
Stop Writing Essays the Old Way! Learn Brand New Strategies

29 May 2019 2108
New Essay writing Techniques

As a student, you must have been writing essays since secondary school. The strategies that you used to write essays back then would have got you excellent marks, but they are not going to work when you are writing an essay for a university. You need to upgrade your old school techniques if you want to write an essay that can leave your professor spellbound. So, what are those techniques and how to implement them in essay writing?

Well, academic experts at Assignment Prime have been using some really amazing strategies and techniques to write top-notch essays for long. And this is the reason we could become one of the most trustworthy essay writing help providers in Australia. Students reach to us and ask for writing assistance from us because the techniques that we implement in their essay help them secure sky-high marks.

Since our motive is to help every student get the best grades in their essays and other academic papers, we are sharing some techniques and strategies using which you can make an outstanding essay and fulfill your dream of getting the highest marks among your peers. Let’s get started!

Unique Strategies Used by Experts to Write High-Scoring Essays

Most of the students out there start working on their essays without a proper aim. Whatever information they get on the topic in the one go, they mention it in the essay and submit it to the professor. This approach doesn’t work for them, in fact, it makes them lose precious marks. However, our experts divide the essay writing work into three parts. They take care of each and everything before and after writing the essay.

Before Writing the Essay...

1. Analyze the Topic: Before beginning the work, it is crucial to analyze the topic of your essay. You must explore every aspect of the topic in depth. If your professor has not given you a topic, then choose the one that resonates with your interest.

2. Brainstorm: Now that you have explored the topic enough, you need to do brainstorming as it will help you generate ideas to present the topic with a different perspective. Brainstorming is really important as it helps you come up with out-of-the-box ideas.

3. Do Extensive Research: Once you know the perspective with which you have to present your topic, start collecting relevant data for it. You need to trawl through various sources, such as textbooks, websites, journals, magazines, articles, etc. to gather credible information for your essay.

4. Make an Outline: The information that you have collected is needed to be put in an organized way. For that, you have to make an appropriate outline for the essay. Title Page, Abstract, Acknowledgment, Table of Content, Introduction, Main Body, Conclusion, Bibliography, and Appendices are the important sections that you have to include in the essay. However, they may vary as per your university guidelines.

5. Plan Your Time: After creating the framework, you should not just start putting down the information. You should allocate sufficient time for each section and set mini-deadlines along the way. This will keep your momentum going and make it easier for you to manage the workload.

Bonus Tip: Try to gain as much insight of the topic in the beginning as you can. Always refer to the credible sources to collect the information if you don’t want to lose the credibility of your essay. Most importantly, keep your essay deadline in front of mind as you would not surely want to lose grade or get your essay rejected.

Begin Writing With...

1. An Impactful Introduction: The introduction gives your readers an idea what the whole content is going to talk about. By writing an interesting introduction, you would make it easy for your readers to sketch the background of the work. So, make it as intriguing as you can because it binds the interest of your readers till the end.

2. Solid Arguments: As you write the main body of your essay, make sure that each point has some supporting evidence. You can use statistics or quotes that you gathered during the research to support your argument, or even as something to argue against. Whatever argument that you are presenting, make sure that it has some credibility.

3. A Convincing Conclusion: Conclusion is written to wind up all the arguments and opinions that you have presented in the essay so far. Talk about all the points in the conclusion that you have made in order to help your readers to get the true essence of the essay. The conclusion can shape the perception of the readers towards your essay, so make it as convincing as you can.

Bonus Tip: If you find yourself unable to write, then you need to do things that can get you inspired, such as putting on some music, a change of scenery, writing another section of the essay or just taking a short break. Since you are writing an academic essay, use a neutral and professional tone.

After Writing the Essay...

1. Put It Aside: Once you are done writing the essay, keep it aside for some time. You should not go through the work right after you have completed it as you won’t be able to identify the mistakes properly.

2. Ensure You’ve Answered the Question: After a few hours or one day, go through your essay to make sure that you have answered all the questions correctly. Check for all the arguments and their credibility and ensure that you have done cited all the sources between the text from where you have obtained the information.

3. Check for Grammatical & Spelling Errors: Now check for the mistakes in grammar, spellings, the structure of the sentences, and punctuation. If you find any, then rectify instantly to ensure that your work is flawless. You can use online grammar tools to check you work. However, you shouldn’t rely on them completely.

4. Make the Final Edits: While proofreading the essay, if you feel that something is irrelevant, then don’t be afraid to remove it. Also, if you think that some paragraph or a section is needed to be rewritten, then do it to bring perfection to your work. If necessary, you can ask someone to do this job for you.

5. Do Referencing: And last but not least, do proper referencing in your assignment in the style asked by your professor. Mention all the sources in the bibliography section.

Bonus Tip: Once you are done, check whether everything is on point. Also, check your essay against plagiarism using a trustworthy online tool to get assured that it is completely original.

So, this is how academic experts of Assignment Prime work on every essay to make it stand out. By following these strategies, you will surely be able to compose an excellent essay that would impress your professor. In case you are not able to write the essay on your own, then feel free to ask for essay writing help from us. We will provide you the best writing assistance so that you submit an essay that would score second to none!

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