How to Write SAT Essay ? 4 Steps to Get a Perfect 8/8/8 Score
09 Jul 2019 2337
Even with perfect preparation, writing SAT essay to get perfect 8/8/8 score is a bit challenging task for the students. If you are one of those who get scared by listening to the word ‘SAT Essay,’ then following these 8 steps can be the best move to get a perfect 8/8/8 score in your essay without much stress.
But first, we will see what 8/8/8 score means?
What SAT Essay Score of 8/8/8 Means?
SAT essay score report is divided into three sections- Reading, Analysis, and Writing. Two readers will score your essay separately and assign a score of 1 to 4 for all of the sections. The scores of the readers are then added together.
SAT essay score reports each of these scores on the scale of 2 to 8.
For example: A possible score combination would be 6 Reading/ 7 Analysis/ 6 Writing.
How to Attempt SAT Essay in the Best Way to Get Perfect 8/8/8 Score?
Below are the steps that you can consider when you write SAT essay. We have put together a step-by-step guide for writing an effective SAT essay.You can break down the duration of the essay i.e., 50 minutes and devote it to different activities so that the essay writing is more effective.
Three steps involved in writing the SAT essay are:
Step 1- READING [5-10 minutes]
We suggest you to read straight through the passage without wasting too much time on finding out the details. This works well for the students who are good readers and don’t have trouble getting distracted with the time pressure. If you are a slow reader and get anxious about reading in timed situations, then you can use various strategies.Make a strategy to read the passage, but do not forget to keep an eye on the time so that you do not run out of time for the analyzing and writing stage.
Step 2- ANALYZING and PLANNING [7-12 minutes]
Many students resist planning on the SAT essay because it already feels like there is no time left to read and write. But, SAT essay examiners look for a clear structure i.e., proper introduction, specific event, and conclusion. Do not make the mistake of failing to plan the SAT essay because of the lack of time.
You should remember “failing to plan is planning to fail” is true with the SAT essay also. You can circle, underline or mark the important points from the evidence.
Step 3- WRITING [25-35 minutes]
After you are done with the analysis and planning of the SAT essay, it’s time to start writing. Keep writing until there are 2-3 minutes left from the 50 minutes allotted. It’s your choice to write the paragraph first or write the introduction first. Make sure that you go with the proper structure to write the SAT essay.
To do so, you can make a transition from the introduction and then give enough background to clarify why the example is relevant and do not forget to re-connect it with the thesis. Your SAT essay should end with a conclusion which should mention the author’s argument and the examples used by you to back up your thesis.
Step 4- REVISING [2-3 minutes]
Much like planning on the SAT essay, revision seems unnecessary to most students. But trust us, it will help your score better.
There are two reasons for this:
- Revising helps you fix mistakes in grammar, spellings, structure, etc.
- If you know you’ll revise, you can write much faster because you don’t have to worry about making it perfect.
On the SAT essay, you can cross out words that you don’t want the grader to read. You don’t need to waste time erasing them unless you want to replace them with something else. Rectify all the mistakes and then only draft your essay.
Revising the document always makes it better than you have written before.
These are the steps to draft SAT essay to get a perfect 8/8/8 score. You should be prepared to deliver the best SAT essay and score well. These steps were brought up by the essay writing help experts of Assignment Prime who are well-versed with different types of essays. You can even find amazing tips on descriptive essay writing, Argumentative Essay writing, and many others in our blog section. Consider taking their help in case writing essays seems a beak-breaking task to you.
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