
The Role of Digital Technology in Shaping Your Cognitive Function

06 Mar 2019 2638
Role of Digital Technology

The revolution that digital technology has brought into our lives is substantial. It has played a vital role in enhancing communication, innovation, and collaboration - all of them are stepping stones to global future. The internet is no more just a tool to find information; it has now become a global meeting place, marketplace, and a workspace through which people can interact and learn about the world. All these factors have made digital technology an indispensable part of today’s world. Those who don’t know what digital technology is, here’s a quick glimpse.

What Is Digital Technology?

Digital technology is that branch of science that is concerned with the designing, creation, and practical use of computerized or digital devices, methods, systems, etc. These devices and applications use information in the form of numeric code. With the help of digital technology, a huge amount of information can be compressed on devices with small storage. Digitization has now made it convenient to store and transport the information and increased the transmission speed as well.

Digital media and technology have changed the way how people communicate, learn, and work. Due to this, students can now have better classroom experience. Digital technology can help them shape their thoughts, learning, ideas, behavior, and social lives. If you have no idea how digital information technology can enhance your skills and brain function, then take a read through the following points highlighted by our experts having certificates in information digital media and technology.

5 Ways in Which Digital Technology Improve Your Cognition

1. Improves Decision-Making Skills

The advancement in digital technology has changed the face of the gaming industry which has further been proved beneficial for cognitive development. Well, video games surely don’t have a good reputation, but a study conducted at Iowa State University found that playing video games can enhance the decision-making skills of a person. It is because a person playing video games, especially first-person shooter games, needs to respond rapidly and make instant decisions.

2. Enhances Visual Skills

The research from Iowa State University also found that playing video games boosts the visual skills of people and make them more detail-oriented. Thus, the improvement in visuospatial attention skills of a person helps in the development of his cognitive function. Another study conducted at the University of Rochester found that playing video games also enable a person to spot the difference between objects in low-lit environments.

3. Motivates to Create and Innovate

The use of digital technology can also boost the creativity of a person and motivate him to do some great innovations too. Author Clay Shirkey highlighted in his book “Cognitive Surplus: Creativity and Generosity” that internet has given an opportunity to students to engage with texts, images, videos, and many other things in a way that was never possible with television. Due to this, they now get more creative ideas to create their own work and share it with others.

4. Provides Access to Abundant Knowledge

When you feed sufficient knowledge to your brain every day, your cognitive function develops. And what else can be a great source other than digital technology to get access to immense knowledge? The internet has made it possible to acquire knowledge of any area. Whatever query you have, just search for it on Google and get endless results.

5. Gives Opportunity for Self-Expression

Self-expression is an amazing way to connect, navigate, and grow with each other. Digital technology has made self-expression more convenient than ever. The various social media platforms that we have today encourage students to share their ideas and talents with the world. Whether it’s poetry, photography, dancing, singing, or a DIY project, they are now more inclined towards expressing themselves.

So, these were a few ways in which digital technology can shape the cognitive function of students. However, we can’t also deny the fact that digital technology has made it difficult for students to devote their attention to their study because they are now more indulged in their smartphone, tablet, and other digital devices. Moreover, studies have shown that playing video games increases impulsive and aggressive behavior. It also leads to attention-related problems.

But, if we teach students how to use digital technology constructively, then it can help them enhance their creativity, innovation, and decision-making skills. If you have no idea how to do it, then here are a few things that you can do to use digital technology in a productive way.

1. Keep Your Phone Aside When Working

A study published in the Journal of the Association of Consumer Research showed that simply having your phone in the same room can consume your mental energy and diminish your cognitive capacity. Even if your phone is switched off, it can distract you. So, whenever you are studying or working on something that needs concentration, then it’s better to keep your phone out of your reach. However, if there’s a need to use your phone or laptop, then you can use apps that block distracting websites, such as SelfControl and AppBlock.

2. Disconnect Yourself from Digital Technology

The dependency of students on digital technology has become indispensable. They can’t imagine a world without their smartphone and other digital devices. But, a digital detox is required if you don’t want digital media and technology to eat up your mental energy. You can do by limiting your usage of smartphone and other digital devices.

3. Check Mails and Catch Up on Social Media at a Specific Time

We get notifications on our smartphones every now an then, and it’s actually difficult to resist ourselves from checking them. But, you need to keep a check on your urge to peek into your phone every time it buzzes. This can be done by setting a specific time for catching up on social media, checking your emails, and texting your friends.

4. Say No to Multitasking

Many students have a habit of checking the newsfeed of their social media pages while having lunch, while working on assignments or while studying for the test. If you too do multiple things at the same, you might feel like you are being productive, but the reality is way different from that. Studies have found that multitasking, especially when it is associated with digital technology, inhibits your growth.

5. Ditch Your Laptop and Write by Hand

Computers are the biggest digital technology examples that have made our lives simpler than ever. However, the use of computers to this extent has made us completely dependent on it. But, this dependency can be reduced by opting for other ways that include less use of digital devices. For instance, if given a choice, write your assignments by hand instead of using a laptop. Writing by hand has been proved beneficial for brainstorming and minimizing distractions.

No matter how you make the use of digital technology, ensure that it doesn’t hinder your performance and affect your cognitive development. Digital technology can do wonders if used in the right way. So, it’s up to you whether to get benefited from it or distracted.

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