
How to Study Effectively? Best Tips From Experts

10 Jan 2019 4264
How to Study Effectively? Best Tips From Experts

Are you studying hard and still not getting good grades? Are you wondering how to study effectively in a short time? If yes, then it is time to troubleshoot all your problems.

Students want to excel in their studies and therefore, they work day and night to achieve excellent grades. While some students pass the subject with excellent marks, the others question themselves, “Where did they go wrong?” Little do they know that good grades are not about how hard you study but how smartly you study.

Devastated by the result, several questions arise in their mind, such as "How to study effectively?” “How to learn fast?” “How to study effectively for an exam?” etc.

In order to solve the problems of students, experts at Assignment Prime have compiled some of the best study tips that will surely help you achieve the highest grades.

Learn How to Study from the Experts

An excellent academic score is determined by the following three aspects-

  • Your performance in school.
  • Your score in exams and assignments.
  • Your learning skills.

Hence, if you dream of getting good marks, then you have to outperform in each of the above.

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How to Learn Fast?

Are your exams around the corner, and you want to learn your subject faster in a short span of time? If the answer is YES, our experts bring you some of the best hacks on how to learn faster and become a quick learner.

Below are some of the effective study techniques.

Use Diagrams and Flow Charts- According to a psychological study, humans are capable of remembering visuals for a long time rather than written texts. Hence, if possible, try to learn your topic using diagrams, tables, and flow charts. This will also save your time in the long run, as during your exam time, you will only have to revise the visuals rather than reading the complete topic from the book. This is the best way to study a subject.

Prepare Hand Notes- Many students complain that they don't get enough time to learn their subject during exam time. If you have also fallen prey to the same situation, then prepare shorthand notes of the topic you are studying. Doing so will help you memorize things faster and quicker. Use shorthand abbreviation, such as ‘b/w' for between, ‘e.g' for example, etc.

Teach Someone- Teaching is considered one of the toughest jobs in the world, but this tough job can help you develop your learning skills. Yes, you read that right. Let us see how. When you teach someone, your sense organs become active as you are performing an action. It also helps you concentrate on the subject better. You can take the help of your younger siblings or friends to accomplish your task. This will help you memorize the subject quickly.

Take Short Breaks- Don't stress your brain. Learning is a productive skill that can only be achieved with a fresh mind. Therefore, taking small breaks while studying will always work in your favor. In your free time, you can stretch your body or perform breathing exercises to rejuvenate yourself. However, make sure to return to your study as early as possible, and avoid using social media during breaks.

Divide & Conquer- Want to cover a large syllabus within a limited period of time? Follow this approach. Divide your syllabus into smaller parts and learn each of the sub-part separately. This will reduce the burden and will help you focus better.

Following these practices will terminate the questions, "How to learn effectively?” “How to learn quickly?” from your mind.

Moving further, let us discuss some of the effective study tips for exams.

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How to Study For Exams Effectively?

Forthcoming exams bring along with them a lot of pressure and anxiety for the students. To acquire excellent grades in their exams, they ask our experts, “How to study for exams?

Here are the best study tips for exams by our maestros.

Take Proper Sleep- Never compromise with your sleep. Always take a sound sleep before your exam. This will freshen up your mind and help you recall the subject in your exam.

Drink Plenty of Water- To perform well in exams, ensure that your brain is hydrated. Proper supply of oxygen is essential for the faster working of the brain. Drink plenty of water before entering the examination hall.

Eat Wholesome Diet- Stay away from junk food. Instead, fuel your body with nutritious food. Doing so, will maintain your energy level and help you concentrate well on your studies. Fish, almonds, yogurt, etc., are some of the protein-rich edibles.

Group Study- It is one of the best ways to study for an exam. Let our experts tell you how. When you study with your friends, you have an opportunity to clear your doubts quickly and also, you get new and striking ideas related to your subject. It also eases the revision task for you.

Practice Old Exam Papers- Before appearing for an exam, make sure to solve old exam papers. This will help you in two ways-

  1. It will help you to strategize your time according to different sections of the subject.
  2. You will get used to the format of the question paper.

Many great scholars have accepted this approach as the best way to study for exams. So, the next time if any of your friends or siblings ask you, “How to study effectively for an exam?” tell them to follow the above pieces of advice.

Now, let us discuss one of the common questions asked by students to the experts of Assignment Prime, i.e., "How to Be Smart at School?"

How to Be Smart at School?

Schools are the foundation of education. They are the fundamental source of education for the students. Thus, it becomes crucial to stay focus in school for better academic grades.

Below are some of the good study tips on how to study smart in school-

Pay Attention in the Class- Students often do not pay attention in the class which hampers their grades. Focus your mind in class and listen to the teacher carefully. Make sure to revise the topic at home that you are taught in school.

Take Down School Notes- Never fail to prepare school notes. With proper classroom notes, you will never feel a need to prepare separate notes during the exams; saving you ample time to revise your subject properly.

Do Your Homework Regularly- Homework is given to help you revise the topic taught in school. Hence, never miss your homework. This will help you understand the subject better.

Always Be Prepared for the School- Before going to bed, ensure that you are well prepared for school. If your professor is about to start a new topic the next day, make sure to go through the topic once. Organize your books and stationery items after completing your homework.

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Having read so far, you must have learned some of the best study tips to boost your academic career. Hard work and techniques go hand in hand so, make sure you work hard equally to achieve good scores. All the best!

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