
Know About the Seven Different Types of Nouns

01 Nov 2016 8106

We all have used ‘Nouns’ uncountable number of times, but still only a few of us would know about the exact definition and moreover its variants. However, in this blog, you’ll get a full-fledged view of the different types of nouns and what does the word ‘Noun’ actually signify.

Nouns are usually used to signify a particular, place, thing, objects or even ideas. Furthermore, below is the list of different types of nouns that you should have knowledge about. Take a read through the list to learn about them:

Proper nouns

This category of nouns is used to indicate a person, place or thing and always start with capital letters. They can be written in singular or plural forms depending on the context.

For example, ‘Jane’, ‘Christmas’, ‘Perth’ are all proper nouns.

Common nouns

Common nouns do not indicate about a place or a thing specifically and rather signify the general items.

For example, words such as ‘painter’, ‘restaurant’, etc., are common nouns.

Concrete nouns

Under this category, the things that can be at least felt through one of the different senses and are primarily physical entities.

For example, ‘courage’, ‘childhood’, ‘sympathy’ are grouped under concrete nouns.

Abstract nouns

Abstract nouns cannot be sensed unlike concrete nouns and can indicate quality, concept or even an event.

For example, ‘Desire’, ‘Creativity’, etc., are referred to as the abstract nouns.

Countable nouns

As the name suggests, countable nouns are of limited quantity and can be counted easily. These can be in the both the singular or plural form.

For example, ‘toys’, ‘books’, ‘children’, etc.

Non-countable nouns

These nouns do not have a plural form lately and cannot be counted as it is obvious from the term itself.

For example,words like ‘oxygen’, ‘melody’, ‘empathy’ are non-countable nouns.

Collective nouns

Collective nouns denote different entities that can be grouped into one single unit. The entities are generally of the same category of objects.

For example, ‘An army of soldiers’, ‘A gang of thieves’, etc., fall under the category of collective nouns.

Hope we were able to enlighten you about the different aspects of the Nouns. We believe you had a good read!

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