Find. Resolve. Learn. Repeat! The Cycle of Correcting Grammatical Errors
13 Sep 2022 1091
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Every student has a grammatical error that they always make no matter what. Some students never put commas in their sentences, and some always forget to capitalize. Grammar is the sole of your writing, and if there are discrepancies in that, the content can never reach its full potential. While a few students learn from the mistakes they make, thousands never cope. Our assignment help experts get hundreds of proofreading requests and to be honest, there are no major mistakes but the ones that are present look so silly that they might just ruin the entire impression of the document. Another downside to this is the fact that those who realize that they are making the mistake have to spend extra time while proofreading as they need to ensure that they remove the issue later. It makes the document better but increases the working time of the document.
If you have been facing the same problem with grammar and want a permanent solution to it then this blog is going to be the best thing for you. In this one, we are going to tell you about the cycle of correction, a three-step process that helps you grasp the errors that bother you and assists you learn from them, on your own!
Before we get started with the cycle, let’s take a look at which grammatical errors are being discussed and how they affect your scorecard, in the next section.
Understanding Common Grammatical Errors & How they Affect a Student?
While everyone has a unique style of writing, the mistakes that they commit are somewhat similar. Grammar is all about being consistent with your writing, making sure that every sentence makes proper sense. A single comma here and there can practically change the entire meaning. The use of prepositions and conjunctions is also an issue for some students. Some of the common mistakes that every individual make are -
- Punctuation Errors
- Spelling Mistakes
- Errors in Tenses
- Inconsistent Active-Passive Voice
- Capitalization Errors
These 5 types of errors always haunt a paper, especially when you write it in hurry, which most of the students do when they are about to reach the deadline. While the students believe that it is not a big deal to have these minor errors in the paper, the professors have a completely different approach.
The assignments are given to test a student's clarity of the concepts and the ability to present them. Professor gives equal importance to both of these aspects, and thus, these small mistakes matter to them. It affects your scorecard by a huge margin as according to the assessor, a document with 0 errors deserves an A+ and the rest of them are all A. You see, a simple error of not capitalizing a noun can degrade the quality of your document. And that is why the experts have introduced the cycle of correction that can help you win the battle against errors.
How does the Cycle of Correction Works? What Tools Should One Use?
Here comes the moment that you have been waiting for. The cycle of correction is the way you can make the best changes and learn from your mistakes. The correction process is divided into three steps -
- Find - the mistake that you make very often. It is really important to know what you are working on. Many errors occur often but only a few of them stick with you. Find those that you are making regularly to work on them.
- Resolve - the error with the help of a tool or a friend. If you have found the mistake that you are committing more often, you need to know how to resolve it. Learn the rules for resolution and try to solve the problems.
- Learn - the solution that you have found on the internet or has been suggested by your friend. This way, the next time you write the same mistake, you can resolve it then and there, and soon you will see that it has become your habit to write correctly and the error is gone!
Repeat this cycle for all the errors one at a time. You can decide according to the fatality of the error and start working on their amends right away.
For the cycle to be successful you first analyze what mistakes do you repeat. As they say, to recover from your illness, you first need to get it diagnosed. And for that, you need a tool that you use regularly. The grammar checker tool can be the best thing for you in such situations.
These tools work according to the tone that you select and the best part is that as soon as you upload the content on it, all the mistakes get highlighted. If there is something that you see more often, those are your mistakes to resolve. Another cool feature is that it automatically corrects the error so that you do not have to look for the solution. You can find the tool on our website and get started with it right now!
It’s Time to End the Terror of Errors! Let the Grammar Checker take the Lead!
Many students find it troublesome to proofread and make changes in the document. That is why these errors stay in the document and the end ruins the quality of your work. If you want a permanent solution to this problem, use our AI-based grammar checker tool that not only shows you your errors but also corrects them accurately.
Our tool, combined with the correction cycle can be a game-changer for your grades. If you feel that it is too much of a task to complete, we have another option for you in-store, Professional proofreaders! Yes, you can simply reach out to the experts in our team and book yourself a proofreader who works at your disposal and brings the document to its finest form!
After all these resources are available to you, having grammatical errors in your documents is not allowed! Make your decision today and end the terror of errors, forever!
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