
4 D's Strategy of Time Management to Combat Your Homework!

12 Sep 2022 2556
4 D's Strategy of Time Management


*Buzz* *Buzz* (Alarm rings)

You wake up on a Sunday morning to realize that you have homework due which is to be submitted tomorrow. On the one hand, the clock is striking 8 a.m and yelling the stringent deadline, and on the other hand, you watch your laptop shouting at you to complete your writing task. You quickly close your eyes and pray, "God! Enlighten me with the best homework help tips to finish it faster.”

If this story is relatable to you, then congratulations! Your prayer has been answered. This blog sheds light on 4D’s strategy of time management which will assist you in completing your homework within the deadline. So, without much ado, start scrolling the page!

4D’s of Productivity Strategy to Win Against Time

Do you often struggle to manage time for finishing your work timely? Are you the one who believes that 24 hours in a day isn't sufficient to get your work done? Do you always look for the answer to the question, "What are the 4 D's of time management?" If 'YES' is the answer to all the questions, then the time has come to end your worry once and for all.

The solution to the questions is- Master 4 D’s Time Management- Delete, Delegate, Defer, Do. Yes, you read it write. For a better understanding, let us explain each of D’s one by one.


Sometimes, also referred to as "DROP." The first 'D' illustrates that students should drop all the distractions that act as a hurdle in finishing homework faster. The disturbing elements can be anything; it can be your mobile phone, laptop, social media, Netflix, friends, etc. Scrap everything that you feel is unimportant. Following this approach will obviously make you less stressed, and is sure to save you ample time in the long run. Moreover, do not trash everything from your life. It should be realized that the approach aims to make your life stress-free rather than stressed.

The Pareto Principle (80/20 rule) finds great importance here. According to the rule, 80% of the results come from 20% of causes. Therefore, scrap all the unimportant tasks from your to-do list and get to work.

Remember the golden quote-

"Deciding What Not To Do Is As Important As Deciding What To Do"

                                                - Steve Jobs


Here, comes the next ‘D,’ viz., delegate. This strategy will also prove to be one of the best research techniques to collect information for your homework writing. Well, the reason is simple. After successful implementation of the strategy, you will get ample time in gathering relevant information related to the homework writing task. Now, let us understand the strategy with the help of an illustration.

Suppose you have to complete your homework, and at the same time, your mother asks you to go to the grocery store. Now, what you can do is ask your friend/sibling to do the grocery shopping while you continue doing your homework. In this way, you have performed the delegation. In short, delegation refers to assigning the less important task to others. Doing so will save you plenty of time and lessen the burden on your shoulder. This time management strategy is effective when you are dealing with multiple homework writing tasks.

3. DEFER :

Prioritizing the important task first will shine a light at the end of the tunnel. Okay, let us understand this time management strategy with the help of an example related to homework writing.

The first step towards homework writing is the selection of topic, then comes the other tasks like researching, writing, editing, and proofreading. What you have to do is implement all the processes sequentially. Also, make sure that you are not making plans about other processes when you are struggling with one. For instance, when you are grossed in researching, then do not think about the writing or the formatting style you will follow. In this way, you have prioritized your work, and therefore, reduced the fear of falling prey to procrastination. This homework help tip, when implemented properly, will surely help you to finish the homework 10X faster.

4. DO :

The last D of 4d's strategy of time management refers to 'Do'. But, before explaining the approach, let us have a look at the 2-minute rule given by David Allen. According to this rule, if a task takes less than 2 minutes, then do it right now. For instance, things like analyzing the university guidelines, designing the outline, etc., will take less than two minutes. Another aspect of the rule is that if you are beginning a new habit, then continue it for two minutes. Here, Newton's first law of motion (Inertia) will apply, and you will continue doing it for hours.

Now, comes the time to elaborate on this approach. The homework helpers recommend the students to begin the writing task as soon as it is assigned. Avoid procrastination and develop a “never-saying-dying” attitude before you begin the homework writing task.

All good things must come to an end, and so should this blog. Scrolling so far, you must have known the 4 D's strategy of time management, which will assist you in finishing your homework in no time. However, implementation of this strategy isn't possible overnight. It will take some time to adapt to this effective approach. In the meantime, when you are completely engrossed in adopting this approach, let the experts take care of your homework writing task.

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