
5 Tips to Help You Stand For Yourself

06 Apr 2017 4850
Stand Up For Yourself

Stop letting people walk all over you. You are not a sidewalk.

Being assertive when needed, will make you stronger and give you the power to believe in yourself.

There may be times when you are needed to make little choices or assert yourself in a particular situation. And if you are hesitant to do so, then believe us, you are diminishing your worth. You must have surely come across such situations when your professor scolded you for being late for class (when you weren’t), or a classmate of yours copied your idea, and you couldn’t do anything, the list is endless. These situations make it necessary for you to learn to stand for yourself.

Here we are listing some ways to do that:

Learn to express yourself

When you speak out what’s there in your heart, you feel relieved. Be true and transparent about what you think and never pretend to be happy when you are not. If you do not feel good about something or someone, say it in a manner that sounds appealing to your listeners. When you make yourself heard without being overly defensive, then people will be more open to hearing you. This is the first step towards being assertive.

Deal confidently with every situation

Practice assertiveness in the little things you do. Being assertive is all about asking for what you want. It doesn’t demand to be rude and mean. Stand straight with your head held high. Your body posture should be such that makes you feel confident enough, and your attitude should be reflected in your personality. For example, if you have been cheated upon by a service provider, call them and discuss the issue, rather just being annoyed about it.

Learn to say NO and being selfish at times

There is nothing wrong in being self-centered. You cannot just fill your whole day doing good to others. By the end of the day, you’ll feel that you’ve kept nothing for yourself. You can save yourself from this resentment by learning to say “NO”. Believe us, you won’t sound obstinate by doing so. Rather you would be seen as a strong person who can stand for oneself.

Be firm in what you say

If you are feeling peeved about something, rather than being silent, you should learn to convey your thoughts in a straightforward manner. Your tone of voice should be suggestive, but deliberate.

Fake it for some time

You won’t become an assertive person overnight. You will have to practice it for long. So while you are doing that, imagine that you are the most decisive individual you know. Eventually, you’ll become one.

A little practice can help you strike the perfect balance between being aggressive and assertive. So whenever you feel that your self-esteem is being lowered due to extreme politeness, follow these simple tips to make others realise your real worth.

If you wish to impress your university professor by submitting a flawless academic document, then you can approach us for assistance. We, at Assignment Prime, offer the world-class assignment help services to the scholars residing in Australia. Our in-house team of certified and experienced writers ensures that you score no less than 2:1 grades in your assignment.
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