
Primary and secondary data sources on the research study of KSA

University: Bucks New University

  • Unit No: 7
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 37 / Words 9163
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: Blanks
  • Downloads: 5372
Organization Selected : KSA
Question :

Relationship marketing provides an attaining benefit by maintaining the relationship with the customers by applying all the satisfactory products and maintaining there demands. KSA is the Saudi Arabia's company that deals with all the construction of the industry in all the sectors. Research is needed to be done on the marketing strategy that is being made for gaining the customers trust.  

  • Explore the influence of different primary and secondary data sources on the research study of KSA.   
  • Identify and apply the concept of critical management thinking on the issues faced by the construction industry KSA.  
  • Provide critical evaluation of the research work done by others.  
  • Develop a final conclusion and recommendation on the basis of research findings
Answer :


1.1 Title

“To evaluate how relationship marketing influences customer loyalty within B2B environment in the construction industry in KSA”

1.2 Introduction

Real estate plays a vital role in growth and development of an economy (Christopher, Martin, &,2013). It is because a country having proper and effective infrastructure will provide basic amenities to people. Housing sector comes under the basic needs of people. So in infrastructure includes construction of buildings, dams, roads and all other things. In today changing world it is very important to have good relations with customers (Hollenbeck, Noe and 2018). It is because people taste and preference changes frequently. Due to this business losses their customers. Also, in recent time traditional marketing has been replaced by digital marketing. Moreover, it is very difficult to do B2B with traditional marketing specially in construction sector. Therefore, it is very important to build strong relationship with clients so that customer loyalty is maintained. In construction sector environment is considered as an important aspect. The major contribution of GDP in Saudi Arabia comes from petrol industry. It is almost 30- 40%. Then, comes real estate sector. There has been many changes in country real estate reforms. It has increased the price of land and created imbalances between demand and supply. There are many tax such as VAT, white land tax, etc. that is imposed by government of Saudi Arabia. It has impacted in negative way. Moreover, various laws and regulations are imposed by government that has affected the construction industry. A new reform is been developed that aims to overcome obstacles till 2030. The total tax rate has increased up to 5% in Saudi Arabia. The white land tax was levied at 2.5%. It is expected that residential units in Saudi Arabia will rise by 2% annually till 2020 (Hollenbeck, Noe and, 2018) The King has launched a mega project named as Neom city. This will shift the focus from oil to public sector.

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In present era business environment has changed to a great extent around the world. It has enforced companies to adopt various marketing techniques in order to attract new customer. This change has reduced the use of marketing mix (Briggs & Grisaffe, 2010). Generally, in construction field there is very little use of this framework. There are various ways of doing marketing. It depends on nature and type of industry what marketing technique is applied by them. The real estate sector is entirely based on relationship marketing. The main objective to following this concept is to build strong relations with clients. It helps in converting them to loyal customers. A loyal client will help in promoting business and expanding in different markets.

In construction sector marketing mix does not work in expanding business. The main reason behind this is products are same and usually business is done via B2B. Thus, by maintaining effective relationship business is done (Christopher, Martin &, 2013). Big construction companies does not focus on marketing rather they build strong relations with clients. This helps them to expand in different markets.

Customer loyalty is very difficult to gain. It is because there are may drivers that affect loyalty. In addition to this, loyalty is affected due to change in taste and preference. This has been identified by conducting many research. Moreover, real estate includes all types of properties from commercial to residential. Now a days it has become difficult to deal with property-related issues. The rise in price of construction materials has forced customer to opt for cheapest real estate companies. They are switching according to their needs. Similarly, business are also engaged with large scale companies. Apart from this, many business have modified their policies. This is directly affecting the customers. Also, many business are getting involved in corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities that has enabled them to maintain relationship with clients (Gupta, Balmer and, 2015). This is created a positive impact on them and business are able to gain client trust.

1.3 Background of research

Marketing plays a vita role in developing relations with customers. It not only helps in this but also in attracting other business. An effective and strong relation with business helps in increasing customer loyalty. This is done by using the concept of relationship marketing. Generally, real estate sector work on B2B basis. This helps in attracting customer and gaining market share. Furthermore, the factor that influence construction industry is change in environment. They have to change their policies and marketing accordingly. In this research various drivers to customer loyalty is analysed. Also, it is evaluated how change in relationship marketing influences customer loyalty.

1.4 Rationale of Study

The present study is been conducted due to various reasons. The first one is in Saudi Arabia real estate sector is at boom, so many new companies are emerging. This has fluctuated the marketing environment. Thus, researcher wants to identify the factors that has affected the environment (Taylor and Hunter, 2014). The second is due to change in this customer loyalty has been influenced. So researcher wants to analyse the drivers that has resulted in reducing customer loyalty. Besides this, real estates contributes a major part in GDP of country. It provides a base of growth opportunities for companies. Furthermore, due to increase in competition among market the way of marketing has been transformed. It has enforced companies to adopt relationship marketing. Thus, it is essential for researcher to evaluate how it has influenced customer loyalty in B2B environment.

1.5 Problem Statement

It is very important for companies in construction industry to maintain relationship with their customers so that it can survive for long time. Also, due to frequent change in marketing environment it is difficult to retain customer. For companies engaged in B2B concept they have to gain the trust of customer. Besides this, there are certain drivers that affect customer loyalty. The problem is related to marketing that is influencing customer loyalty in B2B (Saurage-Altenloh and, 2018). Thus, with the help of research methods, researcher will collect and analyse to provide the solution of problem.

1.6 Research Questions

There are some questions that must be determined. The dissertation is based on questions that are developed. Also, researcher must develop this so that research can be conducted in smooth manner. The questions are described below :-

  • What is role of relationship marketing in construction industry?
  • What are the factors that influences the relationship marketing and customer loyalty within B2B environment in construction industry in Saudi Arabia?

1.7 Aim and Objectives

Aim -“To evaluate the way relationship marketing influences customer loyalty within B2B environment in construction industry in KSA”


The objectives of the present study which will be accomplished in the dissertation are listed below:

  • To understand the importance of customer loyalty in relationship marketing in construction industry
  • To identify the factors that influenced customer loyalty in B2B environment
  • To analyse ways through which marketing can influence customer loyalty within B2B environment in construction industry in KSA
  • To recommend strategies through which relationship marketing can be beneficial in long term growth

1.8 Structure of dissertation

It will describe the structure of dissertation. It will show that how overall research will be conducted. Also, by developing this researcher will get an insight on what next step can be taken. Moreover, it will help in conducting research in systematic manner so that the data and information is thoroughly analysed and aims and objectives of research is achieved in specified time period. In this context the structure of dissertation is as follows :-

Chapter 1 Introduction: This chapter will give the brief information that is related to topic which is described in research (Vize, Coughlan and, 2016). With this it will be easy to analyse what is entire research is all about.

Chapter 2 Literature Review: This is the second chapter that describes about secondary research related to topic. In this researcher will analyse different types of articles, journals of various authors. It will provide the theoretical framework.

Chapter 3 Research Methodology: In this chapter the overall methodology will be explained. Researcher will describe the methods that will be used or applied by him or her in conducting research

Chapter 4 Data Analysis and Findings: In this the entire data is analysed and interpreted. Researcher must analyse data so that findings are generated. It will help users to understand research subject in more depth (Badi, Wang and, 2017).

Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendation: in this researcher will describe what is concluded from the overall research. Also, it consists of recommendations that organisation can follow or implement.

1.9 Framework of study

It defines the research methodology that will help researcher in conducting research. With this it will be easy for researcher to analyse data and information. The following is the framework of study that is described below :-

Research Philosophy: it states the way through which the data is collected, analysed and interpreted. There are four types of research philosophy that can be used. For present study researcher will use positivism philosophy.

Research Design: It is used by researcher in analysing the questions as it contains only general guidelines (Hollenbeck, Noe and, 2018). Also, it helps in conducting research in systematic manner. The present study will be based on descriptive research design method.

Research Strategy: It contains the plan through which entire research is been conducted. This helps in achieving aims and objectives. Basically, there are only two methods that is followed. These are qualitative and quantitative. These both will be used in dissertation.

Data Collection: Data can be collected by two methods. These are primary and secondary. In present study researcher will collect data through primary method that is by questionnaire and literature review will be done by using secondary method that is by previous research paper, articles, etc.

Sampling: It is a process of selecting sample size. In this there are various methods that is used. The researcher will take sample size of 20 managers in order to collect and analyse data.

Data Analysis: It is a process in which data is processed to get relevant information. In this researcher will analyse data by using the thematic analysis.

1.10 Significance of research

This research is conducted in order to identify the relationship between companies in construction sector and their clients. It is important for companies that are engaged in B2B to maintain strong and effective relations with clients. This is because change in marketing environment influences the customer loyalty. In real estate Saudi Arabia is making huge developments in infrastructure sector. Also, there has been a lot of change due to certain factors. So this has affected the customer loyalty. Companies are not able to gain their trust and confidence. Hence, it is influencing loyalty in B2B.

1.11Research scope

This research will give a brief overview of factors that are influencing customer loyalty in B2B environment in construction industry in Saudi Arabia. This will help companies to retain their customers so that it can grow and expand operations. This study will also explore the elements on which relationship marketing is being done by organisation in real estate sector.

1.12 Research limitation

It refers to the issues that are faced by researcher. This will increase time as well as cost of research. There are several issues that is faced in this which are as follows :-

  • Determining aims and objectives- In this researcher has formulated aims and objectives that are very broad, so they are made short by compressing it. This has affected the research and results.
  • Implementing data collection method- The entire research results depends on data collection methods. There are many methods through which data can be collected. So this has confused the researcher on which method must be used by him or her so that aims and objectives can be attained. This is also a limitation.
  • Sample size – After data collection method, sample size must be determined properly so that research can be conducted. Researcher must select proper and accurate sample size. If it is too small then results will be affected and if too large then a lot of time will be required to analyse results.


2.1 Introduction

This is the second chapter in which secondary data related to research is described. This will help the user in analysing the theoretical framework to study. It is an essential chapter that helps in identifying the views of different scholars and authors. For this researcher will analyse secondary data by analysing research papers, journals, articles, etc. written by other researchers. In context to this, the literature review of dissertation is as follows :-

Theme 1 Relationship marketing

According to Taylor and Hunter, 2014 marketing is an essential element for every company. It is because it helps in creating awareness in the market about products and services. Also, marketing creates a base for growth in different markets. There are various forms of marketing through which company promotes their products. Relationship marketing is a traditional way in which marketing is done by building relations with clients and customers. It focuses on customer relationship management (CRM) to develop loyalty so that long term relationships can be maintained. This form of marketing emphases on individual sales rather than targeting the entire market. With this it becomes easy to retain customers for long term. As said by Silva & Gonçalves, 2016 it is generally followed in construction sector as it is not possible to target all customers. Besides this, the needs and types of projects varies in this. Relationship marketing supports in acquiring customers and setting short term goals so that it can be achieved easily. It is different from other forms as it improves the internal operations of company. In this technology plays a vital role as it is easy for companies in trading with other clients. With this customers are offered discounts, schemes, etc. to appreciate their loyalty. There are different tools of relationship marketing that can be followed by companies. It will help in maintaining relations with customers for long time. The tools that can be followed is as below :-

Tools of relationship marketing

  • Networking: This can be done by building an effective and powerful relationship with clients in online way. This method do not help in creating brand awareness but also attracting potential customer base. In this advertising is done by keeping in mind that what people wants and how it cam be delivered to them.
  • Listening to customers: This is the most important thing that in relationship marketing. In this business must listen to their customers so that it will give an insight on their needs. An effective listening will help in responding to them. Also, customers will feel that they are being valued by company. Moreover, when firm listen to people they identify what people likes and dislikes about them. Besides this, it helps in solving issues and concerns. Along with this, listening to customers is beneficial in taking their feedback (Badi, Wang and, 2017). It helps in identifying their satisfaction level and what they think about the company. Getting anonymous response reflect how company has created its image in the minds of people.
  • Loyalty rewards: It refers to giving loyalty awards to clients or customers by organising programs or seminars. Also, some benefits can be given in the form of loyalty awards. This helps in creating a positive image in the market. Moreover, loyalty awards acts as a benefit to customer as well as company. People love getting recognised. This can be done by setting an effective loyalty programs.
  • Giving information: It is also an effective tool that can be used in relationship marketing. In this company can provide information related to their products and services to people. This will also help in creating awareness. Also, it helps in generating leads. People likes to get information about new products.

Components of Relationship Marketing

In the view of Gupta, Balmer and, 2015relationship marketing is based on several components. It helps in attracting more customers and retaining them for long term. Also, it is very important in B2B to set goals between parties so that loyalty can be maintained. It will help in developing effective strategies for the future. Basically, there are three components that is included in this. These are as follows:-

  • People strategy: In this, it is important to identify who are the customers in B2B concept. This is because it will give an insight on the type, needs, their efficiency, etc. then, proper strategies are developed in order to attract them. With this relationship can be build easily and quickly. As said by Briggs & Grisaffe, 2010 right people approached will help in adding value to organisation.
  • Know your customer: The next step is to identify who are the customers in B2B concept. This is because it will give an insight on the type, needs, their efficiency, etc. then, proper strategies are developed in order to attract them. With this relationship can be build easily and quickly
  • Communicate: In relationship marketing, communication plays a crucial role. Continuously communication with help in providing feedback. With this it the needs of clients can be identified and strategies can be develop to improve it. As elucidated by Saurage-Altenloh and Randall, 2018 it will help in finding out deficiencies in products and services so that it can be improved. Moreover, with this rewards can be given to them for their loyalty.

Theme 2 Relationship Marketing in Construction sectors

In recent times relationship marketing is been an indispensable part of doing business. It is a completely new approach that has emerged in marketing. A company can build strong relations with customers by doing market research. This helps them to identify their needs so that it can be fulfilled. With relationship marketing a firm can earn more and more profits in construction sector. It also helps in long term relationship with them as they become an integral part of company. In B2B business, it is difficult to develop loyal clients as many large firms exits in real estate. So clients works with different firm according to their services.

In the opinion of Sharma and Syam, 2018 in real estate business is majorly done by B2B concept. It is because in this customers can not be approached directly. The construction sector is highly affected by environmental factor. It is because a little change in laws and regulations affects the overall industry. This directly affects on the relationship with clients. It changes their needs and process of delivering service. Thus, business has to use gamebreaking strategy to procure their clients. According to Horn, Feinberg, &, 2005 relationship is based in trust, commitment, satisfaction, etc. these factors are also applied in marketing. In construction sector maintaining relationship with clients is essential. In this sector many companies operate at large scale in many countries. So they have to work with their clients. Their objective is to build strong relations with them so that loyalty can be gained. In a research done by Kumar, 2015 it is stated that business growth is dependent on relationship marketing. Many large scale companies are able to attract business by maintaining strong relations with them. They have shown commitment and trust and fulfilled their needs. It has been stated that there are many other things that must is considered in construction sector. Large companies provides several other facilities to clients. They commit on what they say and this helps in building trust among them. The relationship marketing is based not only on trust but also on how clients are treated by companies.

According to Coleman, de Chernatony and, 2015 change in market condition affects the demands of clients. So this has to be taken into consideration while ensuring that clients needs are fulfilled. In Saudi Arabia due to change in laws and regulations companies engaged in real estate has to change their operations. This also affects sales and profits. Thus, relationship marketing concept is followed.

Theory in relationship marketing

Commitment trust theory: Focuses on two fundamentals of marketing that are trust and commitment. With this effective relations can be build and maintained. Relationship marketing involves forming bonds with customers by fulfilling their needs.

  • Trust: it refers to confidence between parties that is build by fulfilling their needs. Trust is build by standing on promises given by both parties. This is the main factor that helps in relationship marketing.
  • Commitment: it means a desire to maintain a long term partnership with business. The desire is developed by maintaining effective and better relationship with customers. For example- business can take feedback of customer after purchase to identify his or her needs are fulfilled or not. If not then refund can be given or discount can be offered on next purchase.

2.3 Proposed Relationship Marketing in Construction sectors in Saudi Arabia

In the opinion of Kumar and Pansari, 2016 Saudi Arabia is a country where major contribution in GDP is done by oil and petroleum industry. But in recent times, construction sector has emerged as new sector that is contributing a large portion in GDP. This is due to change in laws and regulations of nation. Also, companies are highly following the concept of relationship marketing. Many foreign companies have invested in Saudi Arabia. Due to this construction sector is growing rapidly. In the opinion of Hollmann, Jarvis and, 2015 small business are being targeted by firms. Many firms have become loyal in B2 B business. This has changes the entire picture of real estate sector in Saudi Arabia.

Theme 3 Loyalty

Customer loyalty refers to situation where customer develops strong relationship with company or product for a long time. This usually helps in creating loyal customers so that effective market share can be gained. As elucidated by Christopher, Martin &, 2013. the main reason why company focus on building loyal customers is it helps them to survive for long term in the market. Also, it helps in gaining more competitive advantage. In order to make loyal customers company provides special offers, discounts to them. This helps in attracting people and creating relation with company. A loyal customer will always support in promoting company products and services. Loyalty differs from market to market.

Drivers of loyalty

  • Attitude: It is the most important driver of customer loyalty. It refers to the attitude of customer on what is their perception about company. Attitude is of different types that are emotional, rational and entrepreneur. Emotional refers to person sticking to specific company due to some emotional relation. It may be because of certain reason like product pattern, location of suppliers, etc. this type of bonding helps in increasing customer loyalty under several circumstances. Rational refers to buying products by evaluating the price of different suppliers. At last entrepreneur refers to trying out new products every time.
  • Products and services: This is another driver in customer loyalty in which people stick to one company due to their products. In this there are three types that is differentiated, multiple and high service. In differentiated products there is less competition in the market so organisation can have great influence on customer mindset. In multiple product remain same but company develops effective relation with customers. This helps in increasing customer loyalty. By this they are able to retain them. High service mean by providing high quality after sales service, customer loyalty is developed. The services help in retaining customers.
  • Technology: It is a loyalty driver in which products manufactured are more advanced and technological. By providing these products to customers, loyalty is developed. If the products will be more advanced it will help in attracting customers and retaining them.
  • Human resource: In this the customer loyalty is developed by interacting with customers directly. It helps in identifying their needs and developing a positive relation with them. By continuously communicating with them, it creates a positive felling that company care about their needs.
  • Suppliers culture: In this the suppliers plays a crucial role in gaining customer loyalty. It is developed by providing products quickly and effectively. The image and value of suppliers is beneficial in attracting customers. Through this loyalty is developed among them. Suppliers also provide information about products to them. This creates a distinct image in the minds of people.

Therefore, it is said by Briggs & Grisaffe, 2010 that the above drivers of loyalty helps in developing customer loyalty. So companies focuses on specific driver so that more and more customer can be converted into loyal. Along with this, it becomes easy for business to follow the similar path so that efficiency can be enhanced and loyalty can be maintained.

3.2 Impact of Relationship Marketing on Customer Loyalty

As per the view of Horn, Feinberg, &, 2005 relationship marketing is based on customer loyalty. In this the customer relationship management focuses on long term relations with people. In this short term goals are set so that it can be easily achieved. With effective CRM relationship marketing can be done. This helps in attracting customers. According to Christopher, Payne &, 2002 relationship marketing and customer loyalty are interrelated with each other. This is because without customer loyalty, relationship marketing can not be done. The loyalty is maintained by regularly communicating with customers to identify their needs. Furthermore, the impact can be either positive or negative. The positive impact when effective relations are maintained customer feels privileged to get engaged with company. Any change in marketing will directly affect the customer loyalty. So companies have to ensure that loyalty is not affected otherwise it will lead to decrease in customer satisfaction. By maintaining long term relations with customer relationship marketing can be done. It will lead to attracting people.

Measurement of customer loyalty

In a research done by Kumar, 2015 it is very important to measure customer loyalty. It is based on two dimensions that are behavioural and attitudinal. The attitudinal loyalty refers to customer psychological attachment with the company and behavioural refers to regular willingness of people to re- purchase company products while maintaining strong relationship with them. In other terms attitudinal means measurement degree of willingness and behavioural means making repetitive purchase from customer. As elucidated by Coleman, de Chernatony and Christodoulides, 2015 business follows different ways to measure customer loyalty. The customer loyalty is measured by metrics that is as follows :-

  • Retention: it is a reflection of customer willingness to remain attached to particular company product or not. It is a very useful source that helps in measuring customer loyalty. In this it is analysed that how much it takes for customer to switch to different product. Also, customer satisfaction level is identified with this. If there will be more customer retention than customers will be more loyal towards the company.
  • Measuring advocacy: It refers to the analysing customer behaviour that how satisfied they are with company products. In this it is seen that why customer are likely to purchase products and how they recommend others for this. Advocacy relate to customer perception and company image in their minds. Also, advocacy is not related to purchase but is a small part of customer loyalty.
  • Repurchasing: it is different from retention as in this the behaviour of customer is analysed. It is seen that why customer repurchase their products. It this it is determined that what amount will be spent by customer on repurchasing product.
  • Developing proper terms and conditions: the companies in construction sector can develop effective and proper terms and conditions that be followed by clients. It will help in dealing with them so that business can be done. This will also reflect positive image of business in the minds of customers. Apart from this, companies must agree on the terms and condition developed by them under any circumstances.

There are several recommendations that can be followed by organisation in construction sector. These are as follows:-

Improving quality of services: This is the first thing that can be followed by business in real estate. There are different types of services that are provided by clients in B2B environment (Silva & Gonçalves, 2016) Thus, by providing high quality of services to customer, loyalty can be gained. It will also help in attracting other customers.

Completing projects in time: This is an essential concept in construction sector. In this companies can complete their project in specified time. This will help in increasing customer satisfaction. With this they will become loyal to organisation

Providing attractive offers: It refers to providing effective and attractive offers to loyal clients in order to increase their satisfaction. This will make them feel that organisation works in their interest and care about them. Furthermore, it will help in categorising customers on the basis of loyalty level. However, offers may consists of benefits, bonus, profit sharing, etc. that will help in building long term relationship with clients

Changing pricing as per needs of clients: It is also another suggestion that can be used by applied in relationship marketing. In this business can change their price according to the needs of clients. With this they will be able to measure customer loyalty


From this it can be concluded that relationship marketing has created a positive influence in B2B in construction sector in Saudi Arabia. It has allowed business to expand their operations in different markets. Many large firms have adopted this concept so that strong relations can be build with clients. This implies that in Saudi Arabia real estate is expanding rapidly. Also, there are several factors that has enforced business to acquire small firms. This is the reason why construction sector in emerging in the country and highly contributing in GDP of nation.



In order to conduct research there are several methods that are used. These methods depend on nature and size of research. Besides this, it depends on researcher willingness on which method will be chosen by him or her in research. Research methodology refers to the framework that shows that how the entire research will be conducted. In this there are several elements that has to be considered by researcher. These elements include research philosophy, data collection, data sampling, etc. For present research the methodology is described below :-

3.1 Research philosophy

It is the basic method that is considered first in research. It is because a research philosophy is an idea or brief about the subject that is related to research. Research must identify this and then proceed further (Kumar and Pansari, 2016). There are four types of research philosophies that are positivism, realism, pragmatism and interpretivisim. In context to present dissertation , researcher will use the interpretivisim philosophy. It will help in collecting primary data and analysing it. With this aims and objectives can be achieved.

3.2 Research approach

The research approach is defined so that it helps in doing hypothesis of research. Generally, there are two types of research approach that are inductive and deductive. Inductive approach is based on generating new ideas or theories from research. On the other hand deductive is based on generating valid outcomes and assumptions from the research. In this dissertation , inductive approach will be used by researcher. It will be helpful in attaining goals and objectives of research.

3.3 Research strategy

A research strategy is a plan that is developed by researcher so that aims and objectives can be achieved. The plan contains elements that helps in determining how methodologies will be implemented by researcher. There are usually two types of research strategy that is followed in research that is qualitative and quantitative. In present research quantitative strategy s being used. It will help in analysing and interpreting data. Whereas qualitative method only helps in improving the quality of data by analysing it.

3.4 Research design

This helps in conducting research more effectively and efficiently. There are different methods of research design. But as this research will use quantitative method so in this descriptive research design will be implemented by researcher. This design aims at throwing lights on current issues and collecting relevant data associated with it (Hollmann, Jarvis and, 2015). Besides this, in descriptive design only one issue can be considered in conducting research.

3.5 Data collection

this refers to collecting data on which research will be conducted. Research is conducted on particular population so that it becomes easy to attain outcomes. Basically there are two methods through which data is collected. They are primary and secondary resource. In present research, the researcher will use primary data collection method. In this data is collected for first time through various sources such as questionnaire, survey, etc. On the other hand in secondary method, data is collected from previous research, articles, journals, etc. the primary collection method will help researcher to collect fresh data and analyse it to get specific outcomes. Also, in collecting primary data questionnaire will be developed by researcher. Along with this, interview of people will be taken by researcher. In questionnaire close ended questions will be asked to different companies.

3.6 Data Sampling

In order to collect data from different companies, sampling will be done. It is a process of identifying the target people from entire population. Sampling helps the researcher to collect and analyse data in effective manner. Usually, it is very difficult for researcher to conduct research at large level (Horn, Feinberg, &, 2005). . So sampling will assist researcher in selecting the appropriate population. For present research, 50 companies are selected by researcher by using the random sampling method. It will help researcher to conduct research in effectively and efficiently.

3.7 Data analysis

This is a crucial aspect that is considered in research. In this method the collected data is converted into useful information. This helps the researcher in analysing results so that aims and objectives can be achieved. In this researcher presents data in such a manner that it is easily understood. The present dissertation is based on quantitative method, thus the researcher will use graphs, charts, etc. to evaluate data. Also, in this thematic analysis method is used by researcher to analyse data. It will help in presenting the outcomes of data collected.

3.8 Ethical consideration

The research must be conducted by following some rules and regulations so that it does not affect the results. For dissertation ethical consideration is very essential. By following some rules and regulations it ensures that research is conducted in ethical manner. In this first of all researcher will respect the dignity of business that are involved in research. Second will be no business related questions will be asked to clients. The researcher will maintain the dignity of results that is obtained from research. Apart from this, the researcher will maintain the privacy of business and their strategies. It will be not disclosed to other parties while conducting research. The privacy is assured by researcher. Therefore, in this way the overall research will be conducted in ethical manner.

3.8 Validity

It refers to the extent through which researcher will use different instruments to measure elements. It is divided into two groups that is internal and external. In present research, instruments used by researcher will give valid results. The SPSS software used will be reliable and analyse data in effective way.

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4.1 Introduction

This is the most important chapter in research because in this the data is interpreted and analysed. In this researcher uses various tools and techniques to evaluate data so that results can be generated. The data must be effectively and efficiently analysed by researcher so that aims and objectives are achieved. Also, it must be represented in such a manner so that it can be easily understood. The analysis of present dissertation is as follows :-

4.2 Primary data analysis

Frequency table

























Std. Error of Mean


















Std. Deviation


















Theme 1: Contractor follows up in a timely manner to the client request

This contractor follows up in a timely manner to the client request



Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent































Interpretation: A research was conducted by researcher in construction sector in Saudi Arabia. Data was collected from 50 business. From this it was identified that 24 business said that they contractor timely follows their request, 19 was agree with it. Thus, it can be concluded that clients request was followed by contractors in specified time. This helped the contractor to retain them. From secondary research it is analysed that most business did not effectively followed client request. They only identified their needs and then took long time to process it.

Theme 2: frontline managers of this contractor are always willing to help

the frontline managers of this contractor are always willing to help and corporate with client request.



Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent































Interpretation- from the above frequency table it can be said that 18 business said that they strongly agreed with statement that contractors always help them, 13 agree with this. Therefore, most of business maintain better relations with contractors. Secondary data shows that most managers of contractor do not help client. They ignore their request for specific time period.

Theme 3: Contractor is delivering a good quality services

The contractor is delivering a good quality services



Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent






























Interpretation- The above frequency table states that out of 50 business that was taken as sample size, 15 was strongly agree that contractor provides them good quality services, 11 only agree with it. Hence, it can be stated that contractors are providing good quality services to their clients so business are highly satisfied with them. Secondary data describes that good quality services are only delivered to loyal clients and not to new ones. This is the reason business are not able to retain them for longer time period.

Theme 4: Contractor management shows an interest to meet the client needs

The contractor management shows an interest to meet the client needs



Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent































Interpretation- the above frequency table states that out of 50 business, 17 was strongly agree that contractor shows interest to meet them and also 15 agree with it. So it can be said that contractors take high interest in meeting with clients. It helps them to provide information about services. With this, they are able to identify and fulfil their needs. It has been identified from secondary data that manager only took interest in meeting needs of loyal clients. They were not focusing on new ones.

Theme 5: Contractor provides an accurate progress reports to the client

This contractor provides an accurate progress reports to the client



Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent







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