
Different Theories and Methods of Business Communication of Hotel Hilton


  • Unit No: 2
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 8 / Words 1952
  • Paper Type: Assignment
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  • Downloads: 2988
Organization Selected : Hotel Hilton


Communication is the means of exchanging information with each other. This information sharing can be accomplished via verbal or written communication methods. An effective business communication skill involves efficient speaking, listening, presentation as well as teamwork skills. The communication skills helps in achieving business goals by establishing great relationships with customers as well as employees (Powless and Schafer, 2016). The report will enlighten different theories and methods of communication using example of Hotel Hilton which is one of top hospitality industry of UK. Being a hotel industry Hilton requires great communication skill to interact with its target audience. The report will also describe the role of communication within business and management. The report will explain the various factors which influences the communication skills of business.

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1. Learning styles and factors influencing the business communication

There are several factors and learning styles which affects the effectiveness of business communication skills.

  • The learning style used by sender and receivers influence the efficiency of communication skills. Most of the communication skills are developed as per the visual observation and logical understanding. Employees of Hilton communicate with their customers by logically understanding their requirements. (Halavee, Halavee and 2017).
  • Working environment significantly affects the behaviour of an individual. Thus, their communication skills reflects the behaviour in which they work. For example the management staff and kitchen staff of hotel Hilton will have different communication styles.
  • The efficiency of communication skills also depends on kinesthetic approach used in learning. For instance if some employee learn to deliver message by regularly performing interaction. Then this will develop a habit and employee will develop excellent skills with time.
  • The business communication skills also depends on social learning style of the employees. The personality and behaviour of individuals depends on the society they belong and the behaviour and communication they have learnt from the society. With the communication organisation can easily identify the social and cultural background of customers as well as employees.
  • Functional harmony between senders and receivers makes communication more impressive and productive. If sender and receiver shares a functionality then they will easily understand the information shared. But on the other hand if there is no similar functionality then it may happen that they do not understand the terms and technical details of each other. Such communication can be misleading and ineffective.
  • The effectiveness of communication also depends upon positional impact. For instance communication with senior authorities will be more effective as compare to communication with subordinates.
  • Clear understanding of message, technical expertise and experiences always affects the way to interpret the communication message. Apart from these factors the emotional connectivity between senders and receivers will also influence the effectiveness of communication. The employees use auditory learning style for understanding the message by listening it from the superiors. For providing detailed description managers can also use visual tools like presentations or reports so that communication can be made more effective.

2. Theories of business communication

Cultural approach theory: This communication theory explains that communication approach depends on culture of the organisation. Thus, norms and rules of communication will depend on stakeholders of the business. For example hospitality like Hilton requires more verbal communication while e-commerce and retailers will require visual and written modes of communication dominantly. The levels and standards of communication is greatly influenced by the culture of

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