
Skills For Academic Study


Skills are ability or capacity that are acquired through deliberate, and sustained efforts to smoothly and adaptability to carry out complex activities of study, job function and involving ideas(Putwain, Sander and Larkin, 2013).This report is going to analysis key resources available to facilitate own learning and study with adoption of time management techniques for study planning. Moreover, evaluating note taking techniques with three different academic sources and explaining to avoid plagiarism through correct referencing.


Facilitation of Own Learning and Study


It is essential for learner to assess the resources available to them to facilitate their study and learning. It is an essential practice which must be adopted to effectively enhance the scope of appropriate studying and adequate learning. The various resources, include books, journals internet websites, etc.

Learning Style

However, it is very crucial for a learner to identify their learning style. This would allow them to develop an appropriate learning pattern which would aid them in experiencing better outcomes. To attain this, it is important that questionnaires are formed which would allow an individual to effectively identify their learning style.

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According to the questionnaire, the most effective learning style is reading and writing. It helps individuals in using various reading and writing attributes to effectively learn a certain aspect.

Literature Search

It is an essential practice which helps learners to gain knowledge about a particular topic. This would further broaden the aspects associated with the study. In addition to this, researching from a range of resources enhances the scope of finding more useful information about the subject matter.

The subject which is being researched in the current study is how lifestyle choices can impact on an individual’s health.

Three resources are being chosen for the literature research which are mentioned below:

  • E-Book: This is a book about a certain topic which is available on internet and covers effective information about the same.
  • Journal: It is a recorded written material which has useful information on the topic.
  • Website: This refer to an effective collection of web resources which publish content about different useful topics for knowledge.


This is referred to a practice which is concerned about recording of useful information related to the content. For the topic of impact of lifestyle choices on individual' s health, there are three methods through which notes could be effectively taken to further investigate the subject matter.

These techniques are mentioned below:

Linear: Lifestyle choices have a wide impact on an individual's health, and these choices directly influence the wellness of a being. There are several choices which could further lead to addiction which adversely affect health of a person. Some of these addictions are mentioned below:

Tobacco: While the short-term elasticity of demand of tobacco is -0.04, the long run elasticity is measured to be -0.07.

Gambling: Short term elasticity of gambling is -0.03 while long term is -0.07.

Drinking: Its short term elasticity is measured in terms of immediate consumption, while its long term is measured by death rates due to liver cirrhosis.

Cocaine: Its response is measured in prices. For instance, elasticity for temporary pricing is -0.03. permanent pricing is -0.07 and long run pricing is -1.4.

Evaluation of Learning Style and Note Taking Techniques

Learning Style

Reading/Writing is an effective learning style which helps an individual to learn. A student or even professionals could use this style as it is applicable to every learner. The most effective aspect of the same is that individuals could revisit their read and written material to grasp knowledge about certain subject matter. Moreover, note taking through this style helps in elaborating and explaining contents in detail.

Note Taking Techniques

  • Linear: This technique of not taking is very effective if notes are required to be made which includes sub topics which are important enough to be covered by the learner. It allows to build an effective work frame of important aspects from the literature.
  • Mind Mapping for Flowchart Diagrams: A picture display of information would allow the learner to store the same in their photographic memory. It is an effective way to learn as it allows the learner to creatively segregate certain factors and becomes easy to record and grasp important data.
  • Graphic Organisers: Graphic display of data enables the learner to effectively learn through construction of various methods which could help in learning and analysing quantifiable data. However, it could also be used to present the data effectively in tables, charts, bar graphs, etc. which are presentable and easy to understand.


Thus, it is important for analysing own learning style as it would allow the learner to effectively learn basic concepts, theories and gain appropriate knowledge. In addition,Critical reflection: There are various note taking techniques which must be used and evaluated appropriately to enhance the effect of learning.


Investigation of impact of lifestyle choices on individual's health

Choices of lifestyle effectively has an impact on individual's health. Each choice made by individuals are very much inclined on the kind of wellness which is achieved by an individual.

There are various choices adopted by individual to consume certain things or adopt certain activity which could be harmful for their health (Phelps, 2016). Consumption of these choices has certain health effects which are discussed below:

  • Tobacco: One of the major substance is tobacco which is one of the worse choice for a bad health. It has various risks associated with through and mouth cancer and other lung-related disease due to development of tar in lungs.
  • Gambling: It is another choice which have negative effect on the brain processes. Moreover, this addiction could induce negative health outcomes in relation to blood pressure, heart rate and certain brain functions.
  • Drinking: Long-term effects in health of people who choose to drink are very much negative as there are health outcomes like liver cirrhosis. Its elasticity is measured in context with deaths due to such diseases. However, consuming alcohol could be really grieving and unfavourable for personal health.
  • Cocaine: Another worse choice having negative impact on health is consumption of cocaine. Higher the quantity, more negative are the after effects of the same on health.

Several other choices between different group of people effect the health outcomes in terms of food consumption. There are two types of vegans: health and ethical. There are various choices regarding consumption of basic vegetarian food items which have different impact on individuals.

  • Life expectancy varies in terms of health and ethical vegan. The latter tend to experience higher rate of life expectancy. The reason for the same is because ethical vegans completely follow vegetable diets which have several nutrients absent in non-vegertarian diet.
  • Vitamin and soy supplement consumption is more in ethical vegan's case than in health vegans. This is because health vegans take other supplements like meat and eggs which fulfil their needs for vitamins (Radnitz, Beezhold and DiMatteo, 2015). However, in case of ethical vegans, each individual are dependant on soy supplements and vegetarian food items rich in vitamin.
  • Lastly, Fruit consumption is higher in case of ethical vegan. They tend to eat fruits more frequently than health vegans and thus, it benefits their health in a more positive manner than that of the latter.

There are various diseases like cancer which could be mitigated or fought with through effective life choices. For instance, physical activities have a certain impact on health and is directly related with leading a healthy life. Those individuals who choose to adopt physical activities are likely to be quite healthy throughout their lives than those who don't choose to be fit.

Where dietary habits are concerned, people choosing to include essential elements like vitamins and nutrients are healthier than those eating junk food and tend to remain healthier than other individuals. Lastly, people who adopt smoking as a regular chosen activity remain unhealthy as they are very much exposed to dangerous respiratory diseases. Moreover, people who choose not to smoke remain healthier than other beings.


Plagiarism is the act of taking credit for someone words, ideas and views. It is an act of intellectual dishonesty as well as it comes with serious consequences that violates university honour code that usually cause irreparable damage to a person's reputation. Eventually, plagiarized assignment(Pienaar Barhorst and Twisk , 2014). Herein, not everyone intension is to start out with goal of stealing someone else's work. Many times it is simply result of poor learning and few panicky bad decision. There are some of the procedures to avoid plagiarism are determined below:

Paraphrase: If an individual found information that is perfect in research then read it put in into own words in an appropriate manner. Herein, it must be assured that an individual do not copy verbatim more that two words in a row from the text that has been founded in the content. If it has been used more times that quotation can be marked.

Cite: Cite is one of the most effective ways to avoid plagiarism. This is used by education institution or institution that is issued in research. Moreover, it entails addition of authors and date of publication or similar information.

Quoting: When in plagiarism quoting is a source the quote exactly appear in a way in which written words are expressed. Moreover, a scholar should able to be effective paraphrases most material. Though it is lengthy process but efforts pays off as quoting must be done correctly to avoid plagiarism allegations.

Citing quotes: Citing a quote can be different that citing paraphrased material. This practice usually involves addition of page number or paragraph number in case of web content. In this an individual can avoid plagiarism.

Citing own material: By citing out own material, an individual can use for research paper in their current class, a previous one or any one else that can be citied out. Moreover, addressing out the text as same as someone else wrote it out.

Referencing: Referencing is one of the most important factor that help in avoiding plagiarism by including reference page or number page that has been cited with words that has been taken into consideration(.Wibrowski, Matthews and Kitsantas, 2017). Moreover, the page must meet the documents with formulating that are usually used by educational institution. Furthermore, this information are very specific that includes author, date of publication time and source in this way plagiarism can be avoided.

Use of citation, direct quotation and producing reference list

Citation: A citation is one of the most effective manner that tell readers that certain materials are taken from other source. Moreover, it provide necessary information to a reader such as information about the authors, tittle of the work, name and allocation of books or journals published year etc. Additionally, it have many uses such as it is extremely helpful who wants to find out more about ways it came from. It will also help in taking up rap for someone else ideas, it shows amount of work you have done as well as strength by lending outside support of ideas.

Direct quotation: A direct quotation is one which is adopted by an individual in order to copy an author's words directly from the text for using exact wording in content. Eventually, it have various uses such as giving weight to argument, providing evidence, giving credit those who have knowledge regarding content. Moreover, it is effective in avoiding plagiarism that create image in academic credibility.


Time table is framework that defines the initial starting point and completion of project in an effective manner so that goals and objectives can be fulfilled.




Key resources to facilitate own learning study skills

The resources will help an individual to deal to various topics, enhancing learning skill as well as overcoming issued faced by them.

With the adopting of this an individual is able to have proper knowledge about a particular topic which ultimately add value to it.

2 to 3 months

EBSCO( journals, e book and website)

This will help an individual to gain knowledge from different websites, journals and other online sources.

Moreover, in such a manner an individual can know about various authors, sites and other knowledgeable people that them in gaining knowledge.

1 month

Fact sheet

It will help an individual to know about plagiarism, how to overcome with such effects and make corrective use of it.

1 to 2 months

Critical reflection: With the help online, books, journals and other other sites help me to discover various learning skills and development. It help me to overcome various learning activities in an appropriate manner that help me in adding value in my learning skills. Moreover, it help me adding value in developing study skills by going through various books and journals as well as websites on a particular topic. Herein, mind map help me in improving my critical thinking and creativity, promoting idea generation in groups and individual, help in proving skills and development in an effective manner. Moreover, improving learning and understanding concepts in a particular topic that help me in increasing knowledge in an effective manner. Additionally, flow charts are better way of communication in logic of system in order to concerned or involved. It help me in analysing skills in an effective manner as it help me in reducing cost and waste of time. Moreover, it help me out in implementing activities and task in proper implementation of making things in more efficient manner. It help me operating programs because it make easy with the help of flow chart. Graphic organiser helped me in accessing quick reference while presenting lesson by using proper structure lesson notes in an effective manner that make sense of my learning skills and developing study management skills . It help me in determining and understanding as as adding value what I was reading on a particular topic. Apart from this it also help me in observing and thinking process by have a discussion in class, program and seminars.

Moreover, with the adoption of proper time management help me in maintaining proper schedule the task and activities in an effective manner. It help in improving in managing time in an appropriate manner by knowing its importance, effectiveness as well as usefulness in an appropriate manner. Moreover, fact sheet help me to know about the importance of plagiarism, its use in an applicable manner manner as well as avoid how plagiarism can be avoided. With the help of rephrasing, citation, quoting and referencing I can avoid reducing plagiarism in context of my project or assignment. Moreover, each and every benefit of avoiding plagiarism help in gaining knowledgeable experience and learning methods that help me in developing my skills and experience. Moreover, note making techniques help in generating various topic in which I can gain knowledge such as from class room, lecture note, online classes and many more. With proper note I can analyse what are the important topics that I needs to pay more attention towards it. Apart part from this I can recall what was the importance of each topic that have a different or important value towards it. Thus, learning skills and capabilities help me in developing my skills and knowledge with the adoption of proper time management and other activities. It help in developing my skills with the adoption of various learning styles such as written, oral or by observing different activities and task. Hence, it has been said that learning skills and academics are interconnected with each other.


From the above discussion it has been concluded in today's context skills are ability or capacity that are acquired through deliberate, and sustained efforts to smoothly and adaptability to bring changes in current situation. Moreover, with the help of books, journals and website help an individual to gain knowledge know about authors and different aspects on a particular topic. Additionally, an individual can maintain time management schedule so that each and every activities can be maintained effectively so that the aims and objectives can be attained it an appropriate manner of learning skills. Thus, it has been determined that different learning skills are importance in an individual life.


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  • Ariyanti, A., 2016. Shaping students’ writing skills: The study of fundamental aspects in mastering academic writing. Indonesian Journal of EFL and Linguistics, 1(1), pp.63-77.
  • Burns, T. and Sinfield, S., 2012. Essential study skills: The complete guide to success at university. Sage.
  • Currie, L.K.,, 2012. Life-skills as a predictor of academic success: an exploratory study. Psychological reports.111(1), pp.157-164.
  • Del Río, M.F. and Strasser, K., 2013. Preschool children’s beliefs about gender differences in academic skills. Sex roles, 68(3-4), pp.231-238.
  • Jacobone, V. and Moro, G., 2015. Evaluating the impact of the Erasmus programme: skills and European identity. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 40(2), pp.309-328.
  • Kalberg, J.R., Lane, K. and Lambert, W., 2012. The utility of conflict resolution and study skills interventions with middle school students at risk for antisocial behavior: A methodological illustration. Remedial and Special Education, 33(1), pp.23-38.
  • Paul, J. A., Baker, H. M. and Cochran, J. D., 2012. Effect of online social networking on student academic performance. Computers in Human Behavior. 28(6). pp.2117-2127.
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