
Corporate Social Responsibility of Dell


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  • Pages: 11 / Words 2764
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CSR is defined as the concept which develops a sense of responsibility and accountability of organisations towards environment and society. According to the latest trends of business, organisations are now focusing on corporate social responsibility (CSR) concept. By implementing CSR within organisational strategies, companies tends to make balance between profits, sustainability and social ethics (Jones Christensen, Mackey and Whetten, 2014). The report will explore the characteristics and future scope of corporate social responsibility. It will also focus on theoretical concepts and avenues used by Dell which is a multinational company dealing in computer technology. The report will provide recommendations for Dell so that it can use its CSR strategies for social and economical welfare.

Company overview: Dell

Dell Inc. was established in February 1984. It deals in computers and involves in development and trading of computer related products and services. It is among largest and most successful organisation in technical field. Being the leading technical corporation Dell launched a plan “ 2020 legacy of good plan” for making a step towards CSR.

1. Characteristic and future scope of CSR

Corporate social responsibility in the context of organisation and nation

Organisations have key role in the economy of nation. The profit and success of the organisation is very much dependent on the stability of society an environment conditions of the geographical location with which organisation have concern. The dramatically changing environmental conditions in the form of natural disasters or the social imbalance in the form of degradation of social ethics or wars both have negative impact on organisation and nation. Hence, organisations have adopted CSR strategy for contributing to society, nation and environment to accomplish the role of organisations as ideal members of nation and society. The CSR concept emphasizes on making business strategies in a way that they not only achieve great profits but are also sustainable with environment and society(McWilliams, 2015).

Characteristics of CSR

Corporate social responsibility consist of six core characteristics which are as below:

  • Voluntary: Organisations themselves find a motivation or cause to implement and understand CSR. For instance Dell has itself analysed that CSR will make their business more impressive by improving organisational relations as well as surrounding environment. However, there are nations which are planning to make CSR mandatory so that climate and the rights of stakeholders can be protected.
  • Beyond Philanthropy: CSR does not involve only welfare of others by means of charity rather it is duty of organisation as citizens. It establishes the public relations which are beneficial for organisation. With social welfare organisation receives advantages of risk management, encouragement to innovations as well as compliance with environmental regulations (Ioannou and Serafeim, 2015).
  • Values and practices: The CSR aims at using competitive technology which not only brings profits but also supports sustainable development. The organisation make efforts to build healthy relations with all stakeholders including employees for ensuring welfare of each and everyone. The innovation is considered as crucial practice for CSR as it greatly depends and vary according to the society and its requirement.
  • Management of externalities: The positive and negative impact of economic aspects of external factors on organisation is known as externalities. For instance the CSR can reduce the cost involved in management of externalities like regulations related to pollutions, toxin leakages or violences.
  • Orientation of multiple stakeholders: CSR concepts also aims at protecting the interests of its customers. Organisations ensure that innovations generates maximum profits to its shareholders. The polices are always framed as per the requirements of customers and suppliers.
  • Economic and social alignment: Corporate social responsibility encourages organisation to make an alignment between social and economic welfare (Pedersen, E.R.G. 2015). The main objective or organisations is to maximize profit but this alignment can provide higher levels of profit to organisation. The better social and economic environment for executing business operations will definitely act as mile stone.

Future scope of CSR

The adaption of CSR by multinational organisations will encourage the small and medium enterprises also to develop sustainable policies and innovations which can address the climate changing issues. Organisations will tend to focus on environment resilience instead of recovery from natural disasters. Organisations will focus more on sensitivity and protection of data to ensure that these data do not disturb the social peace or norms.

Gradually organisations are planning to develop strategies which are sustainable and eliminates the deforming factors like inequality, harassment and injustice from their business practices. The more addressing of environmental concerns will also initiate the innovation and development of new technologies. With rapidly changing climate conditions it will become mandatory for organisations to implement CSR for maintaining not only their existence but also for maintaining the existence of society and environment (Pino, Amatulli and 2016).

2. Theoretical avenues and concepts of CSR

Theoretical avenues: In order to implement the concepts of corporate social responsibility Dell must consider various theoretical avenues. The consideration of these avenues will help organisation to clearly identify the requirements of the society and environment.

Ethical theory of CSR: Organisation must identify the relevant area in which its support is required. It is necessary for the organisation to develop concepts before making strategic plans for CSR. Dell must find out the area of interest which requires the ethical support of the organisation. For instance the organisation is based on computer technologies thus it must have concern related to wastage generated by these electronic waste. Dell can innovate the techniques and products which are easy to recycle and do not contribute to pollution or other related environmental impacts. The ethical consideration in implementation of corporate social responsibilities Dell can give rise to more innovative applications.

Economical avenue: Apart from environment and social concerns organisation also held responsibilities towards shareholders and employees who depends on the success of organisation. Dell must ensure that the CSR concepts it is implementing are not compromising its profit goals. However, most corporate social responsibility concepts keeps a social and economical alignment. Dell is providing the best facilities to its employees and is one of the most profitable industry thus protecting the welfare of its employees and stakeholders (Ruggie, 2017). Dell also supports technical assistance initiatives so that young generation can develop technical skills. With the initiatives supporting CSR organisation cannot compromise with the welfare of its shareholders.

Diversity of Theoretical concepts in CSR:

The theoretical concepts of corporate social responsibility are diversified by number of factors. The structure and values of society, economy of the country and environmental conditions plays key role in diversifying these concepts. For instance there are countries in which pollution is major issue for the environment thus Dell prepares CSR strategies in order to find the alternative solutions of energy resources which minimizes the pollution related concerns. On the other hand there are countries which are not developed in the field of research. In those country's organisation fulfil its corporate social responsibility by supporting research programs in the filed of technology and medical science. Dell can serve its role by initiating training programs in the area which require more technical support (Waddock, 2017.). The concepts of CSR can take diverse form on the basis of political support as well. The organisation can incorporate these concepts by keeping a balance between the economical and ethical benefits. 

3. Strategic approaches used by Dell

Dell had voluntarily adopted the corporate social responsibility towards the community. The organisation has successfully initiated different programs for supporting the society. These welfare programs are not only provided fund by the organisation but also gets technical support from the Dell. The organisation is running these programs over different countries of the world without limiting it to any particular section of the society. The Dell has used following approaches in order to contribute its responsibilities towards society as well as environment.

  • Dell has made strategies to effectively manage the electronic waste which is one of the biggest environmental concern. The organisation has executed take back events in which electronic wastage of computers is collected and recycled to reduce the health impact of pollution due to this wastage. The pollution has been growing cause of trouble for most of the nations. Increasing pollution is creating negative impact on the health of communities. The Dell has made strategic approaches like recycling of electronic wastage, amendments in packaging materials to reduce the severe impacts of pollution (Bianchi, Corvino and Doni, 2016).
  • The organisation is supporting the research based on cancer related care among children. Cancer is among the most rapidly expanding and critical disease. Dell is providing strategic views so that advanced medical trials can be increased and solutions like high performance computers (HPC) are available to everyone easily. The expensive treatment of the disease along with less awareness among communities is major issue for the society. The Dell is supporting the research so that patients specially children can be cure by the disease.
  • Dell is committed to provide advanced technology services to the sections of society which are incapable to afford and access them. For accomplishing this organisation is executing learning labs which are based on solar energy. There are parts of society which are still backward from using the technology. The organisation is working on it so that these useful techniques can be implemented by everyone.
  • Around 657,000 youths are provided support by Dell funded programs in financial year 2015. Since 2014 the organisation has supported 8.2 million youth directly or indirectly. The organisation has provided help to 40% more youth as it was targeted.
  • For encouraging personalise treatment plans Dell is providing funds to an initiative of KIDS cloud. Under this initiative organisation provides a virtual cloud based collaborative portal for analysing data related to characterization of tumours.
  • For providing opportunity to explore the technologies and skills organisation is working in collaboration with around 14 different countries. This initiative of Dell provides fund and technical expertise who can train the young aspirants to develop the technical skills and knowledge (Schwartz, 2017).
  • The organisation supports various employee resource groups. These groups are based on inclusion culture followed by Dell. The organisation provides best working environment to its employees. For ensuring this Dell regulates that no discriminatory activities takes place within organisation and all necessary facilities are available to its employees. With the aim of profit, Dell also focus on gaining employee satisfaction. For the same reason the organisation is considered as one of the best employer. 


For establishing a sustainable model of CSR, Dell must align CSR model with its organisational model. The CSR strategies must be based on the core competencies of organisation. With CSR organisation must recognize and consider those issues which are matter of concern among their customers. The citizenship responsibility related efforts of Dell definitely creates a better brand value and encourages customers to joint the organisation due to noble cause. The CSR strategies must also make employees to be proud on organisation. It will help organisation to retain and attract the most talented human resources within the organisation. The efficient team surely provides the higher productive results. Dell must also analyse its return of invest associated with the efforts of CSR. It will ensure that organisation is effectively fulfilling its duties towards investors and shareholders. This will encourage more support from them towards CSR (Tai and Chuang, 2014).

Recommendations for CSR of Dell to enhance ecological duties

  • To fulfil the citizenship duties towards environment DELL can establish recycling centres in all countries of its operational range. At presently organisation is accomplishing this program in 78 countries but still customers are not much aware about this program of the organisation. Thus, organisation can make promotional activities which will encourage customers to make attempts for recycling electronic waste.
  • Dell can change the packaging materials which are not degradable. Organisation can raise its research to identify packaging material which are not harmful for the ecosystem.
  • Energy emission is also one of the major concern of the ecologist so Dell can implement technologies which reduces the power emission and use renewable sources of energy. Dell can make attempts to find some alternative techniques which can be based on solar energies (McWilliams, 2015).
  • Organisation can transform its entire packaging technology into recyclable based packaging. It can reduce water consumption during processing and green house impact.
  • Within organisation also Dell can promote concept of reuse. It will not only beneficial for environment by reducing resource consumption but will also reduce costs by protecting unnecessary resource utilization.

Recommended CSR for Dell to achieve social welfare

Being a part of the society, it is responsibility of the Dell to contribute in creating a better social environment. The social stability is not only essential for the progress of nation but is also important for organisation to operate without any barriers. Dell can use following CSR strategies for social welfare and benefits:

  • Education and malnutrition is one of the major issues of the societies all over the world. Dell can start the programs which supports the education and nutritional requirements of the deserving people.
  • For developing technical skills and knowledge among young generation organisation can provide training and technology resources so that those who cannot access these facilities can get benefits from the attempts of organisation.
  • In the field of health and medical organisation is currently supporting number of researches. These researches will help not only a particular society but also to the entire world. For better CSR strategies organisation can also help the certain sections of society who are not able to afford the expensive treatment of diseases like cancer, diabetes and kidney related issues (Ni and Van Wart, 2015).

Sustainable CSR strategy for improving employee retention and recruitment

Ecological and social responsibilities of Dell are incomplete and inefficient without the cooperation and support from its employees. To achieve the support from employees organisation can use following strategies to retain skilled and talented employees for long term.

  • The talented employees which will help in gaining profits for the organisation can be retained by the organisation only if Dell is committed to their welfare. Dell must ensure that all employees are provided equal opportunities without discrimination and their comfort is the first priority of the organisation.
  • In social initiatives and all decision making processes employees must be given opportunities to participate. It will create emotional connectivity among them.
  • Dell must support motivational and entertaining sessions for employees so that their efficiency can be increased. Motivation can be in terms of rewards, incentives or appreciations or gift vouchers (Ruggie, 2017).
  • Dell must conduct recruitment drives all over the world so that the most skilled employees can be selected. Regular skill and training sessions can enhance their productivity and participation. 


From the report it can be concluded that it is the high time that organisations must consider their corporate social responsibility along with profit making. CSR strategies are essential for long term sustainability. The report has explained different characteristics of CSR. It has also concluded that various theoretical concepts can be used to enhance the social and ecological responsibilities of the organisation. The report has also explained the CSR strategies for increasing employee retention and recruitment. Thus, it can be concluded that organisations must implement CSR in effective manner so that along with social and environmental benefits it also provides organisation benefits.

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