
Principles In Health And Social Care


Principle of health and social care clearly defines the way with the help of which patients should be treated by different care workers as well as individuals. There are different rules and regulations which must be followed by care workers at the time of taking proper care of patients. In this respect, the present report is based on the different cases as per the given scenario. Further, varied type of discussion is going to be entailed in the present study on the basis of different cases.  For this, principle of support is going to be explained with the several procedures for protecting clients. In addition to this, policy, legislation, regulation, codes of practice and standards on organization policy and practice are specified (Dolea and, 2010). By mentioning all these practices, providers can easily deliver best services in an effective manner. Moreover, various theories that underpin health and social care practice are going to be discussed in the present scenario.


1.1 How principles of support are applied to guarantee that Ahmed and Sylvia are cared for in Health and Social Care practice

Angela is a care worker for Ahmed and Sylvia and she has noticed that caring for Ahmed is increasingly exhausting for Sylvia, who is Ahmed’s informal carer. In order to guarantee that they both are cared by Angela there are various principles which must be supported such as respecting diversity and dignity, privacy, independence etc (Martin, 2010). As per the given case, Angela decided to amend a care plan of Ahmed without discussing with Sylvia. This has highly affected the situation of Sylvia as she already had information about this. Both of them (Ahmad and Sylvia) are not given independence as they were suffering from disease.

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Dignity: It is considered as a major point which should be maintained. It is quite essential to determine that not any of their customers of patient lay down by any member working at the centre. Angela must treat both of them (Ahmad and Sylvia) in very well manner by respecting them (Butler, 2006). Their problems should be heard so that appropriate care can be provided to them.

Choice: Angela need to consider exactly what type of service (Ahmad and Sylvia) wants as Ahmed has Alzheimer’s disease and Sylvia has a hearing impairment. Due to these disease Angela must have to provide them appropriate care and quality of services so that they feels motivated (Bergeron, 2001).

Respecting diversity: Management people of care home show respect for all its patients as well as service providers as they all belong from different culture and background.

Privacy: Another most essential task to provide better care for their patients is to keep full privacy of all the information regarding their patients.

Independence: It is quite essential to provide full freedom for treatment to their patients and do not bound them for any type of treatment. Ahmad and Sylvia wants care home services and they would rather like to stay at home and take care of such things at home only (Price, 2006). Angela communicated the Ahmed’s support plan and recommend that Ahmed be moved to a care home and due to this Sylvia feels that she can no longer trust Angela. She wants to take such independent decisions which are not at all possible in her case.

1.2 Procedures for protecting clients from harm

There are some or the other ways through which clients of the Angela can be easily protected from any type of harm. These type of procedures can be define as clean environment, protection of medicine as well as various other related activities. As per the given case scenario, Ahmad and Sylvia both are suffering from different disease. In this, Ahmed has Alzheimer’s disease (Seddon and, 2013). It is a degenerative form of dementia in which a person is not able to identify the difference between day and night as well. In order to give him appropriate care a best care plan is amended for Ahmed so that he can shift to care home. In addition to this, a person can be protected from any type of harm by implementing best procedures such as cleaning. Further, all the serious patients those who are having infectious disease must keep away from normal patients wards so that they do not spread any type of harm for normal people as well. Ahmed is a patient who wants a proper care and support so that he feels motivated. Due to this, he must be supported by experienced carers who can ensure the safety and well being of patients (Protecting patients from avoidable harm, 2014). Identification of their problems, making appropriate solutions as well as implementing them are some of the best procedures in which user’s safety can be ensured from any type of harm.

1.3Analyzing advantages of using person centred approach with users of HSC

With the help of the person centred approach Ahmed and Sylvia of health and social care services can get better services on the basis of informed choices. With the help of this approach they can take effective care. There are several users of HSC which must be served with the high quality services (Price, 2006). However, they do not want to go care home due to which it is better to provide them services at home only. Further, person centred approach consider various factors such as personal, desires etc. and it helps in providing several benefits such as:

Improved self esteem sleep patterns: With the help of adopting this approach both Ahmed and Sylvia can get freedom. With this respect they can express all their views and easily reduce the level of anxiety and anger. It is the best way through which they feels positive and improve their sleep pattern effectively.

Improved quality of life: This is the best approach which generates positive attitude among Sylvia and Ahmed. Both of them are suffering from different disease and they are not able to conquer appropriate solutions for it (Csikai and Bass, 2001). They want services for home rather than care home. Further, it is the best way to build good relationship with service providers and improving the quality of life.

Supporting rights of service users: As per the given case and scenario, both Sylvia and Ahmed are supported and provided every facility through which they can fall into the category of their rights. It provides them a degree of safety and helps them in maintaining their satisfaction level.

Maintaining their dignity: This is another major advantage of using person centred approach by which dignity towards one single user can be maintained. It is quite essential to treat them with complete focus so that they can deliver the quality services.

1.4 Stating the ethical dilemma and conflicts involved in the case scenario

Ethical dilemma can be defined as a conflict that may arise at a certain time of providing services. It may occur in between user and service provider as well.  It is the tough situation which forces individual to take right decisions on the basis of specified criteria. Sylvia and Ahmed both are suffering from heavy diseases which is not so easy to be treated (Morris and et. al, 2005). Both of them decided not to go at care home and they want services at home only. However, Angela is caretaker who founded that it is taking care of Ahmed is becoming quite difficult. There are several problems which are increasing day by day and he is even not able to identify the difference between day and night. Most of the time he kept walking in night by thinking that it is a morning time. Due to the critical condition of Ahmed, Angela has changed his care plan and also considered the standard principle for respecting their decisions. It has created a negative mindset and impression among Ahmed as he already decided to stay at home and being cared by Sylvia (Cutler and Waine, 2003). Further, it clearly represents that being a care worker, Angela needs to take several decisions for the betterment of her patients. However, most of the time patients are not ready to go with the decisions of care worker and it might create several ethical problems. In addition to this, care home must ensure that they keep their patients safe from any kind of harm. Moreover, rights for individual are known with their rights which are beneficial for them. On the other hand, it creates huge harm for the working practices of health care centre. This is another major ethical dilemma that whether the firm should allow practice of those rights for the service user or not.

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2.1 Implementing policies, legislation, regulation and codes of practices

As per the given case, Rachel finding a care home for her mother where she can get proper treatment for her mum. However, it is quite difficult to search a right place for her mother; still she is giving her huge efforts (Butler, 2006). In this aspect, government imposes several kinds of regulations as well as code of practices Care Act 2014, regulations by Care Quality Commission (CQC) and CQC codes or Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). NMC gives clear standard for education as well as training through which nurses can make appropriate career in working for HSC. It is the most effective concept which provides appropriate care to the patients like Rachel's mum. According to the Care Act 2014, any of the health and social care as well as care home needs to take complete measures to avoid any type of accidents. In addition to this, CQC is another set of policy which assists local care home. In such type of care homes local residents can take such services and set their quality standards as well (Regulation of Health and Social Care Professionals, 2015). Care quality commission gives assurance to provide quality services on the top best level and here Rachel's mum can get best quality of services.

2.2 Development of local policies and procedure in accordance with national policy requirement

The whole development of any type of local policies is highly dependent on the national policy requirement. The Care Act, 2014 defines that management of care home need to ensure that all service users are provided timely services as per their requirements. As per the national policy requirement all people of the society can access quality services (Dolea and, 2010). On the other hand, local authorities are protected by any type of abuse and neglect and they can promote any individual well being easily. In addition to this, local policies must be developed in which they should promote diversity and quality in provision of services. Every patient must be treated with full dignity and respect. Local policies are also made to provide free charge of services to patients and proper awareness about the health issues (Lloyd and Marjorie, 2010). Further, all such rules of national policy need to be developed in the local policies so that all care workers feels motivated and provide effectual quality services to their patients as well.

2.3Evaluating impact of policy, legislation, regulation and codes of practices

There are various policies, legislations as well as code of practices which are having both positive as well as negative impact on the performance of workers. All those people who worked with the local authorizes must have to follow a set of instruction as well as boundaries. With the help of having appropriate policies, management team treated all its patients with respect and appropriate contribution. As per the Health and safety Act all the workers need to be provided full care and safety at workplace (Delbreil and Zvobgo, 2013). It clearly determines well beings of workers and they use to provide high care of services to Rachel Mum. Moreover, government has also set subsidy criteria on the basis of compliance of regulatory framework through which performance of care home can be measured effectively. Further, it can be stated that there is a positive impact of such legislations as any of the HSC can bring appropriate improvement at the workplace with the help of following these set of practices.


3.1 Theories on human growth and development

Being a care worker in health and social care organization it is very important for me to consider the human development factors. For the purpose of human growth and development following are the theories:

Eriksons's Stage of development: Theory of Human growth and development was described by Erik H. Erikson. According to this theory eight stages are there of human development in which human start growing from infant to late adulthood. In each stage person confronts, masters and face new challenges. Each stage is build up on the successful completion of earlier stage of life. The challenges of stages which have not been completed successfully can be reappearing as problem in future.

Theory of managing loss and change: In 1969 Kubler-Ross have described the five stages of managing loss and change (Tomey, 2009). These stages describe the normal range of feelings that people experience when dealing with change in their life or at workplace. These five stages of change consists the following stages, such as, contradiction, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.

Theory of managing stress and behaviour: In our health and social care organization managing stress and behaviour of patients and employee is very important. It is considered as a most important theory which helps in managing stress level among care workers by providing them several motivational things.

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3.2 Impact of social processes in HSC in diverse society

Somewhere the whole living of an individual is highly affected by the social process which consist poverty, unemployment, social exclusion, marginalisation etc. There is a diverse society in which people belongs to the diverse community, religion, culture etc. Due to this civilization there income level also differs and most of the people of this society are not able to afford the services of HSC (Phillips and Morgan, 2014). Services are provided as per their income level which creates huge problem in getting quality services. This points directly covers the poverty among people whether, unemployment takes place just because asymmetrical distribution of income and lack of education as well. For poor people, government has taken several initiatives and started various camps in which free services are provided to poor people (Tomey, 2009). In addition to this, there are various regulatory policies are forced by government through which well being of community can be ensured.

3.3 Evaluating effectiveness of inter professional working

Inter professional working can be define as a working with a team of experienced people who serves different qualities from different areas. This creates a team and provides a result of quality services. The overall team of inter-professionals includes therapists, doctors and nurses. Working together they can serve better quality of services and they can also learn various things from each other. Most of the workers are suggested to work under the guidance of therapist and doctors so that they can learn more and give their best (Dolea and, 2010). It is the best way through which they can contribute towards the growth and success of HSC. In addition to this, inter professional relationship build a team and reduce a burden of any individuals. They can save their training cost as well as boost the morale of employee to work hard.


From the above report on principle of health and social care it has been founded that social process highly affects the working of HSC up to the greater level of extent. In order to manage the whole performance of care home there are several regulations imposed by government. Further, person centered approach is considered to be the most effective one through which preferences of patients can be effectively taken into consideration.


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  • Csikai, E. L. and Bass, K., 2001. Health care social workers' views of ethical issues, practice, and policy in end-of-life care. Social Work in Health Care. 32(2). pp.1-22.
  • Cutler, T. and Waine, B., 2003. Advancing accountability? The social services “star  ratings. Public Money and Management. 23 (2). pp 125–8.
  • Delbreil, E. and Zvobgo, G., 2013. Wireless sensor technology in dementia care: Caregiver perceptions, technology take-up and business model innovation. EuroMed Journal of Business. 8(1). pp.79 – 97.
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