
MC4F12 MSBP Assignment Level 4


The activities of firm are need to be managed successfully in order to generate profitability and productivity. Thus, there is need to have use of implementation of digital technology. It is helpful in order to have systematic information and with the help of technological advancement the firm is able to have expansion in the activities of firm (16 Advantages of Digital Technology, 2018). Due to this there can be smooth working in operational activities of firm. It is very important to have timely information about the activities of firm. Technological advancement will be helpful to promote innovation and this will bring quality result to firm. The present assignment has covered the various kind of activities that helps to carried out research in an effective manner. In addition to this data collection technique is need to be used in order to conduct the reliable information so if there is any need than effective step can be take towards it. The Hotel Hilton is taking various initiative to promote innovation in the market with the help of using technological advancement. Thus, it is very helpful in order to attract the large number of customer in the market.

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Part 1

P1 Description on the background

Background- The main aim in this relation is to gain maximum amount of profitability. There is need to use of technological advancement on the operational function of enterprise and they are able to provide high quality services to the customers. In order to earn regular amount of profitability they need to put their major focus over the implementation of digital technology. They need to understand the need and demand of customers. Hence, it can be said that digital technology is very helpful in order to have systematic information about the bsuin


  • To Examine the implication of digital technology on the activities of business. A case study on Hilton hotel UK.


  • To determine the business activities of hotel Hilton UK.
  • To assess the use of digital technology used in Hotel Hilton UK.
  • To evaluate the impact of digital technology on the working of Hotel Hilton UK.
  • To recommend ways to improve activities of firm with the use of digital technology at Hotel Hilton.

P2 Define the cost, time, derivable and various quality perimeters with the help of effective decision can be taken?

This all things are need to be determined effectively and it is helpful in relation to achieve the goals and objective of firm. Thus, to achieve the desire objective it is very important to deal with all kind of resources as are times, cost, quality etc. In order to deal with all kind of things the researcher is need to analyses the positive outcome of all the things so that all things can be conducted effectively. These are need to be defined in following manner as are-

Cost- In this Budget is need to be estimated in the planned manner. With the help of this effective management plan can be drawn. The all resources are need to be identified in order to carry out all the things in planned mode. This is helpful in order to construct the project management plan. In order to make this whole process effective it is essential to take all investigation and survey process so that all things can be carried out effectively.

In order to implement digital technology in hotel the firm has estimated the cost of 50£. It is need to be decided so that effective action can be taken towards it. The estimated budget plan is need to be drawn so that firm can have adequate amount of funds at the time when they need it.

Scope of study- The current project is constructed on the effects of digital technology. In order to make whole process effective it is essential to identify the use of technological advancement. The main object is to determine the implication of digitalisation over activities of Hotel Hilton. With the help of technical equipment’s the operation process of Hilton can be smooth and effective. By using technological advancement the firm is able to deal with the innovation procedure. Through this it will become easy to accomplish growth and innovative products of the firms.

Time- For project management it is important for the investigator to consider deadline of each task. The proper time is need to be given to particular task so that desire objective in relation to task can be achieved. In order to make this whole process effective there is need to draw Gantt chart and network diagram. The research is need to be completed within duration of 36 days. With the help of this each task can have some specific deadline. By performing the task in the timely manner, the firm is able to achieve the desire objectives. With the help of giving proper focus to activities and its deadline the organization is able to accomplish the desire profitability in the given period.

Control over quality- under it is important to focus on quality of the project at the time of starting it. With the help of this desire profitability can be achieved. By having the effective survey the all things can be dine in improved manner. Hilton is implementing technological advancement to provide assurance to customer's in terms to quality perspective. It is need to be improvized so that it can become centre of attraction for all individuals.

Communication- In the present report the researcher is going to conduct the essential information and it is mandatory to have good communication so that desire task can be achieved. With the help of proper flow of communication the all things can be conducted in the effective manner. Thus, researcher need to conduct all essential information through primary data on the questionnaire basis. With help of implementation of technical advancement the firm is able to improvize its communication along with other departments. With help of it, the firm can able to perform their in coordinated manner.

Resources- The enterprise must have resources as capital, labour etc. with help of it, they are able to perform their business function in well effective and supportive manner. Thus, it can be said that this all kind of resources plays the essential role in order to framed each activities effectively. This kind of activities will be helpful in relation to prepare effective project management plan.

Risk management- It is need to be measured to analyse the performance of an enterprise. The risk management plan is need to be drawn so that things can be maintained effectively. To mitigate the risk it is important to consider some factors. By identifying the all risk, the plan in relation to mitigation is need to be framed out so that all desire task can be achieved.

P3 project breakdown structure, network diagram and Gantt chart

Task Mode

Task Name





Auto Scheduled

Technological impact on Admiral insurance

5 days

Mon 2/19/18

Fri 2/23/18


Auto Scheduled

Beginning phase

4 days

Mon 2/26/18

Thu 3/1/18


Auto Scheduled

Aims and objectives

11 days

Fri 3/2/18

Fri 3/16/18


Auto Scheduled

Risk oriented

5 days

Fri 3/2/18

Thu 3/8/18


Auto Scheduled

Proper adequate results

4 days

Mon 3/19/18

Thu 3/22/18


Auto Scheduled

Effective communication plan

5 days

Fri 3/9/18

Thu 3/15/18


Auto Scheduled

Development phase

7 days

Fri 3/23/18

Mon 4/2/18


Auto Scheduled

Operation plan

4 days

Fri 3/23/18

Wed 3/28/18


Auto Scheduled

Identification of plans

5 days

Fri 3/16/18

Thu 3/22/18


Auto Scheduled

Procedure for mitigating risk

2 days

Tue 4/3/18

Wed 4/4/18


Auto Scheduled

Structure development

2.5 days

Tue 4/3/18

Thu 4/5/18


Auto Scheduled

Implementation & Procedure

5 days

Mon 2/19/18

Fri 2/23/18


Auto Scheduled

Requirement of funds

4 days

Mon 2/26/18

Thu 3/1/18


Auto Scheduled

Technical professional person

11 days

Fri 3/2/18

Fri 3/16/18


Auto Scheduled

Social media service

5 days

Fri 3/2/18

Thu 3/8/18


Auto Scheduled

Process of monitoring and controlling

4 days

Mon 3/19/18

Thu 3/22/18


Auto Scheduled


5 days

Fri 3/9/18

Thu 3/15/18


Auto Scheduled


7 days

Fri 3/23/18

Mon 4/2/18


Auto Scheduled


4 days

Fri 3/23/18

Wed 3/28/18


Auto Scheduled

Risk identification

5 days

Fri 3/16/18

Thu 3/22/18


Auto Scheduled


2 days

Tue 4/3/18

Wed 4/4/18


Auto Scheduled

Modifying strategy

2.5 days

Tue 4/3/18

Thu 4/5/18


Auto Scheduled

Finish of assignment

5 days

Mon 2/19/18

Fri 2/23/18


Auto Scheduled


4 days

Mon 2/26/18

Thu 3/1/18


Auto Scheduled

Signing of documents

11 days

Fri 3/2/18

Fri 3/16/18


Part 2

P4 Research methodology

In this it can be sated that in order to conduct the smooth operation of firm, it is essential to have planning, controlling, organising and directing activities in the effective manner so that all process of business activities can be conducted effectively. It is one of the systematic procedure with the help of which all things can be done effectively. Thus, it is inclusive of the various process as are research approach, philosophies, data analysis so that systematic finding can be done. In this way there are various kinds of activities which is need to be defined in the following manner as are-

Research philosophies- it is one of the effective tool and with the help of this all information can be collected. It is the kind of belief that all information is need to be gathered so that firm can able to operate its business activities effectively. Thus, there are four kinds of research philosophies as are pragmatism, positivism, realism and interpretivism. In order to carry out the present research there will be use of digital technological equipment as this are helpful in order to gain factual description about the report. In addition to this, with the help of implementation of digital technology on the business activity of hotel Hilton. In this manner interpretivism philosophies is need to be used so that elements of the study can be determine effectively.

Research approach- it is encompasses the plan for procedure and in these activities is need to be carried out effectively. Under this there are two kinds of approaches are given as are deductive and inductive approach. Thus, it can be said that Deductive approach works as to move from general to specific. In this it is also known as top down approach. This is one of the generalized theory which works as to be narrowed down to be more specific. In order to carry out the present there will be use of inductive approach. In addition to this, it can be said that specific observation will be helpful in order to detecting the patterns and the regularities.

Research design- It is the design which provide information about the research and its various components of study. Thus, it can be said that the research design are of many types as are exploratory, descriptive, explanatory etc. in order to carry out the present study there will be use of descriptive research design. This is the method which define three kinds of ways for carrying out the process of research effectively. These as are case study, observation and survey. This design will be helpful in order to determine the implication of digital technology. It is one of the effective method in order to determine significance of digital technology.

Data collection- On this stage there can be collection of important information. There are two kinds of method in order to collect the information as are primary and secondary. In order to carry out the present study there will be use of primary method. Under this there various ways in order to collect primary data as are observations, interviews, surveys etc. Thus whole information will be gather with the help of questionnaire and by asking the several questions from employees of hotel.

Sampling – under this there are two kinds of methods as are probabilistic and non-probabilistic. There are two kinds of methods are given as are qualitative and quantitative. The probabilistic method will be useful in order to provide equal chance to population. The sample of 20 employees of hotel Hilton was to be selected with the use of sample random technique.

Data analysis- It is the step which is inclusive of the various things as are cleaning, coding, transforming of data. In addition to this, data analysis can be conducted with help of qualitative and quantitative. In qualitative approach, depth information can be accessed with help of better interpretation. On the other hand qualitative approach will emphasize over mathematical, numericals and statistical approach so that effective data can be gathered. In this present research, researcher will make the use of qualitative technique's to get the depth information about the implication of technological advancement in Hotel Hilton.

Ethical consideration- Ethics are norms for conducting distinguish between right and wrong, it is need to be maintain to have confidentiality of information. Thus, participant are need to be informed prior to providing information to nay other. Thus, unauthorised access to data is need to be prevented.

Part 3

P5 Define on research and data with the use of appropriate tools and techniques

Thematic analysis

Theme 1: The digital technology is helpful to maintain operational efficiencies.

1. Do you think that digital technologies are helpful in order to managing operational efficiencies of Hotel Hilton.









May be






Interpretation- Digital is set of technologies which helps to raise performance of human. Thus, it is essence of technological transformation. It is key which helps to improve operational efficiencies. This work as enabling, improving and transforming business operations In this, total number of respondents are 20. It was proposed that 12 said yes, 2 said no and 1 is not sure about it.

Theme 2: In operational area digital technology is need to be implemented.

2. In which areas digital technology is need to enforced.



Operational department



customer service






Human resource department






Interpretation- According to above graph it can be concluded that digital technology is need to be implemented so that operational function of firm can be performed in well and effective manner. It helps to transforms high value of product data. With help of implementation, the firm is able to perform its function in expertise mode. In this, the total number of respondents are 20. Out of which, 12 were in favour of operational department, 3 were in favour of customer service, 2 were in favour of management and 3 relates to human resources management. Majority of respondents said that technology is need to be implemented in operational area so that work can be conducted effectively.

Theme 3: Technological advancement will be helpful to have quality services.

3. Do you think digital technology will be helpful in order to bring qualified services.









May be






Implementation- The adoption of technological advancement led organisation to perform their best wit better and improved quality. It is helpful in terms to enhancement in customer satisfaction and increment in productivity. With help of it, positive impact on working of an enterprise Thus, total number of respondents are 20. In this, 15 said yes, 4 said no and 1 is not sure about it. It is helpful in terms to develop automated process. Furthermore, technology is need to be adopted so with help of it there can be better handing of customers services in efficient and cost effective way.

Theme 4: Digital technology is helpful in order to reach maximum customers.

4. Does digital technology is helpful in relation to reach maximum customers.



Strongly agree












Strongly disagree






Interpretation- As per the above graph, it can be interpreted that digitalisation helps to have insights driving marketing to improvise customer's care system. The main goal of an enterprise is to enhance customer's interaction so it can able to generate loyalty. The workforce effectiveness is need to be enhanced by encouraging staff and providing tools and techniques which can deliver better and efficiently services. In this, there are total number of respondents are 20. In this, 10 were strongly agreed, 3 were agreed, 2 were neutral, 4 were disagreed and 1 was strongly disagreed. With help of using technological advancement, it is possible to have maximisation in satisfaction of customers.

Theme 5: quality is most important tool in order to meet profitably.

6. What kind of technological challenges has to be faced by the hotel Hilton.















Interpretation- According to above graph it can be interpreted that Digital technology helps employees to improvize business performance. It enables better and efficient productivity by maximising employees ability to get the job done. In this, there are total number of respondents are 20. Out of it, 12 were in favour of quality, 4 were in favour of cost and other 4 was in favour of 4. Technology helps to crated more attractive workplace so that thing can be carried down effectively.

Theme 6: Digital technology is helpful to maximise profitability.

7. Do You think that digital technology will work as to maximize profitably of enterprise.









May be






Interpretation- According to the above graph it can be concluded that digital technology helps to maximise profitability as its bring innovative procedures. With help of it, there is possibilities of tracking performance of customer. In this, customers are needed to be treated as assets to the enterprise. In this, total number of respondents are 20. Out of which, 13 were agreed, 6 were not agreed and other 1 was not sure about it. In addition to this, digitalisation aids to improvize overall productivity as well growth to the enterprise.

P6 Address suitable recommendation in order to data analysis


Hereby it can be concluded that digital technologies plays vital role in order to improvises the operation of Hilton. Technological advancement will be helpful to promote innovation and this will bring quality result to firm. The present report is based on implication of digitalisation on business activities of Hotel Hilton. In order to get the depth information, data analysis, thematic presentation has been framed in order to give clear view about the performance of an enterprise. Due to this there can be smooth working in operational activities of firm. It is very important to have timely information about the activities of firm. The present report has covered various aspects that help in carried out research in an effective manner


On the basis of above report, there are some recommendation which has been discussed in below context as are-

  • Technical advancement leads to bring efficient performance by improving quality of working. The firm should implement it for attracting customer towards their enterprise.
  • The Hotel Hilton should adopt digitalisation as it allows firm to improvize their operational efficiencies so that each department can perform activities in smoothly.
  • Technical advancement leads to enhance satisfaction of customers by adopting innovative approaches that helps to bring great benefits to business activities.
  • The hotel Hilton should adopt digitalisation so it can improve distance communication, managing data and connect people to each other.
  • It also assistive in terms to providing WI-Fi incorporated set ups.

P7 Reflection

The methods of research applied is helpful in order to achieve aims and objectives in terms to aim of study. With help of present study, the implication of digital technique's in context to Hotel Hilton can be defined. In addition to this, Inductive approach has been selected in terms to make appropriate conclusion on the method collected data. On the other hand, Inductive reasoning working with appropriate conclusion. In this, survey has been conducted with help of primary and secondary technique. Under it, primary method relates to gather first hand information on the basis of questionnaire. The secondary information can be collected with books, journal, online articles etc. I have undertaken depth research with appropriate method so that I can able to reach detailed insight about use of technological advancement in Hotel Hilton. With help of it, I am able to gain depth insights about the uses and benefits of technological advancement on operational working of an enterprise.

Digital technology is helpful in order to process activities of Hilton in systematically manner. Thus, digital technology is useful in order to attract the large number of customer in the market. I have taken the various analysis on the implication of technologies in order to determine the success of entity in market. I have conduct the whole information with the help of questionnaire basis so that effective operation of firm can be conducted. The primary information helps me a lot in order to gather lot of information.


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