
Tested Techniques to Complete Essays Swiftly! : Part 1

29 Jun 2022 7015
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Essay is one of those academic terms, of which no student, regardless of the education level, would be unaware about. Indeed, it is the term that many students dread; for it is neither a task that requires fewer efforts, nor it is a rare assignment, that students do not have to worry about constantly. It is like a constant acid rain, which no one can actually enjoy. The only way to save oneself from this dreaded phenomenon is either by taking going under a sheltered area or by carrying an umbrella along.

However, it isn’t easy to reach that sole sheltered place, and the only approach to reach there is by quitting the traditional education altogether, for no one can tell you about an academic institute that does not shower its students with essay writing tasks. And since, the idea is completely impracticable the only option left to you is to hire an essay writing service. They have a complete team of academicians and writing experts to do this dreaded task for you and enact the role of a sturdy umbrella. But, since the title promises techniques for completing an essay swiftly, you may not count essay help writing services as one of them. Evidently, it is more of a lifeline than a practicable approach, which doesn’t involve much efforts from your side. So let's keep this super-suggestion for the times of dire need and know about those tested techniques

1. The Spartan System:

Ryan Holiday, an American best-selling author, has devised this technique when he was a student. The inspiration of the technique was as simple as it was profound. It was sourced from the Spartan military idea of war manoeuvre. Whenever the army set out for an attacking or retreating march, the general would organise the entire troop in a rigid formation, which would contain the strongest of the warriors in the front and back, and their supplies and wounded comrades in the centre of the formation. So when an enemy attacks their band, the stronger warrior would simply step out of the formation to defend the entire battalion and as soon as the threat is removed they swiftly come back to fill their places. The key was to keep the formation intact.

The idea can be easily applied to the essay writing task. Consider the introduction part of the essay to be the creator of the formation, and the succeeding and conclusive paragraph to be that group of distinctly strong warriors. They may venture outside when required but without pulling out of the safe square of the entire formation.

2. The common structures:

When it comes to essay writing, there are three common patterns that can give the entire paper an organised outlook.

  • The chronological order (Narratives, process development, etc.)
  • The five W’s and an H (How, when, where, who, what, why)
  • Or, the numbered lists (Top ten products, Five tips, etc.)

These are the typical orders in which most of the essays are written. If you are able to segregate your idea into any of these patterns then you ‘re good to go, otherwise, you need to reform your idea, or it is bound to consume a lot more time then you are willing to spare for the task.

Chronologically ordered essays are mostly of narrative nature. For example, ‘When Mr. X reached the station, he found some inanimate object laying on floor of the platform. First, he decided to have a closer look at the thing, and if the thing still seems suspicious then he would.....”. These types of essays are undoubtedly the most interesting one, both for the reader and the writer, but apparently, these are also the rare ones. The other essay theme that may use the chronological order are the ones that define a specific process. Such essays are usually segregated in some steps like ‘First, it goes there...., Then, it is to be taken..., Next, it should be placed..., finally, it is put...’ .

To be Continued.…

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