, each provision has a Curriculum Research and Development Centre which works in providing academic support to the Ministry of Education, Islamabad. In Pakistan, nursing is considered as a health care profession which is mainly aimed on the care of families and individuals. Likewise UK, Pakistan also consider nursing as an important aspect as the subject of nursing care has provided special focus and attention on the health sector by nursing care (Husebø, O'Regan and Nestel, 2015). Nurses are also encouraged to gain certification in a specialised area so as to give nursing careers a proper dimension. However, in Pakistan, it is crucial for the nurses to wear different devices like pins and coloured epaulettes as that identifies them as licensed professionals. Unlike this, no such structure exist in UK under nursing practices. It has also been analysed that after occurring several challenges, nursing curriculum was well developed and that brought many changes in the education system of nursing.

4. Conclusion and Action Plan

Thus, on the basis of concluding the above stages, it can be concluded that several transformation were appeared in Pakistan in the area of sector of nursing due to the challenges the country was facing in nursing sector. Pakistan has low level of literacy and image of nursing is also not developed; hence this is one of the major problems arising in nursing education system (Howatson-Jones, 2016). In Pakistan, it is observed that issues related to high migration of qualified nurses have been increasing; therefore, for more development action plan needs to be formulated. It can also be concluded that political instability has been increasing in Pakistan; therefore in this respect changes are required to be implemented in the nursing education system. Since, Pakistan has well qualified teachers; therefore different teaching degree program can be established at the same time. This will also be useful for the purpose of fulfilling the demand of community services.

Similarly, in UK as well, there are several factors that impacts the nursing education system and that has also changed the ways through which different curriculum has been managed. In the nursing system, several improvements are required so that nurses can get the opportunity to develop their skills and capabilities which is also useful for the purpose of building their professional skills (Alosaimi and Ahmad, 2016). Nurses must also try to ensure that they are utilizing all the educational methods in appropriate manner which also enhances the value of nursing course. Thus, summing up I can say that there needs to be several teaching tools nurses can enhance the level of practices and this can also assist them to carry out all their roles in suitable manner.

In the discussion, emphasis should also be laid on re-validation so that new educational courses can be developed for the nurses. I believe that there must be suitable concern for training and development for the nurses as through that, their eligibility and capability can be encouraged. At the same time, it is crucial for the education department to blend the process of learning so that different new courses can be developed in the realm of nursing (Victor, Ishtiaq and Parveen, 2016). Transformations are required so that evidence based research and body of knowledge can be changed and this is also useful for the purpose of amending the nursing education system. Changes can also be made to infrastructure of the education system so that more development can be facilitated accordingly. Along with this, there should be appropriate availability of awards and recognition so that nurses can encourage themselves for more development.

Therefore, in terms of similarities, it is identified that in both Pakistan and UK, the duration of nursing courses should be specified so that requirements of the relevant discipline can be maintained.

Therefore, in terms of conclusion it can be articulated that changes can be made to the structure of education system so that proper plans can be developed. Along with this, it is also crucial for Pakistan’s education system to construct a relationship between parts or elements of education so that all the actions can be managed in suitable way (Lestander, Lehto and Engström, 2016). Thereafter, changes are required to be made in nursing positions so that the framework of nursing can be enhanced. This can also aid in changing clinical practices which has a direct impact on service provision. Along with this, it is also imperative for country to make arrangement for diverse training sessions as that contributes in enhancing the competency of nursing practices. Hence, while conducting any such study in future, focus can be laid on identifying the factors that underpins the nursing education system among different countries. This will typically assist in overcoming all the associated challenges in education system.

5. References

  • Alosaimi, D.N. and Ahmad, M.M., 2016. The Challenges of Cultural Competency Among Expatriate Nurses Working in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice. 30(4). pp.302-319.
  • Benomir, A.M., Nicolson, R.I. and Beail, N., 2016. Attitudes towards people with intellectual disability in the UK and Libya: a cross-cultural comparison. Research in developmental disabilities. 51. pp.1-9.
  • Brulhart, M.I. and Wermeille, J.P., 2011. Multidisciplinary medication review: evaluation of a pharmaceutical care model for nursing homes. International journal of clinical pharmacy. 33(3). pp.549-557.
  • Bulman, C., Lathlean, J. and Gobbi, M., 2014. The process of teaching and learning about reflection: research insights from professional nurse education. Studies in Higher Education. 39(7). pp.1219-1236.
  • Dulock, H.L. and Holzemer, W.L., 1991. Substruction: Improving the linkage from theory to method. Nursing Science Quarterly. 4(2). pp.83-87.
  • Ekebergh, M., 2011. A learning model for nursing students during clinical studies. Nurse education in practice. 11(6). pp.384-389.
  • Hogg, R. and et. al., 2015. Supporting Pakistani and Chinese families with young children: perspectives of mothers and health visitors. Child: care, health and development. 41(3). pp.416-423.
  • Howatson-Jones, L., 2016. Reflective practice in nursing. Learning Matters.
  • Husebø, S.E., O'Regan, S. and Nestel, D., 2015. Reflective practice and its role in simulation. Clinical Simulation in Nursing. 11(8). pp.368-375.
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