
5 Simple Ways in which Students Can Protect Their Environment

21 Mar 2017 6124
Protect Environment

Imagine if the sky wasn’t blue, there were no winters or the earth was full of trash in place of green grass. Isn’t it difficult to think of? But this is exactly what we are planning to leave for our future generations.

The world’s no.1 tennis player Arthur Ashe’s quote, “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” holds much relevance for the students who can act to conserve the environment around them in their little ways.

With regular classes, exams, and assignments, being conscious of the environment isn’t at the top of every college student’s to-do list.

Let’s have a look at a few simple changes in your daily life that can help you in conserving the environment.


As a student, you might surely be using cold drink cans and water bottles. Did you ever think about recycling them? If no, then wake up from the deep slumber and find out the recycling programs running at your university. Be a part of these groups and learn to reuse and recycle things that you use regularly.


Most of the college campuses are designed in a way so that you can walk around while going from one classroom to another. If you have to travel a long distance consider riding a bicycle instead of a motorbike or a car. This way you can help lower the impact of vehicular pollution on the environment.

Say no to plastic bags

Students residing away from their homes are sole in charge of their grocery shopping. You can make your decision when asked “plastic or paper?”. Many grocery stores also offer some discounts if you choose to take a paper bag from them. Isn’t it a wise decision? Go for it.

Use black Google

Yes, you heard it right. You might not be aware of this, but there is an eco-friendly alternative to Google. It is known as, and looks just like the Google with the only difference that it has a black background.

As a college scholar if you are spending a lot of your time on computers and laptops, then try using Blackle as your search engine. It is more energy efficient and can save up to 750-megawatt hours a year by using it for CRT screens.

Go vegetarian

Relax! We are not asking you to give up the non-vegetarian food altogether. Just try expanding your food options so that you can go meatless at least once every week. Researches have revealed that the meat industry contributes to nearly one-fifth of all the greenhouse gas emissions on the earth.

Cutting down on meat will help you in being a part in environment conservation, and it will also aid you in fighting obesity, diabetes and other health issues.

These are just some of the ways in which you can save the environment. Wanna know more?

Connect with our environmental assignment help experts who have a detailed knowledge of all the environment polluting activities and their possible solutions. Assignment Prime offers the best academic writing assistance to the university scholars in almost all the major subjects. Contact our customer support staff if you too need help with your assignments.

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