
7 Tips That Can Help You Create A Good First Impression

13 Sep 2016 4545

You must have heard that ‘First Impression makes the last impression.’ This saying is true to some level, as people do get influenced the first time they meet you. We provided you with some of the essential tips that would help you to make a good first impression.

Read this blog to learn more about the simple tactics that you can incorporate in your personality on a daily basis:

Be on time

Whatever the task is, be at the workplace on time. It is also not advisable to be too early. Hence, you should reach the place sometime before the allotted time. Being on time reflects the quality of discipline and punctuality in you. Thus, you should try to incorporate this quality in your personality.

Stay in the right mindset

If you remain angry and stubborn all the time, then it is the time to change your attitude. You’ll eventually ward off people around you which will hinder your social life. Act according to the situation, and keep yourself focused for most of the time. Relax and take deep breaths if you feel exhausted as it helps you to calm down a bit.


It is a widely known fact that smiling is the best medicine. This also makes you approachable to the people. However, never try to fake a smile as people can easily recognise if it is a pasted one or not. Stay in a good mood when you meet someone at first.

Maintain eye contact

Maintaining an eye contact will project that you are interested in talking to the other person, and this would make them comfortable. This would also help you engage in the conversation.

Stand up straight

Your posture says a lot about you, so don’t be slouchy and have hunched shoulders as this might reflect that you are unconfident. Hence, it is advised to stand straight and relaxed.

Practice Your Handshake

Be firm but strong with your handshake. Prevent shakiness of hands and calm yourself down when you’re meeting a higher authority for the very first time. Practice it regularly to get the grip right.

Respect your peer’s personal space

Gossiping should be highly avoided. If that person makes a mistake, then you should rather take him aside and correct him instead of revealing it in front of others. Respecting the other person is equally important as you do to yourself.

Practicing these tactics will mould the dynamics of your personality. Try to follow these tips on a daily basis and you’ll be surprised by results in a short period of time.

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Hope you had a good time reading the blog!

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