
Impact of Bullying in Secondary education


Topic: Bullying

Bullying is a situation when an individual or group of people intentionally causes harm or hurt someone who is weaker in comparison to them. It is one of the major issue that generally   seen among school aged children. It affect all the student the victim, person who bully and those who witnessed that incident. It includes physical assaults, threats, verbal, jokes, criticizing, insulting behaviour and facial expression.

Research Questions:

  • What is bullying?
  • What are the impact of bullying in secondary education?
  • How bullying can be reduce from school?
  • Why it is important for schools to study bullying?

 Aims & Objectives:

  • To understand the concept of bullying
  • To identify the impact of bullying in secondary education
  • To determine the ways for reducing bullying in school
  • To understand the importance of study bullying.

Rational of Study:

Bullying is an aggressive behaviour that is generally faced by school aged children which are going through some real or perceived power imbalance. These behaviours are generally repeated among  students who have serious and lasting problem among them. This study is conducted to determine the impact of bullying and its consequences over bully, victim and witnesses. Because bullying is erect in secondary school and left negative impact over students. There are generally two factors that causes bullying in school which are environmental and psychological factor. Another major factor which causes bullying is background of student and their upbringing such as families which are more disciplined and punish over some negative act performed by children. Bullying is also causes in case when children always get permission to do whatever they want especially bad deeds these both cases of upbringing are defective because this leads to lack of internalization of right and correct behaviour.

Bullying left a negative impact over students which resides for longer period of time even after the bullying has stopped. The victim of bullying may get into depression in case when bullying continue for longer period of time. It also affect the mental health of bullied as well as create social and academic problem in their life. This research will help in determining various factors as well as situation which leads to bullying. Apart from this it also help in determining the impact that students have after being a part of bullying. By determining these factors a school will be able to eliminate the causes that lead a student to bully someone. This changes will help in improving the environment of school which teaches students to treat everyone equally and treat in fair manner.

Hence, by conducting this study, researcher will be able to identify the ways to minimize the actions of bullying in future. Bullying causes various problem to victim such as depression, loneliness, anxiety, low self-esteem and increased susceptibility to illness. So by determining the causes behind bullying, school will be able to safe children from any negative event that may disturb their life and career. Apart from this they will be able to provide a better future to students, as a happy and safe student will always be ready to learn more and perform better. This further support school to improve their social goodwill that leads to more admissions within their campus.


Before conducting a research, it is very essential for a researcher to choose an appropriate methodology in order to achieve proper result of study conducted. Research methodology can be defined as an specific procedure or technique which is used to determine, select, process and then analyse the information about selected topic. These are generally two type of methods that can be selected by investigators for carry out research such qualitative and quantitative.

  • Qualitative:-Under this method researcher generally collect and provide detail information about research topic. This will help in determining the underlying reason, motivation and opinion by providing insight of a problem and then develop an hypothesis for potential quantitative research. Current research is based on qualitative method which support researcher to draw up a valid conclusion from study.
  • Quantitative :- Under this method, researcher gather information in numerical form and then uses statistical method or formulas to analyse this data. This support researcher to draw up meaningful and valid conclusion out of research.

Research approach: 

There are various type of research approaches which can be used by researcher in order to form a hypothesis and for executing research in an effective manner. Mainly two type of approaches used to carry out research:

  • Inductive research:-This approach focuses on development of new theory by researcher and information related to main topic is gathered to collect and determine the aspects of research.  
  • Deductive research:-Under this approach, research is based upon hypothesis which is created from available data. It work toward examining the hypothesis so that research can be conducted in an effective manner to achieve desired outcome. This research is based on deductive approach.

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Data collection:-

It is one of the most essential part of research in which data is collected by a researcher for developing a better understanding related to main topic that support in finding out an effective solution. There are two types of data collection method:

  • Primary :- It is defined as the data which is collected by researcher from first hand source through interviews, experiments and interviews.
  • Secondary:- It refer to the data which is collected from studies, survey or experiments that are conducted by some another person or for other research. This research is conducted by using secondary method.   

Importance of study:

This research will be very beneficial as it help in determining the factor that causes or may lead a child to bully someone. So that these factors can be eliminated in near future by improving the school environment. Apart from this research will also suggest about various ways that can be used to eliminate bullying that promote a healthy and safe  school environment to students.

Section 2

Literature review:

  • To understand the concept of bullying

According to …, Bullying is defined as violence among peer in school which affect the development as well as learning-teaching process in adolescents and school aged children. This can be done in various ways i.e. it can be verbal or physical which left a mental as well as emotional impact over victim for longer period of time.  According to...., Bullying is an ongoing misuse of power through repeated verbal, social or physical behaviour that causes psychological harm. There are various reason behind bullying someone is wrong upbringing,  bad deeds, environment, anger, jealousy, aggression, insensitivity.

As per the view point of .., there are certain personality traits that leads to a child to bully someone is that their thought or desire to rule over someone by all mean, jealousy from other peer over their success and aggression. As per the view point of... major factor that causes bullying is lack of social skill which leads to difficulty in managing positive relation with others. This leads student to get irritated and aggressive over others even on small things which make force them to harm other peer either verbally or physically.  

  • To identify the impact of bullying in secondary education

As per the view point of …, bullying have a huge impact over student's performance either in long or short term as by facing these situations students may get depressed which restrict them from being involve in activities performed in school. According to …, bullying affect the student's ability to academically succeed. It has been found that when student feel bullying is a phenomenon in their school then they started feeling unsafe which reflected on less involvement in school community. Hence, they have less motivational factor which can influence them to do well at school and started avoiding classes for keeping themselves away from being victim of bullying.

… found that bullying victim are generally shy, weak and anxious. They state that victims' who get bullied by their peers during school period have less involvement in school and also get poor grades. As per the view point of …, interpersonal relationship within school campus influence the academic achievements. They found that aggression in school left a negative impact over academic achievement as when students get physically or verbally abused they perform less.

  • To determine the ways for reducing bullying in school

According to the view point of …, main reason behind bullying is wrong upbringing and poor child-parent relation which make them more aggressive and they started bullying others. So in order minimize these issues parents a stable home life and good adult environment is very essential because these have direct impact over child's behaviour. As per the view point of.., for minimizing the bullying from school, aggressive child and victims must be focused and they have to give reason over their changing behaviour. But according to …, the best way to eliminate the chance of bullying among students is by creating equal opportunity policies. This help in creating environment where each student will get equal chance of accessing all the activities and each one is treated in same manner by their teachers and other.  

…, summarised that for preventing bullying joint efforts are required among teachers, administrators of school, parents, policy maker and community members. This can be done by organising bullying prevention programme, behavioural modification theories and training. Students must be provide with counselling who are under the risk of being involved in bullying. As per the view point of …, school and home should work collaboratively with counsellor in order to develop a good value and behaviour among students. This will help in avoiding their feeling of being aggressive and jealous which promote a safe environment.

  • To understand the importance of study bullying.

As per the view point of …, by conducting a study over bullying, researcher will be able to explore the environmental as well as psychological factor which encourages bullying in school. Because this will be helpful in understanding the cause of problem, as it determining  a problem is the first step toward solving it. According to …, study of bullying will develop an understanding about why bullying happens in school that will make it easier for parents as well as guardians to help their children from becoming the bully or victim.

Section 3

Professional Debate:

  • Debater 1: Bullying is one of the most commonly found incidents that almost every student faced during his/her school life in which the student who is not much strong being attacked by another with more power either verbally or physically. Under such incidents the bully child feels pleasure by harming someone and the reason behind this behaviour can be their false upbringing or negative behaviour that develop due to poor relation with parents. These situation creates depression, aggression and desire of control other to treat in a same way as they are being treated in their life. This lead such students to misbehave with other peers who have low power as compare to them. On the other hand the child who became victim of this started feeling separated from their peer and usually try to avoid being social or involved in various academic practices. They started skipping classes and always try to identify new excuses to avoid school as well as other class activities because they always live in a fear of being bullied again and again which never let them step out of  depression. This creates an huge impact over their present as well as future because childhood is a phase for developing future and when a student refuse or avoid being involve in educational practices then it became difficult from them for developing an successful career.
  • Debater 2: Bullying incidents left negative impact over the student who are being victim in such event as they have psychological impact which sometime develop a feeling of anxiety before deciding to perform something. But apart from this bullying not always negatively affect the students as when a child have strong self-esteem and fearless nature then instead of avoiding these incidents they started facing them. When these students faced any situation of teasing or comparison they started considering it as a challenge and begins to work over them in order to improve themselves and making them superior then that of bullies. This factor always motivate them to perform something more better then before which never let them become anxious or scared of someone. On the other hand it also left an positive impact over the students who feel pleasure to bully someone as by coming in contact with such children they started getting involve with other and try to maintain positive relation with them.

Peer Discussion

Bulling is said to be one of the most common expression of violence that find between the students due of various reason such as jealousy, aggression, cruelty, desire to control others etc. These incidents creates negative impact over the students in social as well as psychological manner. Bullying is a major problem which affects several people such as bullies, victims, schools, classmates, peers and community at large. Students who become victim of bullying feels anxious among people, refuse to go to school and become unable to concentrate over its study. In addition to this victims also suffer from emotional as well as behavioural problems for longer period of time. In bullying situation, victims always stay in an atmosphere which creates no room for peace and learning never take place in such environment.

Apart from this bullying also affect the bully, as there aggression may ruined their adulthood by developing a nature of criminality, child abuse, marital violence and sexual harassment. This may affect their future as at the time of their childhood they started bullying peers who are studying with them as it give them pleasure. But actually it is occupying their time  that can be used in studies which they directed toward mischief. This leads to failure in academical performance that don't left any room for learning and development which in turn ruined their future and career. But apart from bully and victim, witnessed students also have  an impact by occurrence of such incidents.

The students who became witness of such event also remain in a fear of becoming a victim someday. This lead them to remain away from activities that are performed in school and being active in classrooms. They started finding the excuse to avoid classes or coming in contact with other in order to remain safe from such incidents. This largely affect their academic performance as when students fell unsafe in school they doesn't reflect any involvement toward their educational as well as development process. Hence, they started feeling demotivated and lonely as fear of bullying doesn't lead them socially interact with other. Therefore, in order to keep the students fearless and motivated toward learning it is very essential for school faculty and parents to determine the reason behind changing behaviour of child. They must try to identify the cause behind the aggressive nature of their child. Apart from this teachers should also try to determine the bullying incidents that students are facing and causes behind them. As this help in eliminates happening of such incidents because it creates a negative environment that not only affect the bully and victim but also the students who are viewing such incidents.

Section 4 

By conducting the research over impact of bullying in secondary education I came to know about various strength and weakness that I poses which influence my area of research to a large extent. One of my major strength that I have found from this research is that it was very easier for me to determine the various factor that cause someone to being involve in such practices. I deeply examine each factors that are found from research while searching over internet or by interacting with student. Another strength that I determine during my research is to  convince others to openly communicate about the incidents that they are facing as well as happening in their surroundings. This strength support me up to a great extent as this make it easier for me to communicate with the students and finding out various factors that causes a situation of bullying. It also help in determining the nature as well as emotions that changes the behaviour of student which move a child toward the path of such crime.

Apart from all these strength there are certain weakness that are also determined by me during research which are required to be improve by making changes in my practices. One of the major weakness that is faced by me during research is that by interacting with students I found various factors that causes bullying. But I am not able to determine what are the major factors that must be consider as a reason behind such incidents. So this was the major weakness that I found as I was not able to evaluate my findings properly. But in addition to this another reason  of not properly evaluate my finding is that the time which was provided for research was very limited. Therefore in order to overcome these weaknesses I decided to being more detail oriented in my next research. I will try to properly analyse the data and information collected from my research. This will help me in concluding the result in more accurate and in specific manner. Apart from this by performing deep analysis I will be able to determine various factors that may left while collecting data. This help me in accomplishing my objective in an most appropriate manner.

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  • McVie, S., 2014. The impact of bullying perpetration and victimization on later violence and psychological distress: a study of resilience among a Scottish youth cohort. Journal of school violence, 13(1), pp.39-58.
  • Gualdo, A.M.G., Hunter, S.C., Durkin, K., Arnaiz, P. and Maquilón, J.J., 2015. The emotional impact of cyberbullying: Differences in perceptions and experiences as a function of role. Computers & Education82, pp.228-235.
  • Jones, J.R. and Augustine, S.M., 2015. Creating An Anti-Bullying Culture In Secondary Schools: Characterists to Consider When Constructing Appropriate Anti-Bullying Programs. American Secondary Education43(3).


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